Honest question:

Honest question:

Why are we letting politicians, journalists and other people that do not work in IT decide the basis of the russia scandal ? These people have used their computers for word, 9gag and forwarding funny cat videos only and somehow we are supposed to trust them on who hacked what?

Why in the ever loving fuck are we letting them talk about "russian election hacking" or even H4CK1N9 in general when they have not one clue how all of this works ? It's like letting babies talk about International Politics.

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As far as I know, there were no IT specialist even consulted, why are we listening to grandpa mueller lecture us (superficially) on what hacking is ? Makes me mad t b h

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Russian scandals in USA comes since cold war, USA politics really fear nuclear weapons in Russia.

Just "hacker" russians are new "spy" russian.

Facts don't matter just political statements muh fake news.

CNN says it was Russian hackers, and that it's illegal to look it up yourself, so just trust them.

Laughing My Fucking Ass Off On?

USA will always going to blame their shit on other countries. If it's not Russia, it's China, Korea, etc.
As expected from kike bootlickers.

It's just the Democrats. No one believes them.

Everyone knows that Russia, China, and N. Korea are shit tier nations that don't have any real capabilities, bit the Dems need a scapegoat for losing the last election.

who the fuck reads this shit or believes this drivel?

asking questions is against the law