You will never develop games on a 386/PC in 1985

>you will never develop games on a 386/PC in 1985

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 40K)

Attached: Yeah-well-Thats.jpg (600x600, 68K)


That's a 5150, it predates the 386 by three years.
The 386 was introduced in 1985, but the PC in OP's pic is not a 386.

i doubt anyone was programming games on them in 1985

After seeing how people wrote programs for the IBM s/360 that printed porn depending on how the switches on the operator panel were set, I wouldn't be surprised if someone was programming games on a brand new Sun 386i just for shits'n giggles

and thank god for that too. all consumer technology before ~2000 is garbage, and we are in the golden age of it right now. dont @ me

>we are in the golden age of it right now
You mean the RGB age

Attached: gamingPro.png (643x797, 275K)

I chuckled

I hate children.

>it's easy to make a game
>especially in 1985 where resource management was of utmost importance
Spotted a dumbass

The only people who have ever made games are mediocre programmers.


Ok kid, now go back to your little toys.

If it's so easy, I suppose you wouldn't have a single problem with writing, say, Prince of Persia in Apple II's asm?

*sip* ahhh ... yes those 80 hour weeks getting paid below minimum wage to make some fatcat rich, those were the days.

Probably not. Making toys is the simplest kind of programming there is. It's not like I'd be writing a compiler or something else that takes actual skill.

Any moron can write a compiler. Making a game takes actual talent

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 291K)

God how I wish I was a programmer back then

Back during the time when it was literally possible, and commonplace, for an AAA game be made by just one person, or extremely small teams of maybe 4-5 people

It must have felt like being a god

>what are indie games

I said AAA
You can make indie games by yourself these days, sure, it's quite easy even because the tools are advanced
But back then you could literally make games wiuth the best production values in existence by yourself, because every fucking game was made by just a couple guys

I'm making some games for plan9

I always wanted to make games. Then Unity came along and made it easier than ever. Made a bunch of shit to the point I'm comfortable I can make something solid of any genre as long as I am careful to select the right art style (something achievable by 1 guy on a tight budget).

And I realize I have no original ideas. At least nothing I get fired up about enough to complete a finished game at indie-professional standards. The few ideas I like I expand into insanity pretty fast and then I give up on it.