I only use facebook to sell stuff and browse hell groups occasionally, using a made up identity of course, but 3 weeks ago they started asking me to use my *real* name and picture, and 2 weeks ago they banned me from logging in until I submit proof of my name, I submitted modified docs from group 2 but it's been a week now and I haven't been un-banned. What do they really do with that uploaded stuff? Do they really verify them?
>inb4 there's no craiglist here, only real way to sell is facebook
Facebook REQUIRES you to use a real identity
>using faecesbook
go away retarded normie scum
stop samefagging
>sell stuff
What about Amazon, Ebay and Etsy?
>There are 5 posters in this thread.
I have a fake account that works just fine. Sounds like a you problem or they suspect you are a bot account.
I wouldn't count on getting your account back, it's kinda easy for them to auto check if you have a fake pic.
Best chance is creating a new account, but use a diff IP, otherwise they'll likely autoban you.
>t. newfag
just kys mah man, you wont need facesbook once your dead
I am not a wholesaler, the stuff I sell is in the $10, but the client usually wants to see it in person. I have tried it but the people here really don't know better
Yeah, that's probably why. It's not like they don't know who I am though, since I have another account for an app we are developing and in the past days I was alternating back and forth between them
It was not a fake pic, though, it was literally a picture of wall-e lmao, with a made up name, the problem is that selling groups in my area are almost all locked and it takes time to get in them, otherwise I wouldn't care less about this account. Or facebook, for that matter
kys my man
So don't use it. Seems pretty god damned straight forward.
I've sold a boat and motorcycle on Facebook and recently bought an rv from someone off facebook. Those aren't really things that you buy from Amazon or Etsy. You can buy/sell vehicles on eBay but most people prefer a service like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for things like that.
Lmao your brain is so set on reading blogs that you interpret the post as one. I'm asking about what they do with the info, I'm not even ranting about why I got banned or how to get it back. I'm just curious.
its just a ploy to force people to put real data but if you ignore it eventually they let you in again.
Same does google with phone verification
had this happen, trrust me, it's for the better you wean yourself off of goybook. you'll get used to it in 2 weeks.
>deleted fagbook back in 2009 and never really had any real info on it in the first place
I ignored it but after a week I couldn't even sign in, I sent fake scans though, I don't think a real person is actually there looking at the photos and making calls to confirm the info
Well, I actually don't care much about the "real" use of facebook, it's just that it was my real secondary source of income and people didn't seem to care about buying stuff from wall-e with a weeb name lol, dunno why facebook makes such a big deal about it
>mfw never signed up to facebook/twitter or any social media ever so no data on me or my pics are out there on the internet.
real niggas got a fake id on facebook just to troll
Same, but I am worried someone my impersonate me.
I fell for the meme and am cucked now, best I can do is
If anyone has your phone number then they know pretty much everyhtign about you already. Also they liste to all the conversations you have with the people who have hteir spyware enabled
>made a Facebook account 8 years ago
>never did anything with it
>last year I signed into it and deleted it
>it was not deleted
>they then claimed they the account was hacked by someone in Iran and that I needed to send them photo identification
>send them a screenshot of the confirmation to delete
>they reply back that it isn't ID
>tell them to delete the fucking account
>they dont
>not even sure if the account is locked
trolled epic style
It still fucking amazes me that so many people still use facebook after all the evidence of selling data. It seems like so many "normal" people literally can't live without reading their freinds facebook posts every 10 mins, you see anyone at college/work just starring at their fucking phones during lunch break. What would it actually take to stop them using it? A new social media site? Then we end up with facebook becoming the next myspace.
it won't work anymore if somebody reports it as "fake name". I had something like this happen to me because I made fun of a moron in some comments
>use facebook to sell stuff
There's your problem.
I envy you.
Unironcally great way to sell items
I couldn't care less about muh friends and that shit, but people fear having to input their cc data to buy online and craigslist isn't a thing here also, so facebook is really the only way to go
I really doubt that you can only sell stuff through Facebook. You should try searching if you have OLX in your country, or something similar to it.
>but the client usually wants to see it in person
You could use Amazon / Ebay only to promote your ad, than arrange a meet in person with the potential buyer so he can see it in person. This is the way OLX mainly works in my country. Also they have a check on delivery system, so if you don't get what you ordered you can send it back immediately.
>but the client usually wants to see it in person
People here can't be bothered to use anything else, and I guess the main appeal of facebook is that the arrangement is always personal, hence my statement.
I'm sorry but you live in a shitty country if people there are so dependent on facebook, and don't use anything else, even for buying stuff. Also, the fact that in 2018 people still don't trust completely services like Amazon, Ebay (regarding only the fact that it's not like everyone there is a scammer, cause in terms of privacy, I don't trust them either).
Yep, I completely agree with you.
If you are from EU then you can request a full account deletion and they will have to comply. Just say that you are a European citizen and they are to follow European laws.
>What do they really do with that uploaded stuff?
They sell it to advertisers.
This was a story about a week ago.
Yeah, but I was wondering if an actual person was reviewing those scans, and if they cared enough to validate them? what else do they do other than just use them to profile people
The advertisers want proof they are paying for ads that go to real people.
So they will check the data - probably just random samples though.