>News • user is rather angry • user mods his D-pad • user reviews some phone controller • user's USB cable necks itself • user waters his ass • user got an iphone screen • user got a stabby • user is having a giggle >Last thread
I need some headphones, my Panasonic ergofit or whatever they're called finally are dying after 3 years, they're like 10 USD is there something better for that price? Bonus point for free international shipping. Thank you.
Please don't use racist terms like C*ink. If you want to be racist go to Jow Forums or /b/.
Isaac Wilson
Please don't use racist language like c*ink. It should be Chinese Stuff General.
Jeremiah Adams
cringe and bluepilled
Andrew Scott
Sieg heil
Brayden Reyes
>ordered rechargeable keychain light from Hong Kong >arrived broken, demanded refund, dealer did not react >borrowed set of watchmaker's tools, a scalpel and went to fix it >man is that shit tiny >I managed to resolder the cathode cable inside the battery insulation and burn my fingers in the process >but it works now
So apart from having to fix chink shit that is clearly too small for western fingers, I can recommend this little thingie. It's about as big as the front part of a thumb. It's rechargeable via micro USB. It has two settings: Full power light and dimmed (PWM) for longer battery life. It set me back 4.37 Euros, but considering it has a controller and rechargeable battery, that's an OK price. Very neat to carry around with you at all times now that the dark half of the year has begun.
Respect is earned by actions, accomplishments, achievements. If you permanently disappoint your customers, then you earn the opposite of respect. Hence the completely justified term "chink".
Jose Scott
>I'm looking for something 1000x450mm size Try a carpet dealer then.
Landon Garcia
Yeah, we got it last time you told this story, you can stop already.
Colton Watson
>blah blah blah I'm a dumb racist
even Apple products are made by China you hypocritical westerners covet so much kys
Ryan Ross
I hope user's pillow is dry now.
Carter Nelson
I've got the Remax Rm-610d and KZ ATE. Both are pretty good.
Christopher Hernandez
Josiah Moore
Anyone know a good place to get very bright/military/police/survival flashlights without spending $100 or getting chinked?
you need to be at least 18yo to post here, go back to kidscord
Grayson Reyes
All seeds that aren't from your own country have a large chance of not arriving, and even if you do get them, you have a miniscule chance of them growing
Robert Parker
Anything that size will cost around $20
Liam Edwards
Anywhere to get copyrighted posters printed that won't take 5 weeks to arrive?
Ship with dhl for ~30-40$ more shipping and duty (1.5 weeks max) Buy it from some reseller on amazon for ~50-80$ more (2 days if you have prime) Your call friendo.
Brandon Gonzalez
>bawaaaah, I'm a lazy fucker who cheats his customers and I won't change my ways >but that's OK, I can just call the customer a racist
Jayden Bennett
No one is forcing you to buy chink, faggot
Robert Reed
1. chink gook slant i love yellow zipperheads and they make fine cheap electronics, leave the site if this language upsets you 2. just get the pc gaming race one, I have it, it works, it's machine washable, and it's like 20 bucks. Have had it for 2 years or so without any noticeable degradation
Nicholas Adams
why not just buy the real nitecore version? I have it, it's been working since 2015, the real thing costs 6 bucks, why would you wait for shipping from china and risk wasting money to save what i am only assuming is like 2 dollars?
Aiden Sanders
Any recommendations for non-phone Xiaomi (Mijia) products? I'm up to 8 already and can't get enough of this premium chink shit.
Liam Ross
What kind of chinkshit should I buy for my car? Anyone bought interior LED lights or phone holders?
John Green
most of the time, they send grass seed.
Carter Richardson
Convoy s2
Jayden Hall
still damp
Aiden Rogers
Any anons that have bought dry herb vaporizers? Wanna cut down on my 3 scotch a night habit with something that won’t kill me quite as much.
That's where you're wrong. Most of the stuff you buy isn't produced in real countries anymore, they've all outsourced to China. You're forced to buy cheap chink shit, whether you like if or not. I'm trying not to, but most of the times you only see "MADE IN CHINA" once you bought it and opened the box.
Luke Richardson
>Fasttech >Waiting for Customer Contact >Ticket: Waiting for staff response >Time in queue: 62 hours Just fucking send me my shit already!
Are there e cigarettes or vapes or whatever that don't have a battery but are only USB charged instead? I figure, the biggest issue could be an exploding chink battery in your face, but I don't plan on using it outside anyway, so might as well use a "corded" vape.
Anyone has cheap but kinda durable sports watch recomendations? I'm fine with either modern slick or casio terrorist watch styles. Prefered features Blacklight Waterproof for casual swimming (1-2 meters) Stopwatch Alarm Browsed around but there is so much shit, I'm kinda lost desu
Jack Nguyen
USB couln't provide enough current. Not even close. You gonna need proper high amp PSU for that.
