Lets have ourselves a good ole fashioned job thread
>job title >what part of the country you work in >salary (or range if you're paranoid) >experience before being hired, such as cs degree, bootcamp cuck, self taught >do you like it or does it crush your soul >advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry
I work in digital marketing for a company in a big city. The pay is way too much for how little I do and I fucking absolutely detest this work, but I desperately needed work at the time.
Trying to save money, pay off old debts, and get back to school for pharmacology.
Levi Brown
>Bookkeeper and IT Specialist >Northern Commiefornia >24k a year (I work part time and attend uni full time) >Safeway and college >Bookkeeping bores the almighty hell out of me but when I'm allowed the time for IT projects I'm paid to teach myself/research tech related stuff and deploy technology in a work environment which IMO is the most valueable thing from the job, active experience with project management and technology deployment in a professional environment. >Breaking into any industry is as simple as getting hired at a local company by using inter/intra-personal skills and moving to a bigger company after a year
I'll be 20 in January
Luke Baker
what does a digital marketing person do? what was your degree in?
James Powell
>job title >what part of the country you work in >salary (or range if you're paranoid) >experience before being hired, such as cs degree, bootcamp cuck, self taught >do you like it or does it crush your soul >advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry
- Solar Array installer - Missouri/Illinois region based out of St. Louis. United States. - I make $15 an hour, that's the starting wage. - I didn't have any experience working as an electrician. They liked my progressive attitude and my construction experience, which I've learned from my father. - I love this job. I'm working 55-60 hours a week and I love the constant change of environment, the driving, the innovation, the light duty work, the requirements from all angles, and the extremely progressive attitude of the company. - Tell the truth, educate yourself about the environment, demonstrate progressive conservative actions, and be willing to give 150%.
> Lead Web Developer because they let me pick it >EST >$50K >none, self taught, BA degree >crushes soul >do side projects
James Barnes
>Maintainer Trainee >NW Ohio >70k/yr now 80-90k/yr after promotion/raises >worked in a shitty factory for 7+ years, know how to use tools >pretty fulfilling work, easy money most of the time, good co-workers >dunno, place is pretty insular. I got in by contact-nepotism.
Brayden Carter
It's a mix of ad campaign stuff, helping optimize 3rd party eCommerce listings (eBay, Amazon), graphic design, some light Google Analytics, and SEO.
It's the easiest shit in the world and I guarantee it's a job market that won't exist in ten years. I feel like it's only so highly paid now because so few people in higher up positions understand digital marketing.
My degree is in chemistry, lol.
Jason Gray
>job title web developer >what part of the country you work in SA shithole >salary (or range if you're paranoid) 12k >experience before being hired, such as cs degree, bootcamp cuck, self taught technician's degree, first job >do you like it or does it crush your soul want to kill myself everyday >advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry don't, learn a trade
John Edwards
>They liked my progressive attitude
if i virtue signal in an interview will it actually help?
Ayden Torres
>Embedded Sofware Developer >Mountain west >75k >self taught, had 3 years experience before this job >The company is run by dipshits, but the work is enjoyable >just have a passion for things and be sure to improve your abilities every day. I've been writinf code this for over half my life now
Connor Taylor
>>Mountain west k
how does it feel to be living the life
Jackson Russell
>job title Navy cryptologic technician >what part of the country you work in Virginia >salary 50,000 >experience before being hired, such as cs degree, bootcamp cuck, self taught High school and about 2 years of training >do you like it or does it crush your soul I love my job hate the military >advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry Ain't hard test well and be eligible for clearance.
Luke Kelly
>Software engineer (firmware) >flyoverland, cost of living is almost exactly the USA average >slightly over 48k a year, been here for 2 years >CompE BS degree, no experience aside from being a TA for a year for an intro to C programming class in college >hate almost everything about it, except the people I work with, and even then they're just "okay" >don't do embedded, people saying it's a good job because there's less people willing to do it are memeing
Chase Morales
I very much like it out here. Feels good to do what I do and live in a relatively small town
Gavin Sanders
IT Technician Canada (Ont) 65k Its not as soul crushing as the lesser paid IT job I had before, but not nearly as good as the R&D hardware job I had at RIM :( Advice: shoot for something better, or maybe if you really want to stay in IT, consider pen testing and "IT Security", which is the latest meme.
