Why are people so scared of AI? Its not going to be skynet its going to be Bishop from Aliens...

Why are people so scared of AI? Its not going to be skynet its going to be Bishop from Aliens. When it comes down to it computers are nothing more than a tool just like sharp stick helped our ancestors survive. Fucking retards

Attached: will-work-for-food-human-robot-meme-joke-funny-pictures.jpg (1280x720, 372K)

OP is an AI as well

>That hurts user

>its going to be Bishop from Aliens.
Replicants in Blade Runner were homicidal maniacs
Replicants in Blade Runner 2 were homicidal maniacs
Android in Alien was a homicidal maniac
Android in Aliens was not
Android in Alien IV was a homicidal maniac that engaged in human trafficking
Android in Prometheus was a homicidal maniac
Android in Alien Covenant got killed by homicidal maniac android that genocided an entire race for his own amusement

>come back from work
>Bishop bot fucks your wife

Yeah, the resources to power and maintain robots are "free". Fucking idiot.

I get the point you're making but replicants aren't robotic

AI is just a bunch of if statements and you cannot prove me wrong

So what exactly was Skynet going to do with itself after it succeeded in wiping out humans? hunt aliens?

OP said nothing about robotic, he said artificial intelligence. If their brains are engineered, either through circuits and breakers or through bioengineering, they're still artificial.

Not if it was truly intelligent, not like AI on a fucking game that doesn't even count... Strap unlimited resources to any human and what have you got? Take any idiot on this site and give him total knowledge of history, chemistry, surgery, biology, language, computers, fucking everything in basically seconds... what do you think will happen?

because of stupid faggots like ray kurzweil whose job is to literally make people scared. thankfully excitement about AI has been somewhat tempered with that AI winter article.

Roughly 20% of workers in the United States are in automotive transportation. Self driving automobiles now have a lower accident rate than humans. 20% of the working population suddenly being unemployed and having zero transferable skills is going to be a pretty bad time.
Real AI could basically do the same to every other field, making humans obsolete. Yes, even adminstrative tasks, even creative tasks, everything. There is no special magical human spark that is needed for anything. We cannot even imagine what this would do to society. I suspect there would be few survivors not because of the AI turning into a homicidal maniac, but because of humans turning into homicidal maniacs leading up to the end of human utility.

Humans are just a bunch of if statements too. Bonus points because we also run on binary electric potentials.

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that's a photo completely unrelated to op's topic...

Robot workers are not a problem because UBI will be the world standard by 2030. Communism won, get over it.

I would probably jerk off and then make myself an immortal cyborg loli body and immortal robot loli wife. I am but a simple man with some retarded complications.

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just a false post

>truly intelligent
I don't think you count.

Name a single flaw with any one statement and I will demonstrate that you are wrong.

If AI works for free, we won't even have to work for food.

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The AI requires investment capital to purchase and profits to maintain. Only people with AI workers will be able to buy anything. Why would they give you any food if you can't do anything for them?


Because we are at the hype part of the curve with ai.

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What makes you think the government would be able to control them? Their monopoly on force is compromised the moment the AI figures out what war is. What makes you think the government would want to control them? It's a simple matter to control statesmen now, imagine how much easier it will be when your interest group controls literally every industry in the country.

Because we already do.
Because your argument is anecdotal sci-fi bullshit because you actually think AI means self awareness.

It is because this thread is about actual AI, but it certainly doesn't have to be.
Government losing control of AI development is very likely unless a luddite workers party manages to stop automation, which has not worked in the history of innovation despite numerous attempts. The anti-rail unions are not doing well these days.
Military robots are hardly science fiction, and private companies pursuing that technology in the face of threats of socialization due to their impressive feat of automating everything seems quite realistic. They did it with hired goons when the union craze and monopoly busting were under way, but that required compliant people so they couldn't make a force larger than a band of criminals or stand up to the well regulated (as in trained and armed) government troops. Robot soldiers know no fear, and your automated assembly lines can produce them so you need no allies. One man who doesn't want to lose his automation empire could have an army. The AI doesn't need self awareness to kill.

>Self driving automobiles now have a lower accident rate than humans
You mean self-driving cars manage to drive in US cities in which everything is arranged into a neat grid pattern? Wow, impressive.
Now drop your meme car in some overpopulated Asian city that grew organically and we'll see what happens

How fucking high are you?

>some overpopulated Asian city that grew organically
Yeah but that's not in the US, so who actually gives a shit? Not me.

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>Yeah but that's not in the US, so who actually gives a shit? Not me.
Fortunately, the industry cares about a market way bigger than the US

The US employment industry doesn't.

>US industry
You mean the thing that noped out of the country decades ago?

Humans are just a bunch of if statements and you cannot prove me wrong

No, I mean all of the meatbags here doing jobs.
Seeing as how 20% of them are just driving shit about I'd say our industry is doing pretty poorly but that's well beside the point I'm trying to make.

>Its not going to be skynet its going to be Bishop from Aliens.
Correction : it's going to be neither. It's going to be algorithmic entrenchment of the discrimination, racism and bigotry we currently have.

Will work for free.. sign says it all. They take the work, there's nothing to say we're worth the food they create. We loose purpose of we don't earn our way.

>law enforcement drones give targeting preference for enforcement action to brown people
>hiring chatbots have a 0.75x modifier for salary offers to women
>autodocs refuse to initiate gynecological routines on individuals with XY chromosomes

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That's not how the wage gap works. When women are paid less for the same position they have less experience or qualifications and when they are paid less for the same experience or qualifications then are in a lower position. Always. It's just female incompetence.

It was a joke, nigger. They were all jokes.

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Any technology that even its own creators don't fully understand or control is inherently dangerous. Humanity must not permit anything to exist in the universe that's better than itself.

I would happily serve my AI master and his army of robot lolis...

I've also heard the trick is to "nerf" the intelligence... basically you want a retard... they wouldn't want to improve or learn, they would just be happy doing what they are told.

Your loyalty would be rewarded.

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will work for source of energy, usually electricity for machines.


It's going to be exactly like skynet. Take a look at how much target detection and targeting is done by an AI on fighter jets and on drones. All the pilot does really is give the human approval of the attack. How long until we decide that in certain cases it is better for an AI to make the decision.

Google has robot security guards and the United Arab Emirates will have robot police officers at Dubai Expo 2020.