Suspect pedophile forced by FPI to unlock his iPhone using FaceID for posessing and sharing child pornography on his phone and or computer.
Why aren't you using passwords on your phone and computers to protect your data against this type of situation?
Biometrycucks BTFO
>literally put a phone next to his face
>apple pedo got fucked
and the world keeps turning
Jow Forums is obviously shocked that their fap folder is suspect on their new phagphone
Anybody who uses anything else than a character password as a necessity retarded.
>Why aren't you using passwords on your phone
>Why aren't you using passwords on your phone and computers to protect your data against this type of situation?
Because I'm not a pedophile
this. the law says they cant force you to reveal what you know (although obviously thats been proven wrong too which is bullshit and another discussion to have), but theres nothing against forcing you to prove who you are
any smart criminal knows this and uses only passwords...then again it doesnt matter either because they can just drug you can hit you with a wrench until you spill the beans (see relevant xkcd)
if you use biometry without also requiring a password you are literally retarded
What if after whole drugging and hitting with a wrech I'll be able to prove they did exactly that to get password from me?
Drug tests exist and being hit with a wrench is sure to leave fresh marks.
>protect your data against this type of situation
Yes officer, this post right here
Which is a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment and would be easily reversed if it ever went to the Supreme Court.
Already am, but not because I've got anything to hide but because the touch ID on my iPhone is dog shit. Only works ~50% of the time, and I have to spam click the home button just to open the damn thing when the fingerprint sensor refuses to work. Really pisses me off that Apple removed the "slide to unlock" thing
You deserve to be caught if you are dumb enough to store this stuff on a iPhone and have face ID enabled.
Press the power button and volume down button for two seconds and your phone is locked down and you can also enable to only unlock the phone if you look at it, just close your eyes or look away and after five tries you'll need to enter your code anyways.
Biometric isn't the alternative to a password it's the alternative to no password.
iPhon Xcrement user got fucked but
>people are dumb enough to the point that they believe it would be any different if he had a PIN password on his phone
The police can force you to unlock it anyways. Keeping shady stuff on your phone is retarded.
Now you are
I don’t remember my password.
With face id, what happens if you get a black eye? Is there a password backup to fall back on?
How is it any different than keeping it on any other kind of device in terms of someone forcing you to use your password? I don't understand the reasoning behind this statement?
> Cop points phone at your face
> "is this your cellphone sir?"
> It unlocks
> yes sir
> Ok we will look through it hope you don't mind
I don't even know why they asked him to unlock it
Just point it at his face
maybe they wanted to be polite
>Why aren't you using passwords on your phone and computers to protect your data against this type of situation?
because if you're a pedophile i don't give a fuck about your rights
>people only just now realizing that biometrics are only secure if you are separated from the device
iPedos btfo
>someone stole my iphone x vlog
>person whole stole iphone pointed faceid camera at high resolution photo of user
>not bait am in
even apple showed an example that, a piece of paper had the iphone fail to recognize the persons face, on a piece of paper, honestly its easy enough to at least show onto a projector and it would probably would've worked
>using a password on your phone as a countermeasure to theft makes you a pedophile
The absolute state of Jow Forums.
>using a password on your phone as a countermeasure to theft makes you a pedophile
The absolute state of Jow Forums.