Jordan Hernandez
>embedded software co-op >midwest >$20/hour >electrical engineering major, programming is a hobby for me >i like it, my soul is crushed either way for reasons unrelated to my job >fake it till you make it
Jonathan Morris
if somebody has looked at shota/loli porn will they pass military background check? asking for a friend
Zachary Ross
Yes, we all have shota/loli porn collections here. You might even get a promotion if you share yours with your commanding officer.
>software engineer >west coast >~180k >comp. eng. degree >It's fun. I do my 40hrs and go home to chill. >Work hard before you leave school.
Jonathan Cook
I'm doing an embedded job as my first as a EE out of college. It's been a year and I'm just not feeling like I'm using my degree well. What's a good place to move from embedded into that I can leverage my work experience so far.
>Infenion a shit
Matthew Ross
What kind of software?
Juan Evans
I wish it was embedded but the pay for that just ain't the same. It's systems engineering stuff.
Cameron Sanders
>Information Security Analyst
>LCOL Southeast USA
>IS degree fresh out of college
>It's pretty great for a first job. Lots of freedom since it's a developing team.
>Study a ton on your own. My degree didn't teach me much. Infosec is hard to break into fresh out of college.
And to add I could have been making $65k fresh out if I wouldn't have been tied down with my SO.
Henry Rivera
>five guys >utah >literally NOTHING >mcdonalds >what do you think >don't
Blake Walker
What do you mean by "systems"? Operating systems? Also what kind of skills do you need to get the kind of job you have?
Lucas Robinson
please gib srs answer. nothing downloaded on my HDD
You just need to be good at shitting out leetcode answers.
James Baker
should i give up on expecting to hear back if i don't hear back after two weeks?
Gavin Cook
>Head of Production >Production >$370 a week >5 years of being a grunt >crushes my soul >not in the industry, just working in a factory.
Andrew Wood
If I wanted to get into that kind of work, should I learn OpenGL or Vulkan? Also what kinds of portfolio projects do people hiring for graphics programming jobs like to see?
Robert Jenkins
>demonstrate progressive conservative actions I don't understand what you mean by this.
Jacob White
You'll look smarter if you make interesting projects in Vulkan, try not to focus on video games though, you'll get distracted.
Maybe look into getting involved in demoscenes as well.
Another good (easier) option is to just be a good generalist, get into large company, then internal transfer into graphics.
Joseph Evans
Hire minorities but only if they're Christian and oppose abortion
Lucas Price
>Print and Marketing Associate >America's penis >$9/hr >retailcuck >advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry Don't get trapped
I fell for get a Masters in Bio meme, but I expect it will turn out OK as I've accumulated years of experience teaching, am good at it, and enjoy it, but for some reason never really feel like I'm doing work, like people (some with higher salary) in other jobs report how exhausting/boring/shit/etc it is.
and I'll get a good enough salary out of it with months of vacation and retirement.
I honestly don't know if I regret it, just because it looks like it will turn out OK for me, but I'm also patient enough and know how to manage my money to wait until I get consistent workloads, I'm not that high on the seniority list.
It really looks like it is greener somewhere else.
Comp.E. looks fun, but I know it is likely that when you try to turn a hobby into work you end up hating your hobby.
William Murphy
Should also note not to limit yourself to those libraries. Making a ray tracer or a small graphics library would be an impressive side project that shows you know your math.
Jaxon Nguyen
>Queens Guardian >Capital: Denmark >Salary: 1500 a month >I have long been a Chad before getting this job. >Get urself in the military Jow Forums, just for some time. It is seriously healthy to do something else, then what you intended in the first place.
