/ps1g/ PS1 general

I wanna see your riced our PS1 variable Jow Forums. Share 'em and post your PS1 string with them, here's mine.

PS1=" ${blue}\w${white} ->${reset} "

Attached: 2018-10-01-213854_265x92_scrot.png (265x92, 6K)

Is somewhat difficult to tell what your PS1 looks like when these stupid party hats keep filling the screen

There we go

Attached: 2018-10-01-214439_262x212_scrot.png (262x212, 8K)

PS1="C:\\Users\\\user\\\\${blue}\w${reset}> "

I hope this thread takes off

Attached: 2018-10-01-214943_291x157_scrot.png (291x157, 7K)

This thread made me sad.


zsh + antibody + powerlevel9k

Attached: Screenshot_20181001_215829.png (252x71, 13K)

PS1=$'\n\e[37;1m$USER\e[0m@$(hostname -s) \e[37;1m$PWD \n\e[32m$ \e[0m'

Attached: ps1.png (235x251, 13K)

Hi anons, looking good.
I never could get used to the two line PS1, looks really off when I'm actually using it.

Then you'll enjoy this even more

Attached: Screenshot_20181001_220700.png (162x129, 6K)


Attached: xxxxxxxx.png (315x217, 3K)

Works very nice and it is very pretty

Made by a friend of mine (does not work on bash, only on mksh)

[ `id -u` = '0' ] && PS1='[$PWD] # > ' || PS1='[$PWD] $ > '

Attached: 2018-10-01-195536_116x20_scrot-thumb.png (116x20, 3K)

Oi caio, tudobeim?

powerline is bloat

Attached: 1536620668856.png (496x107, 2K)

Attached: IMG_20181002_010047.jpg (1080x298, 55K)

Customizing PS1 is bullshit. People who do real work use whatever comes by default.

Why does everything have to be a general? I've never seen this thread before. And stop putting slashes around it. It's not a board.

At least a \n before the $ is needed, if you want a clean line for commands

You gotta really have a lot of work to do for not having time to customize one line

Are you from India?

PS1= '\u@\h:\w\$ '

Attached: ps1.png (171x17, 1K)


PS1='$(__git_ps1 "['"$__BRANCH"'%s'"$__RESET"']")['"$__DIRECTORY"'\W'"$__RESET"']λ '

Attached: Selection_001.png (208x24, 2K)

I still can't figure out what some of the symbols mean, and I have trawled through the docs..
The extra info is nice, though.