can we get some love for ESR
ESR tread
Go look at ESR's contributions to open source and then come post the same smelly meme. gnu/toejam and lincuck don't compare
sup eric
can you name them? i only see a gps daemon and some smaller utilities, not some big deal like starting a kernel like "lincuck" did. the cathedral and the bazaar was important but maybe i'm missing something else?
Eric was right.
Why don't Eric and Theo seemingly get along?
They could be the force we need for good.
Like what? Writing a shitty e-mail program and a gps daemon? Writing a misleading essay that claims that free software is designed by just slapping peoples ideas together? Or perhaps helping found the OSI, causing a huge split in the free software community because the FSF wasn't lolbertarian enough for him? Maybe you just like that he helped spread the term "open source", which has really been a boom for companies who use the term "open source" to mislead people into believing that their software respects their freedom?
tl;dr Fuck off ESR, you're cancer
ESR made battleship the console terminal game
Web resources I maintain
For years before open source went mainstream, I was one of the few full-time open-source hackers. I was one of the original GNU contributors back in the mid-1980s, and I've been at it ever since.
This directory contains sources for standalone open-source packages I have either originated or now maintain.
All of this stuff is Unix sources unless explicitly noted otherwise.
Eric Raymond's FAQ collection
When I'm not being a hacker, I'm often a writer. Here are some of the screeds I've uttered over the years.
Open Source and Hacker Anthropology:
"I am your worst nightmare" ESR
thank you. ESR
Balding cock eyed right wing nutjob.
>cuck who managed to get attention for himself with open sores
Nope, he should've been aborted. World would be better off without irrelevant drama queens like him.
I love how the guy gloats about being a ladies' man while looking like a pedophile.
On the other hand, some of his stuff such aa gpsd and reposurgeon are impressive and his takes on open source development quite insightful.
>Go look at ESR's contributions to open source
A 20 year old book
GPS tracking thing
A meme esoteric language for lulz
I can't really stand the man to be honest ( he really is a walking Dunning Kruger syndrome ) but I must disagree with your giant rift theory. He made a compromise that is very reasonable when you look at how to actually let companies make money. I.m more in favour of free software too but the open source software is much,much better than closed source at least.
Typical zoomer who doesn't understand the immense value innon-sexy projects such as a new NTP
Pft, get out esr. No one cares.
Eric is too libertarian for a lot of people in the movement.
>Why don't Eric and Theo seemingly get along?
Theo, while semi-autistic, is very pragmatic.
Eric is a fanatical ideologist that suffer from massive confirmation bias.
Based ESR. CatB bought me in
who is theo?
Our lord and saviour.
Theo De Raadt, he made OpenBSD
>rms: gnu, gcc, gdb, glibc, gnu coreutils, gnu emacs, gpl, .....
>linus: linux, git, microemacs
>esr: ...
What's the context of this pic.
Linux and FOSS conventions and conferences used to be filled with half-ugly turbo sluts tech wannabies that would go ignored on the streets, but fat neckbeard autists would literally drool over.
Pic related, before she became a massive landwhale.
I'd hit it.
Really? This is her now.
>women don't age well
i am shocked
One thing is age, the other thing is shoving your face full of cheeseburgers everyday too.
Leftism doesn't help either.
I take it back, after finding higher res pics it would have taken a few drinks in her younger years to successfully hit.
lmao this mong is begging for money on patreon
he's been completely irrelevant since "muh bazaar"
>Most of you know me for being a uber hacker, a historian,
ethnographer, and game theorist.
>Also, let me casualty remind you of that shitty book I wrote 20 years ago
This guy is a joke.
You'd catch ESR's libertarian moustache aids though.
>*crack* *zip* Aaaah, remember when I wrote that book back in '97, those were the times
ESR is a fucking boomer
Who the fuck is this semen daemon?
I've always thought he looked goofy as fuck. Then I read on his blog he has cerebral palsy, and the world started to make more sense.
Ceren Ercen
Based Theo. Are his cheeks burned with atomic fire?
Pic related is his best work. Worth reading even today.
Homestuck couldn't have helped.
She's been a sysadmin for 25 years, user.
Still, Homestuck makes chicks fat. It makes fat chicks even fatter.
This thread was been a black pill for me. The hatred against ESR is uncalled for.
We all see what we want to see. /g looks and he sees the black pill. He sees hate and fear. You have to look with better eyes than that. SHOW HIM SOME DAMM LOVE GODAMM IT
ESR always manages to make me laugh or smile. I put Rob Pike under him in terms of comedic value, but there's a big gap there.
They both have an art of maintaining attention to convey serious and often technical concepts. A feat more impressive than any of their individual accomplishments imo.
A rare trait, good people.
EBCDIC: /eb´s@·dik/, /eb´see`dik/, /eb´k@·dik/, n. [abbreviation, Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code] An alleged character set used on IBM dinosaurs. It exists in at least six mutually incompatible versions, all featuring such delights as non-contiguous letter sequences and the absence of several ASCII punctuation characters fairly important for modern computer languages (exactly which characters are absent varies according to which version of EBCDIC you're looking at). IBM adapted EBCDIC from punched card code in the early 1960s and promulgated it as a customer-control tactic (see connector conspiracy), spurning the already established ASCII standard. Today, IBM claims to be an open-systems company, but IBM's own description of the EBCDIC variants and how to convert between them is still internally classified top-secret, burn-before-reading. Hackers blanch at the very name of EBCDIC and consider it a manifestation of purest evil.
>An alleged character set
This never fails to get me.
esr is also a sexpert
>Your unassisted cock is going to give her approximately one
>when a man gives you a thorough licking, it's only courteous to return the favor with some hearty fellatio just before he enters you
AS you're reading this, remember is what he looks like. It adds some additional comedic value.
I know he has cerebral palsy, but he's supposed to be into martial arts and shit. How did he get so fat?
Yeah, the Jargon File is pretty good, though the Lisp hackers who wrote the original think he ruined it.
ESR's contribution to fetchmail was some of the worst code ever written. Someone did an analysis of it on OpenBSD's misc mailing list years ago and it averaged one security issue for every 1.3 lines of code.
>Your basic good cunnilingus technique is to lap at her labia and clitoris as if you were licking an ice-cream cone.
>Sensible women will tell you when they're reaching the big-thunderclap final orgasm
>Never underestimate the importance of the post-coital cuddle
his works have been translated into every known tongue in the universe and spread to every corner
code GOD
Have to say that fetchmail and gpsd might be small but they are done right. You can tell this guy would be ashamed to be responsible for bad or shirked public contributions. If only it were more common rather than 8 years of neglect/last patch was a workaround by some desperate user in 2016/LOL don't even consider those auto-built packages
I think the reason is he added a lot of Unix jargon to the original, which was only stuff from MIT/Lisp hackers, and then presents it as one, when in reality they were mutually exclusive cultures and ideologies
Show the Lojban and the Klingon edition, user.
I think Jow Forums underappreciates ESR's nontechnical work, which might be his most important. He did a lot to popularize free sof... open source.