Julian Johnson
doesn't feel like there is much room for advancement without a PhD. i'm in academia and could easily move to industry, but i feel like i'd be stuck with some 60k job for eternity. i don't mind the hand on technique stuff, which is a good bit what i do, but i fucking hate the actual "science" stuff, i.e. reading papers, going to seminars, etc. my last tech job paid awful but was comfy as fuck, i only ever really worked 10-4 every day, as much vacation time as i wanted, and still people were constantly patting me on the back and telling me what a hard worker i am. current job is a new lab and its a never ending rat race with my boss to get grants that never pan out because she's so scatter brained and has 0 focus. if i could get something as lax as my old job but with good pay i'd stay
exit strategy is software dev. i took some classes in college that gave me a really good foundation, trying to build up a github portfolio and teach myself shit to help. i'm worried i'm just gonna hate anything that i do full time though
Blake Hernandez
>software eng >"mountain west" apparently >$250k total comp levels.fyi/ >M.S. in CS, a few years XP >mostly crushes my soul, sometimes it's okay, occasionally great >study Cracking the Coding Interview for a lot of $$$
Asher Lopez
>Software Engineer >Austin >~105k >EE degree, 2 yrs exp. >Depends on the day desu. I'm purely backend. The work can be depressing and unoticed, but challenging and satisfying at the same time. >Read designing data intensive applications.
Jonathan Scott
how much do you get after tax
Hudson Taylor
I have a really nice job working for a top 10 internet company in North America. I'd like to give you a straight answer, but NDAs are a thing and I don't want to associate my company with an employee who browses Jow Forums (even though everyone does, occasionally).
>experience before being hired, such as cs degree, bootcamp cuck, self taught CS degree and self taught. Bootcamp cuckoldry did not exist as much when I was getting started. You have to have multiple sources of knowledge and information. Why? Because there's so much to learn? Well, yes, sure, but the main reason is to grab any knowledge that you may not have gotten from another source. Always keep browsing. Even lurking Jow Forums helps, believe it or not. Be a jack of all trades, and become a master of some if the situation calls for it, and be prepared to switch at any time.
>do you like it or does it crush your soul I like it. But it all depends on the job. Any job can crush your soul, no matter how much you like the subject matter. Having a shitty boss and a retarded workflow will not magically let you love your job.
>advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry Dick around with trying different things. Learn new shit. Do tutorials and courses, sure, but do take the time to make your own things, please! Keep on having random hobbies and learn how to use a screwdriver. There's nothing more pathetic than a software engineer not knowing how to build his own PC, or how to wire a lamp, or how to . Read Wikipedia, jump around articles. Read about computer history, watch YouTube videos about how things used to be done. Knowing your past will prevent you from making future mistakes.
Ultimately, save your money. Having a good wage does not make you any less of a wage slave if you keep pissing your money away on stupid crap.
Any of you plan on getting into research as your main job? I honestly have no interest in working for a big company doing mindless work for projects I don't care about unless I happen to strike gold and work for some cutting edge company.
The problem with research is that the pay is likely shit though, right?
Sebastian Adams
>degree dude, what the hell happened, just for shit and jiggles, are you a pulpin, if its true, i understand your pain?
If you had the chance. Would you rather work in Ontario, or in Quebec, also, what about 'merica?
~$160k after tax, most goes straight to index funds
Jeremiah Martin
>what the hell happened
not him, but i'm assuming the main problem is >south america
that's probably a decent wage there desu
Daniel Brown
>Even lurking Jow Forums helps, believe it or not.
I believe it. Jow Forums tends to attract cynics who like to one-up each other, so you get an aggregation of what is trending and what is cutting it as "elite" in different pockets of the world. I mean, that's what internet communities in general provide. But you always find someone here who knows better than the conventional wisdom, and sometimes you end up seeing that knowledge trending all over months later and kick yourself for not taking it more seriously.
Blake Peterson
wow thanks for the screenshot man i hadn't noticed
Nicholas Miller
Alternative behaviors that are not yet widely adopted across the entire country, like recycling, minimal consumerism, energy awareness, water preservation, carbon awareness, and just being conscious about general purchasing power.
Luis Bailey
infineon is based desu >seamless j-link support out of the box >don't have to flash the debugger like with ShiTMicro demo boards
Oliver Rodriguez
>Infrastructure Technician (think routers/switches) >Colorado >$45k, raise to $70k at the end of the year >none - enlisted >It was cool, but then they gave all of our responsibilities to another unit so now I just sit in a windowless basement on filtered internet with nothing to do. Luckily I have an assignment out of here in 2 months. Military itself is meh and I won't re-enlist. >Join the military to get clearance, education, and certs - learn some shit while you're in and you'll be worth $75k min when you get out.
