>finish CS degree
>still no job a year later
Finish CS degree
Other urls found in this thread:
meanwhile me
>no degree
>fucked a lot of guys
>goof of constantly
>dont even work
>80k per annum
>tranny janny on /tv/
autistic loser suck my CoC
>this fucking thread again
But on the off chance you aren't baiting, no one gives a shit
basado y rojopillado
More like rojipollado amirite Spanish bros?
>doing first year of EE degree
>comfy internship where I get to sit on my ass all day
>internships aren't even mandatory until next year where you're forced to do one
>trusting something you heared'd on the internet
>senior year comp. e
>two job offers yesterday
>tc for one is $135k
Thinking emoji
>This thread again
Shit bait OP
sometimes I reply to my own post to feel less lonely.
me too
Have you ever had a job? Like any job?
>senior year comp. e
I'm just starting my comp. e degree, any advice?
insanely based
Post pics
Are you one of these people?
If not, Jow Forums can help you out. We have job advice threads all the time.
>thinks being employable has anything to do with paper
You should have been getting internships,a nd learning how to be interviewed before you actually apply for a job.
I honestly feel fucking sad, just thinking about how pathetic you are. You went to to your classes, and went back to masturbate to porn instead of actually preparing for adulthood.
Just fucking depressing. Fuck you user.
>reddit spacing
like clockwork, npc
He might have been using reddit spacing, but that does not invalidate his point. Having a degree means having a piece of paper. Employers wants someone who can get the job done.
OP might have no skills, or a bad resume, or a does not know what to do in the interview. OP might be a genius otherwise, but if the potential employer cannot see the genius, then OP will remain unemployed.
im an unemployed genius, delid this
> drop out of college
> get a job
It's a dishwashing job, but it's still a job
Work on your resume, you lazy arse!
I'd rather be dead
I took the IQ test when I was sixteen, it was the WISC-IV and I only hit the ceiling on Matrix Reasoning.
I'm in community college now, kill me. I didn't go to high school so it's my fault. I actually had my IQ tested as part of a psychological exam because I failed out of high school.
Nice, this is the attitude you need to succeed. Don't let them dishwashers keep you down.
>I took the IQ test when I was sixteen
Maybe you should retake it. Might turn out to be a very humbling experience.
>be dishwashing manager
>300k salary and work in any kitchen I want to
>kek at wasting money on a degree
Weird. I graduated in August, making $90k now, turned down 3 offers between $75k-87k. Maybe you need to move to the big city or something?
Lol, my IQ is still above average, and I still have my Matrix Reasoning ability. I actually never wanted to know my IQ and I still don't.
I struggle like everyone else desu, I'm only slightly less retarded than the retards around me.
I'd take the RPM test because it's only matrix reasoning, kek. I'd score so high on that shit, too bad matrix reasoning is correlated with autism.
Holy shit this killed me
>fell for the self learning meme
>zero callbacks
>mfw realize the only jobs accessible to self-taught programmers is javascript/webdev cancer
How do get there user? Been in school for a couple years and not a fan. Where did you start to get there?
>does not recognize the 300K salary meme
Welcome to Jow Forums. It is getting pretty sad around here.
>finished IT degree in 2013
>1st week out of uni land a job for £24k
>2018 salaried for 72k as an L3 DBA
It requires a PhD in mathmatics, don't bother.
>land a job 6 months out of college
>have to wait 6 months for clearance
>finish CS degree
>apply for job
>get offer right away because I've spent a lot of time with Lunix for fun
Neckbeardish obsession with Linux got me a job in embedded Linux right out of uni.
I has bad matrix reasoning. Electronic school was hard mon. Now in CS.
Might have to take the test
i started applying for a job 1 months ago.
On average it takes 1,5 years for people with my degree to find a job.
My dad is already theatening me with everything.
>On average it takes 1,5 years for people with my degree to find a job.
Arts stream?
> CS
> Abo
> doing internships every christmas holidays, paid pretty well too
> do tutoring at uni, also paid really well
> pretty well lined up for a decent job after uni
eat my dick faggot
You need to march right up into that office and demand to speak to the boss and tell him you're their guy all I had back in those days was a dime in my pocket, a firm handshake and the will to do hard work
You copy/pasta the joke, but the majority of fresh grads only have enough courage to talk to their hands or their feet during interviews. A bit more confidence a.k.a "firm handshake" would be a major boon to most fresh grads.
post feet
reminder that you have to actually make things for a compsci job, you can't just rely on the degree. contribute to open sores projects, write your own libraries for things (and if they're useful/actually generate a following that's even better) to show you can write practical code instead of fizzbuzz. when you write software for an actual business, you'll notice that you aren't even programming anymore. it's all connecting this thing to that thing, pretty much mashing frameworks together until you have a hacky-but-still-works piece of software. you know you've had an invigorating day at work when you wrote a for-loop
this is why most of us remain hobbyists and work in separate fields, it's a shitty job
post your code of conduct
That's right, I was an indentation boy for twenty years before they even let me touch the front-end code, but you wouldn't hear me complaining. I looked at that building every morning I stepped into the office and thought "one day, it's gonna be my name on that sign"
Still in cs degree... Student job, 15 hrs/week. With just this I make like 25k a year.
What are you fags doing?
