What's the best computer that my daughter/wife can play fortnite on?
What's the best computer that my daughter/wife can play fortnite on?
She's already playing on it. What a good father/husband.
If your daughter/wife getting listed on Binance soon?
your daughter/wife is cute i tell you
why is the world so unfair
Just knowing that when I shitpost scat porn on v and knowing your ugly daughter sees it make me giggle for joy.
This is Jow Forums op... Were dangerous people... You can't hang with the wolves here...
Basically just build a gaymen computer like pcbg on this board does all the time.
you have to leave
PS the best is pointless, its fucking fortnite. Popular games can generally just be popular because the midrange machines run them.
I don't know Buraq, depends on your budget
notice the pictures on the walls
I'm calling the cops
anything less than an imac pro means you're a bad father/provider.
this is a shoop right?
Windows XP
kek cute
Someone need to prove it first.
You wifed your daughter?
I hope it is shopped. Allowing her to browse this shithole also doesn't do much good for her development.
it totally is, just saw the same image somewhere else, it has the dad and another kid, and the image on the wall is actually a rick and morty landscape.
based thread
Really cringey when someone wants to sound scary on here, go back to /b/
>Using a botnet as search engine
>Speaking a subhuman language
Just kys already.
>has a problem with her browsing Jow Forums
>doesn't have a problem with her playing fortnite