Cooper Evans
That makes sense.
But I figure in a research environment I will at least have more resources and perhaps time to fuck around with my own ideas, providing others are into them.
Carter Smith
>lmao >lmao >non-zero but pretty damn close to it (I take in the utter garbage jobs no one wants) >4yr degree, meaningful OSS contributions, long-term projects, no shit lots of self learning >wish I was never born >be a proper wageslave instead
Looking at the hiring threads makes me depressed. Junior shit wants you with 2+ years of experience in their stack. How do you even get that without already being in an org that uses that tech? I'm just supposed to fuck with k9s and hadoop for the sake of it?
Jose Wood
If I had to choose between the Navy and Army, I have yet to hear something that would convince me to join the Navy. All I hear is about how washed up chiefs make it their life's mission to shit on younger guys.
USAF man here, he is 100% serious that nothing will come of it.
What branch/mos?
Cooper Jones
You could always lie on your CV, get your foot into the door of a few job interviews, and after a few whiteboard failures, be able to land something.
Liam Clark
you should give up on hearing back the moment you send it out to begin with its like relationships, the world moves too fast for you to get hung up on one
Jaxon Roberts
I sense your sarcasm, but what I liked was the "110% meme". Maybe stop being a nerd and have a laugh once in a while and people might like you.
Connor Parker
the impression i've gotten from other fields is that research is good if you want to eat sleep and breathe in your discipline. if you want to be able to go home at 5 o'clock and turn your brain off or take yearly vacations then research blows. might not be true for CS tho
Caleb Cox
Boilermaker Aus 80-120k depending on much I want to feel like killing myself Doing associate degrees in engineering atm (fulltime mechanical/mechatronics), teaching self electronics and electrical (wiring etc) advance trade certs and doing anoher apprenticeship for dual trade associate engineer licenced electrician Like it Get off Jow Forums
Parker Walker
13ax here :^)
Josiah Price
>USAF man here, he is 100% serious that nothing will come of it. what about FBI?
Christian Jones
They're not going to fucking scan your hard drive or any shit like that. Why would they care?
Liam Long
Nathan Perez
sounds fun user
Daniel Sullivan
How should I work towards getting qualified for an embedded job (currently my endgame job goal IWBTHRN). I'm only an undergrad and it seems like not a lot of internships offer work like it; but rather entry/mid/senior level positions instead. I'm a CS major specializing in systems programming. I have an interview in 2 weeks for an internship where I'd be doing full-stack webdev, which isn't really a huge interest of mine but it'd be a good way to get my foot into the tech industry door and definitely beats being a neet with no experience other than a degree and personal projects.
Justin Rodriguez
- IT Specialist Mid - West Coast - 53k - I got my associates in "science and math" and applied to this place because I had an in. I was previously a Jr. tech, but got a promotion after a year. - I like my job and the people who work in my building, but I'll be damned if some of the people I talk to aren't real window-lickers. - Get a Security+ and put your application into some government contracting position. The turnover rate is nuts, so you're bound to get something, but those places kind of suck. At the very least it'll pay the bills while you look for another job that actually treats you like a human being instead of a ticket jockey.
idk, if the NSA is going to be logging fucking everything we do online i'd figure they would try to do something useful with it beyond filling up a billion hard drives
Nathan Fisher
>Retard Wrangler/Technician >West >like 18k >Worked in an old folks home and an electronics recycler previously >It's chill, but you start to become numb to your assigned retards condition >like dealing with the worst parts of a child and the worst parts of an old person, some are better than other >Don't work for electronics recyclers
Camden Reed
this is a shop. I can tell, having seen quite a few shops in my day
Austin Parker
Yeah, the hands on stuff is fun to do, the bullshit behind it is almost detached from reality on how fucked it is.
There really is a world of a difference between consuming research data and creating it.
Do you have an idea if people with Bio degrees in the states are finding jobs or are they mostly neet?
