Yfw freetards got cucked by a tranny in purple hair

>yfw freetards got cucked by a tranny in purple hair

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Never felt so good running Windows 10 that I bought through legitimate means knowing that I financially helped deporting shitskin children back to where they're from. MAGA!


Oh noes, Linus can't rage at his co-workers any more. The sky is falling.

>Code quality above everything else
Trannies need to fuck off and keep their grubby hands off our software. Politics has no place in software

They could have made any code-of-conduct, but instead they use the tranny's, thus empowering him, on purpose.

unironically based

You think the Microsoft HR department doesn't have a code of conduct?
Have you ever had a job?
Enjoy your pajeet-ware.

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>he doesnt know that most of microsofts employees are pajeets
>ironic MAGA

your tears are delicious freetard.

>Good code cannot be written without some autistic nerd raging out on the internet

>A document should not be judged on its content but instead on who wrote it

yeah because microjew is really the shining example of good quality software that respsects our freedom, we should truly follow their lead

BASED microsoft

lol why are we still talking about this?

Post cute trannies


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Pretty sure he didn't say post gross faggots with dirty fingernails posing half clothed for snapchat filters.

>>Good code cannot be written without some autistic nerd raging out on the internet
See the response to libreboot's developer

Based and redpilled

>when a trap is literally flawless so you pull shit out your ass

Don't turn this into a programming socks thread

I can't tell if a purple haired tranny is a step up or a step down from a foot-cheese eating drifter or a buttery smooth faced homo

I'm legit thinking to move back again to windows after that shitshow. I'll just hang around. If thing really goes bad, well bye linux for good.

>literally flawless
Its a young guy pretending to be a girl while posting super whorish pictures online.

His prospects for romance are literally in the negative, heade for fucking suicide within 10 years.

Your shitty online only fetish isn't going to save little billy from his sick obsession with wanting to be a girl.

what's "super whorish" about that pic?

The part where an underage guy wants to post himself online as a girl while not decently clothed.

The fact that you are even asking confirms your degeneracy.

>posts on the korean basetweaving board and calls others degenerates

The most famous transvestite model in the world can't find love.

Suicide rates for transvestites who tried actively dating are literally 100%.

BBC did a documentary on famous trans fashion artists that couldn't get dates and wished they had remained only "gay".

Its basically an irrefutable fact that any tranny faggot posting pictures of himself in drag is going to fucking off himself in record time.

The only negative implication on someone like you is that you are fetishizing what amounts to snuff, (snuff is murder porn). You are jerking off to suicide victims on an irreversible path to absolute destruction.

how is he not "decently clothed"? lmao who's the degenerate here?

>decently clothed
If you wear lip gloss / lipstick / feminine haircut and expose your legs you aren't decently clothed. The degenerates defending behavior like that are actually sick fucks that enjoy watching someone destroy their life.

is that a ftm? looks like any boy with makeup

so, according to you it would be ok if a real girl did it? and it he put on lipstick and shit but didn't show his legs it would be ok too? Weird ideology you got there

Fuck off klaus negers this is now micropenis board Jow Forums

>it would be ok if a real girl did it?

Not according to me, society as a whole encourages it.

>Trannies will all die! My mommy at the BBC told me so!
Eat shit cunt. Trans people usually off themselves because they hear bullshit like that 24/7.

>bullshit like that 24/7.
It isn't bullshit.

Nobody wants to date a transvestite.

Not even the weirdest most fucked up gays.

At best they are an internet fetish for fucked up guy to jerk off to.

Why is it the female-->male trannies that push this SJW bullshit so hard? The male-->female trannies seem to generally be a lot quieter about it.

You forgot the second part. What if that faggot put on lipstick and long hair but took more neutral pics? Would you be ok with it?

>Would you be ok with it?
It isn't about my approval. That is totally irrelevant.

I'm only pointing out that doing tranny shit and posting it online is a horrible abomination and guaranteed grief.

>I personally don't want to fuck trans people therefore no one does

Better than freeloading trannies for sure

>no one does
Actually according to Grindr.

Nobody does.

It was actually in the BBC documentary that transvestites on grindr didn't get dates.

I'm pretty sure one of the employees at a gas station in my town is a guy transitioning to girl. He has a build of a somewhat feminine guy and I think he might have had makeup on. It's rare to see them in the wild. I don't really care though, I'm just there to get gas.

Yes retard. It does matter. Code quality matter more than muh hurry feelings.

>The gay hook up app is for dating

There was a guy with long hair that came into a grocery store I worked at in a dress a few times but stopped because people were so disgusted.

Yfw trannies die too soon

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>Shining example of good quality software
Yes it is. Stop thinking Jow Forums is whole world retard.
>respects our freedumbs

>Microsoft is quality
0.05$ has been deposited into your account

That sounds like hell. I live in a state where people keep to themselves and mind their own fucking business and it's amazing.

>Not wanting to be gawked at by incels
>What are you, a tranny?

>Everyone I don't like is a pajeet shill
Your tears are delicious freetard. Just because it's the 'underdog' doesn't mean it's good. Come back when Gahnoo/Loonix goes back to meritocracy while having 10% of the software support Linux had.

>Come back to me on the botnet

>he doesn't know
Oh you sweet summer child

There is nowhere you can go where people won't look at you in disgust if you go out in public in full drag.