>striver poors general
if you seriously buy into class mobility and bootstraps you're a waste of cum and hot food
either learn to interview or slum with some dignity ffs
EE is the shit, my brother. After a few years of shitty programming jobs, I went back for 2 years for an EE degree. Best decision I've ever made.
Still bumming around in some backwater SEA country FaLcon? I haven't been paying too much attention to you and your antics lately.
mas bien polla roja en tu culo
>Graduated three months ago.
>Had to decline three work offers because didn't liked their architecture.
>Offers keep coming.
Being autistic is hell.
>Still bumming around in some backwater SEA country FaLcon?
Indeed. Where else can I go?
I mean, if you want to have Muslim immigrants coming over to your country...
>Daily reminder
>halfway through first semester of CS degree
>already having interviews with research team about being their software dev guy
Do you have:
>portfolio with some hobby project in different techniques
>work experience from internships
>github with contributions to open source projects
>LinkedIn account with some people approving your skills
If you lack half or more of these then you are fucking brainlet and deserved it. Having a degree doesn't make you a good programmer idiot.
>Employers wants someone who can get the job done
No they don't, which is why they all make a requirement for degrees, and years of experience. In fact half the time the job add is just a farce so they can tell the government they couldn't find anyone who qualifies, then ship in some indians and reap in the benefits while paying pocket change.
God is this from that giant thread you did a few months back? My cheeks are still stained with tears of laughter
How firm is your handshake son?
I don't think Malaysia was on the b& list
>get CS degree
>get into army as officer
>gonna spend the next 10 years in a comfy governement job with 3.5k starting per month
>they can't send me to die in the desert as i am one of the few actual IT-guys in the department and no one else wants to join
suck my dick Jow Forums
post feet and tummy you absolute whore
i have friends and family contacts in big firms. I don't need shit to get in with my degree.
Then why do you made this thread crying about CS degree?
>working for a corporation
i am not OP, just a drive-by poster.
That's fine. My advice was just directly aimed at OP, it doesn't have to apply for everyone.
>when you write software for an actual business, you'll notice that you aren't even programming anymore. it's all connecting this thing to that thing, pretty much mashing frameworks together until you have a hacky-but-still-works piece of software. you know you've had an invigorating day at work when you wrote a for-loop
This is true.
End my suffering.
>tfw lazy as fuck with a ton of half-baked projects
im afraid ill never make it but I never get the motivation to change my ways
>fell for the 300k math meme
>pretty much have to beg for an interview
>interviewers basically just roast me and try to get me to explain why I would be a better choice than a cs major
sumillado y azulenpastillado
>3rd year software eng
>only jobs I've had in the field have been researching memechains and TA
Give it to me straight Jow Forums
>falling for the college meme
so rojo pilled that it hurts
Is 41k starting good?
>CS students spend years learning how to become mediocre programmers, I became a good programming through practical experience and studied something that is difficult to learn independently
>you should take me over a cs major because I know everything they do and bring my own specialized skills
This isn't that hard user. Have you tried applying for machine learning shit where math is actually useful?
the only solution is to start killing small animals in the neighborhood until you stop feeling remorse. At this point, you've achieved based sociopath status and can easily go into a job interview and lie your ass off. Just remember during the interview that if that scum fuck doesn't give you the job you deserve that you'll find where he lives and eat his entire family.
That's how you get a job in the modern economy.
>CS students spend years learning how to become mediocre programmers,
Interviewer's response: I majored in CS in college. Are you insinuating that I'm a mediocre programmer?
How? Maybe I was insanely lucky, but here's how I got my first software job:
>dear , I'm a student at studying computer science. Here's my github. Would you be interested in having me as an intern?
This was in response to a hiring ad to be fair, I'm not a boomer-tier
>just walk in an ask for a job!
What did you have on your github
"People who brag about their IQs are losers" - Stephen Hawking
Assert your dominance.
On a serious not you obviously don't say "CS is for mediocre programmers", don't make blanket statements in general, and tailor your responses to the interviewer. This is the one situation linkedin is actually useful, scope that shit out before you go in.
>I felt that the CS program at my college didn't teach anything that wouldn't have been better learnt in a practical context.
>In order to maximize the usefulness of my time at college I studied $whatever_subject while learning software development by $whatever
This works best if $whatever is "interning at a company" of course.
yes sir, i wanna see you doing a fizz buzz
Hmm, so thats what's happening here
Haha jokes on you I didn't go to classes
tfw failing in compE
i want to die
what kinds of jobs?
trips, checked
Very nice.
Are you retarded?
What Jow Forums doesn't tell you is your two options once you have that degree. Hax0r with excellent amount of theoretical knowledge, or academic.
How true is the portfolio/github meme? I've heard that most hiring managers (even ones involved in the engineering team) don't actually look at it because they don't have time between the actual work they have to do and having to interview dozens of people. Also from what I have gathered in interviews, some don't even read your resume, and that's out of the places where they were interested enough to interview me. I once even had a guy ask "do you know how to program" even though my resume listed programming languages at the top and I said earlier that I learned how to program in Java before going to college, just because I said "electrical" at some point in the interview.
How big is your dick ?
Sort of wish I hadn't dabbed on Engineers for being brainlets now, they may be Pajeets but they're still raking in some decent cash.
I'm a delivery driver with a CS degree.
I've come to apreciate it somehow.
Just get any other job.
CS is slavery anyways.
>there are unironically people like this that actually meme'd their way into a job
Honestly I'm just jealous of their bullshitting skills