*violates GPL but nobody gives a fuck*

*violates GPL but nobody gives a fuck*

Attached: potplayer_150942.png (671x380, 12K)

Never even heard of that player in the first place

mpv is shit compared to potplayer

Good to know. But I still don't give a fuck.
In fact, I am not even bothered to try out fad-of-the-month media player when mpv just works.

> fad of the month
> mpv initial release date August 2013
> Potplayer initial release date March 2008


>violates GPL

>March 2008
potplayer was created by the guy who made kmplayer and shares code with kmplayer which was created in 2002.
potplayer is a fork of kmplayer when kmplayer was bought by pandora tv
>mpv just works
when you are offering 2 features, it's hard to miss the "just works" badge.

Care to explain?

Well if you want to play this game, then mpv is an mplayer fork which started in 2000. Compared to that, the gook shit is just a random wrapper for codecs and still have a retarded license about reversing it. Like they can do jackshit against someone who actually do it... Shitheads.

>he never heard about the best video player on the market

Attached: 1537095752936.gif (800x800, 127K)

PotPlayer is ChadPlayer, mpvirgins forever seething.

triggered, youll hear from my coc team
also, whomstevd ?

stealing the gif

>Windows only

Attached: 1537993137124.jpg (1745x1080, 300K)


using "freeware", instead of freedomware.

>non free
>micropenis only
I don't know what snowflake feature pothead player offers but if(!) I ever wanted a GUI menu panel I'd just use SMPlayer.

>he needs his media player to have a GUI

Attached: image.png (720x775, 454K)

>making your life harder on purpose

besides, after a while you won't be clicking on anything because the shortcuts are so damn handy

>moving a mouse, clicking menus, navigating file explorers and double clicking each indivual file is easier than CLI tab autocompletion and console aliases

Attached: image.jpg (600x600, 34K)

>i'll conveniently ignore the bit about shortcuts to to satisfy my autism

dumb avatar poster

>he needs his media player to have a GUI

Attached: image.png (582x747, 368K)

Potplayer is old as fuck. Go back to v

worst girl


Cope harder, boomer

You have to be 18 to post here

So stop posting.

18 not over 18. Get fucked, boomer.

The most retarded shitpost award goes to you.

Retard alert


if you want to reply, at least reply with valid information.
mpv is a fork of mplayer2, and mplayer2 is a fork of mplayer which derives from libmpeg3 born in 1997, which has C code and C was created in '72 by Ritchie who was born in '41.
check mate freetards, mpv was available in wwii.

the definition of mplayer and its descendants is that they are a "hack together of libmpeg3 and other libraries...
exactly, mpv shitheads think they made the best thing after sliced bread. instead they have a semi-glued together fork of libraries with barely any usable interface and they are comparing it against a full suite that not only has been successful as a freeware, but it was bought by a streaming company... and then it changed its name to continue being freeware and adware free.

mpv is trash, other than as a backend to smplayer.

t. honeyPotPlayer

I still use MPC...am I a smoothbrain? What am I missing out on desu

>What am I missing out on desu
the realm of the alive projects.

wintoddlers aren't know for their high IQ

And Wiz is better than all of them.

>Operating system Windows XP SP3 and later
into the trash
install gentoo

just run it in wine

>mpv is a fork of mplayer2, and mplayer2 is a fork of mplayer which derives from libmpeg3 born in 1997, which has C code and C was created in '72 by Ritchie who was born in '41.
>check mate freetards, mpv was available in wwii.
Fucking kek'd.

Nothing. MPC-HC still players videos, Winamp 2.95 still plays music.

pretty decent player desu. probably only player on winshit that works.

I like mpv on Windows and Linux

Attached: 1538355213225.jpg (3840x2160, 3.29M)

is there any player except mpc that will shut down my pc after playback?

stop using a chinkbad and get a real computer

REminds me: Now that the ffmpeg hall of shame is down, does one remember some offenders? Like GOMPlayer?

it's Pajeetware.

mpv; poweroff

well I'm not a cúck

너 자신을 죽여라 귀와

Oh excuse me, "chinkware".