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Trump will try to shut down states rights and Jow Forums will defend that.
Link or didn't happen.
and the DOJ has already filed a lawsuit against the state of California
I thought the ghastly spectre of the free market had been banished for good? How can this be?
America doesn't have a free market. Corporations already bought out congress so they can have exclusive rights limited to 2-3 companies.
>Jow Forums unironically likes trump
/ptg/ is still the most active general on Jow Forums and when that new NSA director was found out to have ties to israel, the board decided to call anyone who was against him a shill.
Anyone heard of Netradar app?
Map with providers:
Aren't leaving regulations up to the individual states a major part of the Republican platform? Wasn't that partly the argument for abolishing Title II in the first place?
>The state that host Facebook and Google is trying to prevent big corporations from being charged by ISPs
Woha so brave
>regulations and ignoring the federal government are a good thing
more like California acting like the selfish brat it is and the DOJ is getting sick of their shit
The federal government was intended to keep the country as a whole protected through a military and to ensure anything that happens across state lines isn't a disruption to other states. That's it. Everything else should be left up to the states.
Seems to sell well on republican adverts over the past few decades doesn't mr. Trump chumper?
>now acting like lolbertarianism is acceptable
jesus, what utter hypocrisy, the Federal government's main point is to also regukate inter-state commerce, this is quite literally inter-state commerce
see above
Jow Forums doesn't care about commiefornians.
They should just tell them no, and tell them to get fucked if they don't like it. If they don't comply then shut off their government gibs and let all the Mexicans there tear shit up.
>Aren't leaving regulations up to the individual states a major part of the Republican platform?
Lmao, maybe 20 years ago.
>They should just tell them no, and tell them to get fucked if they don't like it. If they don't comply then shut off their government gibs and let all the Mexicans there tear shit up.
optics, apparently, are more important especially considering the midterms are coming up
they're giving them a fair day in court instead of just blatantly shutting them down
Remember also when the federal government also used to bust trusts to promote competition?
>optics, apparently, are more important especially considering the midterms are coming up
Well this is bad optics. Either the federal government is the final authority or they aren't, and there's no two ways about it. Showing weakness won't help them at all. It'll do the opposite. Everyone likes strong and decisive leadership, not wishy washy fools who use legalism as an excuse to beat around the bush.
Should you contribute to filling this map?
He could suck 'Bibi' Netanyahu's dick on national TV in the Rose Garden while George Soros fucks him in the ass and Jow Forums would still support Trump because he "owns the libs."
you mean the two times? remember when the media said Microsoft was going to get trust busted in the 90s and that literally never happened? remember when you hypocrites used to be against wall street but got duped into ditching that and justsupporting the progressive stack?
You are retarded