Alexander King
>I work phones and do odd jobs at an office my friend manages Technically am an assistant >Northeast USA >40k with health/dental. >None >It's ok >Industry?
I am alive merely because luck and connections, I kinda wanna get a trade. Maybe HVAC or something.
Dylan Gonzalez
i'm in USA, doesn't seem hard to get a job here with bio degree if you know the right techniques, like molecular shit/cell culture. its just that all of the jobs are pretty much entry-level. might be better in industry in terms of advancement, that's what i'm kind of looking at getting into.
Jaxon Edwards
>CompE >48k a year pls oh god no, why
Christian Martinez
You...you dirty rat...It's not a shop.
Zachary Cook
>not recycling the old people and retards
Charles Foster
Mistakes were made, a year of NEETdom ensued, and it was the only job I could get in the end, but I'm trying to get a new one now. Unfortunately nothing I learned at my current job is relevant to the outside world, so now I have to teach myself other things in my free time.
Jackson Thompson
are you like a student or something too? that's like barely above minimum wage for a job that probably sucks more than the average minimum wage job
Lincoln Russell
ETL/BI developer Denver CO 81K cs degree from liberal arts college I know I'm somewhat underpaid, but I work remotely and my extended family is in the same city as HQ, so going home to see my folks doesn't require vacation or any real planning.
Cooper Cox
>Application Developer >Appalachia >50k >Degree in a semi related field, work needed an app developer and I said I would give it a shot (they couldn't find anyone who would agree to the low salary range) >I keep going back and forth between somewhat okay and soul crushing >Make sure you like doing this stuff, i thought i did but i am slowing finding out that it isn't as fun as i thought it would be
Mason Hughes
It seems to me you're the only no fun faggot here pal, getting triggered over a little sarcasm
Eli Reed
>Software engineer >Bay Area >120k >CS undergrad >It's ok, could have been better, could have been way worse >Idk
Aiden Brooks
int main(){ printf("What's a job?\n"); return 0; }
Dominic Johnson
You'll probably make more but $48k in a non HCOL area is plenty of money for a single male to live a very comfortable life.
Matthew Cruz
Not me. You, bud.
Julian Wilson
>job title NEET >what part of the country you work in My bedroom in Florida >salary (or range if you're paranoid) Made 70k last year from crypto/stocks, also get 600 usd a month for asperger's >experience before being hired, such as cs degree, bootcamp cuck, self taught Just a HS degree >do you like it or does it crush your soul I like it >advice for Jow Forumstards who want into the industry Have rich kind boomer parents that let you live with them expense free and invest all of your money.
Nathan Adams
Threadless reminder of the existence of Jow Forums salary inflation and salary misinformation.
You can raise a small family in a decent neighborhood located near or in a major city on $40k pretty comfortably, making it complete excess for your single male lifestyle . I genuinely believe the average Jow Forums user is lying or a moron with money
T. Someone raised such a neighborhood on $25k annual, got a $40k job out if college, lived like a king. Now making $60k and am living in such excess that nihilistic thoughts are my only real problem
Noah Flores
My sister is in army and also in Intel like myself but she hates everything about being in the army. From what I gather the navy is just more comfy overall with less bullshit, not that there is no bullshit in the navy but it's definitely a lot less especially if you pick a comfy rate in ops.
Jacob Clark
Great book user.
William Reed
This. I live in a nice area yet I only spend around 17k per year.
Cooper Russell
>Senior Firmware Engineer >Vancouver Canada >95k (about 75k in US dollars) >Self taught programming, then I learned electronics at university (computer engineer) >The job is extremely boring. I'd have quit already but I've job hopped so much already employers are noticing the pattern and scared to hire me. >Computer engineering has a lot of advantages over computer science.
Ian Walker
i make 40k in a small city with a low cost of living. i'm definitely not hurting as a single male in a one bedroom, but i fail to see how anyone could own a home and pay for a family on this salary. i don't even have any debt or car payments or anything
Benjamin Kelly
> Captain Amazing > Secret Arctic Volcano Base > The Gratitude Of The Citizens of Planet Earth > Astral traveling the universe as Ronin Hero > Sometimes its tough being a super hero > Skip that year off doing Astral Travel. Its a waste of fucking time.