I don't know if here or /sci/ is better for this but I'm a massive brainlet who is about to start school studying...

I don't know if here or /sci/ is better for this but I'm a massive brainlet who is about to start school studying computer science (dad won't let me study anything else) but I know little about computers and I'm very bad at math. (Like I don't know long divison) I cheated through a lot of high school and now here I am terrified that I'm in over my head.

How do into compsci Jow Forums? Are there any comprehensive courses or guides that will help? Is Khan academy good for math? I start school in January so I've got till then to learn as much as I can about computer science and math. Please help, I need as much of it as i can get.

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You'll fit in just right


Pick Engineering, kek

last shameful bump

help pls Jow Forums

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CS math is Mickey Mouse tier so you'll be fine lmao

Imagine being American

>I don't know long division
Please tell me you're joking. But to answer your question, you take remedial classes and study, period. There is no magic trick involved. You don't need to be a programming wiz for the first two classes anyway. Unless you're going to fucking Harvard or MIT, most professors will assume you have little or no experience anyway. If at any point you're struggling in the intro class you are doing something horribly wrong.

Imagine being a yuropoor that thinks CS is hard lmao

Imagine being a 56% Americuck who thinks their public education isn't third world tier

Public education is shit tier but our colleges will always BTFO your shitty yuroshit ones

Imagine being this American

Attached: 1530194455288.jpg (568x543, 176K)

Sorry, this meme has been used unlawfully according the the EU meme laws. You are being fined 50 euros

>being this ignorant
Confirmed American

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so is khan academy useless or what

>but I know little about computers and I'm very bad at math.
good think you're going to school then. You'll learn it all at uni. Take advantage of on campus resources when you don't understand something, talk to professors, talk to other students, use tutoring services provided on campus. You'll be fine, just put in the work.

Depends what you're planning to use it for, it's useful but definitely not a substitute for college despite what self taught cucks tell you

>I'm a massive brainlet
>le epic paypay maymay
checks out.

Here's how you can get a 4.0 gpa
> study
> practice
> study
Congrats, you graduated with a 4.0 gpa and have a job that pays 6 figures lined up already.

>massive brainlet
>dumb frogposter
Sounds about right.

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do you have a license to post those memes?

>I don't know long divison
You usually learn that when you're like 9 years old, so it's not going to be hard to learn for someone old enough to start college. You just need to do it - shouldn't even take that long.

>tfw failed every class first year of college

i had no clue what i was doing