Jordan Barnes
Amazfit Bip.
Cooper Allen
mi band 3 its 20$ on sale and its great
Nathaniel Collins
Miband 2 recently often on sale for $13-15, and for that money you can't beat it.
Xavier Gonzalez
Sorry, by sportswatch I meant sme simple digital watch, I don't want gps, heartrate and other fancy stuff Maybe the phrase is used different in english
Gavin Hall
I dont think its waterproof
Cooper Allen
Colton Edwards
how about you smoke a cig like a not fag for a change?
or you know, kick the nicotine.
Joseph Walker
well the annon wants to swim so its better to be ip68
Cameron Brown
How about just a simple corded vaper for 230V mains then? Do they exists?
Noah Long
Highly doubt. But you can always make your own out of old ATX PSU, regular vape and bunch of resistors.
I don't think you can buy one of what you're describing, but it would be easy to make with a normal vape and replacing the existing resistance wire with one with a resistance 3864 times greater, so about 10kΩ total. Then just wire up with a mains cable (add an IEC socket if you swing that way) and vape away. Remember to tie the chassis to ground so you don't explode when the repeated thermal expansion of the element causes a wire to get loose. Epoxy shit together properly so you don't have copper wire bending every time you pick it up, because copper work-hardens. Probably use nichrome for the element wire. Make sure to post pics.
Actually since they can run comfortably off less than 10W you could just wire one up directly to USB provided you have a 2A socket and that you check Ohm's law to ensure you're not pulling greater than 2A. You may need to increase the resistance by a factor of ~1.5. But this method is much less fun than the 240VAC version.
John Parker
>Then just wire up with a mains cable No, just no. You do know that electronics run on DC, and mains are providing AC power? You gonna need a PSU.
Isaiah Hill
It's just a resistor (provided it's a constant-power vape and not a temperature controlled vape), so 240VRMS will be identical to 240V DC as far as the resistor is concerned.
Austin Campbell
>electronics run on DC Aren't ecigs just a heater and a button?
Jace Powell
Many of them include controllers.
Lincoln Cruz
i got KMoon branded one few months ago hands down best pad i've had so far
Christopher Diaz
Yeah, sure, take longer. Shame that all vapes have a cutoff time of ~10 sec.
Levi Clark
i missed the last part of the post :^)
Parker Gonzalez
Have a look at this chart. If it's accurate then 10W from a USB socket is perfectly adequate. But I'm no expert.
>package arrived to wrong post office >contact to them >"sorry but this package got name for someone else" Fucking chinks
Grayson Morris
So Banggood is trying to chink me hard. I've order from EU warehouse, and the tracking info has been abnormal (B2C, seems like POSTNL will handle shipping). It seems they "attempted" delivery on saturday after 14h (and I was home), it was unsuccessful and they immediately shipped it back to Belgium without a phone call, notification or just waiting for next working day. It seems the package was returned in record time to BG. Local post has no info on the tracking number nor they received that parcel or handled it's delivery, I've contacted other couriers and nobody handled that package which leads me to believe that the package never entered my country. Banggood is offering me 20% package value as refund cause "it's my fault" the courier didn't deliver or leave me an option to get the package. I am at loss of words here
Hunter Nelson
Paypal dispute.
Nolan Torres
I've got KZ ZSTs with the BT cable, which I don't particularly like and I'm not using. But I also lost somewhere the default cable. My old KZ ATE-S are shitting the bed - the cable is breaking near the audio jack and I dont seem to be able to fix it. Which is the cheapest cable I can use for my ZSTs ? IIRC there were some better cables for them ? Are they actually better than the ATE-S ?
Carson Campbell
Send them another mail with everything you have written here (if you haven't already done that) and threaten to do a paypal dispute if you don't get full refund or if they don't resend the item. It's common practice for sellers to try to fuck you over when there is a problem like that, just insist and don't take the bait.
Matthew Edwards
I've already opened a paypal dispute, it's not the first time a chink especially BG tries to chink me. The problem lies that the tracking information is abnormal and I can't provide proof that the package was not delivered. I was already on the phone with paypal since that way you win 100% in claim and the agent was baffled and never heard of a courier delivering after 14h on saturdays and doesn't leave a note or wait. I'm just insulted by the chinks/banggood how they treat me and I'm curious what has happened to the package since the address was correct
danke! I might as well get the more expensiv eone, expected difference in sound ?
Michael Adams
just buy any vape that takes 18650 or 21700 batteries and buy the battery locally. Make sure you get a controlled one and not some diy shit because thats how shit blows up. And if you really want piece of mind make sure it has venting holes. eleaf pico line is cheap and safe
Dominic Kelly
>expected difference in sound ? Only if you convince yourself that there should be difference.