> programming an os is hard
if even this fucking nigger can do it, then it can't be that hard, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>bunch of white people working for some rich black guy
what a fucking niggers
But he's not doing it. He hired other people to do it for him.
Even then it's probably just a Linux distribution. Operating systems are really hard and takes years to make usable.
>Linux distribution
Probably just an Android ROM
this is exactly the kind of shit, Terry warned us about
Can't wait to run my shoe-themed operating system with my foot-themed desktop environment
>if even this fucking nigger can do it, then it can't be that hard, right?
so racist brainlet here thinks Kanye is going to program it?
I think it might be for some kind of a device he might sell in the future. Doesn't make sense any other way.
>Linux distro
Normalfags can't be bothered to install another OS on their computers
>Android ROM
That's probably even more pain in the ass to install for a normalfag than Linux on their computer
i bet the "new OS" is an ubuntu reskin
Most Kanye fans probably use iPhones, what fucking OS/ROM can you install on that? You can only jailbreak it.
>Make Ubuntu reskin for YzyOS
>Run for POTUS in 2020
>Ban closed source software in gov
Yeezy is the god we need
It'll be a fucking app that mimics a OS interface, you can find Kanye related shit to buy there, probably talk to other acoustic childs and listen to his music in lossless quality for some monthly subscription, that's my bet.
>if even this fucking nigger can do it, then it can't be that hard, right?
I've been trying to get into kernel dev this week. It is that hard. I'm a fucking brainlet, though, so I'm not doing myself any favors.
jesus christ
Is he going to continue Terry's legacy? Kanye isn't a CIA nigger, he's fairly right-wing just like Terry
We can only wish my dude.
> mfw. based Kanye starts bashing CIA niggers on a stream
you know now that you think about it kanye and terry actually have the same schizo jawline in common
>mentally ill
>glow in the dark
>programmed an OS
>talks about niggers
>undeniably genius
yeve Jobs
>undeniably genius
Why do we not release a forkl of clover os called
Kanye OWhest?
kanye and terry are/were both very talented
>releasing and
Niggers and their grammar
When god chose to let terry kick the bucket, he decided to focus on another individual.
Lol yeah I agree user XD ra[p music is so bad all the NORMIE kids at school like it, fuck Kanye!!!
This, but unironically.
why? heaven forbid people like music you don't like, also kanye's older stuff is very highly regarded despite him being a questionable person
>it's good because it's popular
no, it's good because it's good. nobody said it was good because it's popular. simply pointing out that it is popular doesn't mean i'm saying it's good *because* it's popular.
Still try to choke down the word "and" in that URL.
I bet this fag watches moeshit
I fucking double posted, thanks recaptcha
pic related
get fucked niggers
>unironic nigger music fans on Jow Forums
God the fucking reddit invasion of /mu/ had enough of this.
black music > white music
Everyone knows this, the only good things of whites is when they copy black ppl.
Modern black music is all synths, which were invented by white people. Everyone is still using 808s, a drum machine invented by nips. Checkmate.
This is bait or literally the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read.
Classical, folk, rock, metal, etc. everything besides nigger hop and rap are white people music. Kill yourself dumb nigger lover.
*blocks your path*
literal god tier desu
Blues and Jazz are nigger music, white people just stole that shit and tried to make it theirs
Even if that was true (which it isnt not even close) blues and jazz are in no way comparable to all of the other genres listed. Go back to /gif/ and spamming your stupid cuck shit you retard.
So Kanye will solve the CoC problem?
>Classical, folk, rock, metal
fucking boomers lmao who listens to this garbage
Blues and jazz are based on classical and folk music, niggers stole it from white people.
off yourself yeezy retard
This is a good point. the entire theory of music as we know it is based on things whites did.
>someone does something first
>another person copies and does it better
>first person gets all pissed off because how could 2nd person who copied him do his own thing better than he can
>first person doesn't know how evolution works and you either climb the ladder or die and it doesn't mean shit who made what up it's all about staying ahead
>jazz and blues are better than classical
>Rabidly defending niggers this hard
Fuck off you stupid newfag. Rot in fucking hell.
not even what I said remotely
>another person copies and does it better
A nigger is illiterate. Woah
Exactly, classic rock is really trash, modern rock is just edgy bullshit, folk is dumb role playing.
don't reply to Jow Forums namefags
Obviously meant for
If they changed it to be better, isn't a copy
Literally what the fuck are you even saying now retard? You just said that jazz and blues copied classic and its better and before said that wasn't what you said.
Don't respond to me again until you have a basic grasp of English.
Yes yes respond to newfag niggers from reddit like you instead right?
1. Just because he's black doesn't mean he's stupid. There are plenty of black people who can code.
2. He probably didn't even write it himself anyway, probably paid his hacker friend to do it.
>Yes yes respond to newfag niggers from reddit like you instead right?
Yeah, yeah sure.Now go fap to your ugly hag of a woman you are posting here, you gay namefag
> Posting hot girl pictures with every verbal retort
Super cringe.
>hag women
The only cringe is retards who defend monkeys
Wow, even better a filthy, odious pedophile.Reported
>couldn't even tell age but now they're suddenly not over 16 so its a "hurr pedo" post
Cry to the same newfag mods that are just like you how typical. Kill yourself nigger animal.
>faps to 12-16 year olds
>calls people "new fags" if they disagree on that
kanye west CIA nigga confirmed
You realize average start of puberty is 11 right? 12 isn't even pedo you fucking stupid newfag.
Of course you post retarded brainlet newfag memes too. Hang yourself.
Maybe I'm another person, not the fucker who said jazz and blues copied classic, imagine being this retarded, you aways assume you're talking with a single person in here?
elevated LOL
stop calling black men 'niggers' you pathetic democrat
>12 isn't even pedo
How fucking delusional can you be? Are you from these countries where children have arranged marriages with adults and shit? Check the law in the rest of the world pajeet, 12 is pedo, I hope you die raped in jail you disgusting fuck.
>You just said that jazz and blues copied classic and its better
Oh shit, now I realize why you're confused. was in reply to someone saying whites copied jazz and blues. I was saying the whites who took blues and developed it further made it better, not that blues or jazz was better than classical.
Imagine back pedalling this hard you fucking dumb nigger. Keep posting more newfag memes.
Reading this comment chain anyone can see youre the same fuck. I await your shitty paint image though.
>You realize average start of puberty is 11 right? 12 isn't even pedo you fucking stupid newfag.
sex offender's excuse for masturbating to crimes.Just because the puberty is 11, doesn't mean it's not pedophilia.
>Of course you post retarded brainlet newfag memes too. Hang yourself.
>nameposts pedo waifu continuously
I hope the ai catches you first, fucking lunatic
The fucking label of pedophile isnt a legal one you retard. It has objective meaning. It means attracted to pre pubescents. you stupid fucking brainless nigger.
>just because puberty is x doesn't mean it isnt pedophilia
fuck I hate being american you people are everywhere.
someone please make a virus for it called kim
then fuck off
I can't change where I was born fuckwit. Even if I move I'm still american.
>I await your shitty paint image though
How serious you take a dumb off topic discussion to waste your time editing (you)s out of screenshots? Take a break my dude, your taste and opinion in music won't change mine, just like the opposite won't happen, we're trading ideas, not getting ready for a fist fight, sorry if I bothered you this much.
>glow in the dark
>making an OS
Literally Terry Davis reborn.
Jazz is God tier. Be careful talking shit about it uncultured swine.
>12 isn't even pedo you fucking stupid newfag.