Can we talk about some Jow Forums movies?

Can we talk about some Jow Forums movies?
Recently watched this and Pirates of Sillicon Valley, amazing films

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Ip Man was great. First time I saw it was like watching my first BruceLee movie back in the early 80's.

*crack* NOW THAT *sips* WAS A DECADE!!!

Yeah, it was great, I was feeling genuine joy

The documentary films hiroyuki was shilling when he bought Jow Forums were good, I guess.

When Ip Man was released years ago, people called it IP Man, like IP the Internet Protocol.

If it was released before the age of internet, assembly programmer would've called it IP Man like IP the Instruction Pointer.

lee's movies suck

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PoSV turns out to be a shockingly accurate depiction of the roots of microsoft and apple. I've read books where the scene with gates' armpit sweat and the photographer took place just like the movie, and Woz himself still says it's the most accurate movie about the whole story. I can really imagine Jobs did that whole scream therapy thing too

yeah, sorry, but it's true, except when he's occasionally kicking ass which isn't even that much

but even then ip man is way way better


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That's the joke of the OP, dipshit.

Feels about the zuck aside. Watching the social network while just starting cs was pretty dope.

all it took was a little wget magic

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Recently watched Revolution OS, gotta love that Stallman autismo

>That scene where IP Man says China won WW2 in Europe.

This movie was hilariously patronising with the Chinese nationalism.

Pirates of Sillicon Valley was kino. The IBM scene was great with Ballmer breaking the 4th wall

the chick in that movie was so hot

Brandon would probably agree with you.

Top pick.

Also I'd say pic related.

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"Triumph of the nerds" is a classic documentary on the early days of the PC industry.


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why is it so comfy

i mean the movies suck, he obviously doesn't
imagine if he was in his 30s today and made chink movies instead of hwood ones [see op]

Never fear
For I is here

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>Ah don't worry little lady, I'll fix their wagon.

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