I can only hope you actually have some kind of crippling emotional disability and are larping and don't actually go out in drag.

who cares. they'll all be dead in a few years anyway

Holy shit tripfag fuck off. No one cares if you sneer at everyone that doesn't bring you tendies. Don't shit up the tech board describing it.

yeah, I'm sure w10 relaying literally all information ever about you is the same as an hypothetical backdoor that would be triggered by targeted attacks from the three letters

There are some very convincing traps that could probably fool you but in general yeah if you're some neckbeard in drag you will be getting weird looks. The difference is in other states people would probably pick a fight with them and scream at them, up here they'd probably stare at them for a second and then just ignore it, like you do when you see somebody missing a limb. It catches you off guard and you can't help but stare for a second then you realize you're being rude and you stop.

>Holy shit tripfag fuck off. No one cares if you sneer at everyone that doesn't bring you tendies. Don't shit up the tech board describing it.

Actually the vast minority which is the trannies and tranny apologists like you are shitting up the board. You should fuck off, and very likely will because of the suicide rates.

This entire thread should have been deleted, the board is shitted up by it regardless of whether or not I post in the thread.

>There are some very convincing traps that could probably fool you but in general yeah if you're some neckbeard in drag you will be getting weird looks.

No there aren't.
There are huge faggots like Line Trap that people jerk off to and they end up doing porn and getting surgery while they spiral into depression and eventual suicide.

Welcome to my filter :3

i would rather fuck a qt3.14 boy over a western woman who is extremely expensive both emotionally and financially + i can go to the gym with him

>The people yelling at the trannies aren't shitting up the board
>Muh suicide rate
>Same retard who thinks he's anonymous

>i would rather fuck a qt3.14 boy over a western woman who is extremely expensive both emotionally and financially + i can go to the gym with him
Prove it.

im an incel so i dont even have the balls to ask out people
its a very painfull way to live at times, but its the only way i know how
its also very nice to see people using the word to conflate with women hating instead of mental disease that it is

Do you honestly think the transvestite sucide rate is something you can dismiss offhand?

If you really cared about transvestites you wouldn't ignore the suffering and humiliation they endure.

It just proves you are a sick fuck only in it for the sexual gratification.

Nobody asked your pozzed opinion.

>People only transition for my sexual gratification, not because of years of dysphoria and shame about their bodies

Its called being a virgin.

Its perfectly fucking normal, and it doesn't give you a free pass to pretend your weird fantasy bullshit while you were jerking off is something you would really act on.

Some stupid bitch pecking you on the cheek is all it will take for you to drop any of this stupid shit you are going on about.

Transitioning isn't real.

You are talking about roleplay and crossdressing maybe with surgery in severe cases.

Fuck off dumbass

user i've had sex before
i hate talking and interacting with women, please dont tell me you think guys lose a virginity like a woman does; for a man its 100% mental

>Fuck off dumbass
Admit its pure fetish shit. You aren't doing anyone any favors by pretending it isn't. You are a sick fuck.

Dude if you have had sex and you hate talking with women what in the holy fuck makes you think interacting with a motherfucking tranny would be any better?


Which is why I posted the picture

>People transition because my dick tells them too, not because they want too

No, never said a tranny
But a guy who is feminine is fine

>But a guy who is feminine is fine
So a normal gay.

Hit a nerve, tranny?

Wow tripfag was so cancerous the whole thread got filtered. Honestly mods should just kill it at this point and ban this faggot for shitposting.

Attached: tripfag ruins thread.png (657x1236, 139K)

Stop posting tripfag

no, gay guys are usually too masculine while a feminine dude can exhibit womanly features without having to be a woman

If trannies are just men, why won't mods let me post their breasts in blue board?

Attached: thinkingAkari.png (265x265, 104K)

>gay guys are usually too masculine
Only if you are comparing them with transvestites.

Gay guys are super feminine.

Take that back

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>gay guys are super feminine
no they arent, unless you are talking about gay minorities
gay white feminine guys are much harder to find

>gay minorities
There are no gay majorities so...

are you retarded ?
i ment gays who arent white

>doesn't realize they're referring to not white gay people
You have to go back

Damn, you sure really looked hard at that trap pic and made sure you never missed any detail, didn't you?
How does it feel to be a closet faggot in denial?

Are you guys seriously arguing that non-white gays are more feminine?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Dirty nails is actually extremely common in people who have mental disabilities. I have spent a lot of time working with people in Sweedish and in western state hospitals.

These trannies exhibit a lot of the symptoms I recognize but nobody wants to help them, the system rejects their diagnosis and they end up on their own.

>Are you guys seriously arguing that non-white gays are more feminine?
no, im saying is i dont want to date a faggot shitskin

Transgendered are misogynists who try reduce female to a feeling. How would a not-female know what it is to be female? 5% of female prisoners in UK are in prison for sex offences. 44% of trans"Female" prisoners in UK are in prison for sex offences.
Not very "female" of them. (Because they aren't)

Yeah good observation
>glossy lips
>barely clothed (legs)
Looks like you are totally into traps, faggot.

>Jow Forums cucks itself


>Not wanting to date black guys
Look at this faggot

The nails were pretty much the only proof I needed.

The lip gloss and bare legs were just delusional larping fueled by the sexual gratification of deviant fucks like yourself.

i have a black friend (incidentally he is a fag)
dont wan to be mean, but non whites (who arent east-asians) are almost always unclean or atleast have a smell/look dirty