
>be appletard
>buy for 1.3k ameribucks a turd that costs the company $60 to produce
>it just doesnt charge™

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (215x259, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> $60 to produce
$400-something, actually.


can someone tell me where this retarded "meme" came from? It's pretty stupid so I'm going to guess it either came from /v/ or Jow Forums

>while the phone is charging it freezes and you cant wake it up
trillion dorllar company everybody

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (540x568, 169K)

itrs a pretty old meme
this is the audio, but the original vid was taken down because "no bully pls" retarded youtube

Daily OH NO NO NO NO NO thread

>mandatory apple fucked up their brand new product again

>plugged, not charging

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (162x244, 79K)


Attached: 5409FB4A-F26A-4F2E-8D14-771F00465B33.jpg (2048x2048, 422K)

Simple software issue that was fixed with ios 12 anyway. A patch will be released soon.

>hating apple this much to make something out of nothing
Get a life

>hating apple this much to make something out of nothing
you know, when iPhone issues surface every month or so on a >$1000 device it kind of makes sense



>one instance

>o-one I-instance

Attached: android_wojak_knowyourmeme_www.9gag.com.jpg (2048x2048, 413K)

Only with Applel. Even when Applel releases defective phone (antenna-gate, bend-gate, charge-gate, and etc), and with Applel cucks them every time (bend as a feature lmao). Those iSheep still thinks that Applel is a god company lmao.

this the problem its not that they have issues
if they advertise their products as "just werks" and charge premium for that, then why dont they "just werk"?


>one reported case of an issue that if it were widespread would spread like a wildfire beacuse of previous issues
>versus an issue reported and shown to be present in 80% of the products

Only with Scamsung. Even when Samjeet releases defective phone (Note 7, S4 bootloops, s7 glass, and etc), and with Samshit cucks them every time (explode as a feature lmao). Those Samtoddlers still thinks that Scamsung is a god company lmao.

Attached: FED1CC1E-3570-415D-8DC8-AFF2600DE104.jpg (750x783, 273K)

If you have a problem with your Apple anything, go to an Apple Store and ask for a new one or a refund.

Now what happens when your a note 9 catches fire to your house or to you?

>one batch sent to an Apple hater
>80% of devices

That must be why Unbox Therapy is working so hard in making up problems with the iPhone Xs, his sponsor is literally catching fire.

Stupid iToddlers just don’t understand how explosive Samsung’s performance is. They really are the bomb when it comes to choosing a smartphone.

Exploding batteries are a serious issue and no doubt Samsung is taking apart the charred remains carefully to work out what happened, but basically every smartphone has had at least one instance of a battery catching fire. Samsung is getting a lot of attention because of the Note 7 and that means they have a lot of pressure that other companies aren't facing if one of their phones goes up in flames.

Then you have Unbox Therapy who bought about 10 XS version phones and most of them had the most basic charging failure with some exhibiting worse issues.

>literally the same case as
>trying to make it appear like a more widespread problem

He had all of those phones before this problem was even revealed.

>Spending more than $300 on a phone

Attached: 1538356679366.gif (320x240, 2.64M)

>and with Samshit cucks them every time (explode as a feature lmao).
Samsung paid the cost of returning the device.
People got replacement devices up to the same cost.
Samsung offered discounts to Note 7 owners for the Note 8 when it was released.

>unbox therapy
Wow totally an honest and unbiased person; friendly reminder that his most popular video is about bendgate :^) also pic related.

By the way, the charging issue has been fixed as of iOS 12.1 beta 1.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 11.54.50 PM.png (1448x1412, 515K)

>By the way, the charging issue has been fixed as of iOS 12.1 beta 1.
Being fixed doesn't fix the embarrassment.

How does the pic relate to the current issue being discussed?

Jow Forums jerks off on apple hate too hard for them to listen. It's because all they can afford is lagdroid devices and decade old chinkpads :)

Oh it's from this shit. Thanks user

>just drive out to a store
Truly a premium experience.