/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

What are private trackers?
Google it.

How do I get in?
Google it.

Can you answer my questions, please?
Read the wiki.

What wiki?
Google it.

What is the purpose of this thread?
To circlejerk private trackers like they're secret clubs. No, you're not invited.

- FL tokens on RED
- Anons realize that sh**hi's radio on AB is a scam
- Orpheus IRC is up
- Autists will still get butthurt over OP taking the piss.
- Endless boring discussion about nothing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


what is this "radio" everyone is talking about?

Biggest mistake new users often make? Not understanding how your ratio works. It's easy though, your ratio is your uploaded amount, divided by your downloaded amount. Your required ratio represents the minimum your ratio can be (increases slowly with how much you've downloaded to a required ratio of about 0.10) before you're put onto a two week ratio watch, represented by a noticable warning. Your ratio stat is located right under the logo. A ratio of 1.00 is considered ideal as it means you uploaded the same amount you've downloaded, but the higher the better. themoreyouknow.psd


thanks but i'm referring to
>Anons realize that sh**hi's radio on AB is a scam

How to fix my ration?


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Someone on AB set up an unofficial successor to their private radio since it's been discontinued. All in all the service seems a bit more than shady and apparently contains phishing code.

thanks. is it easy to find this radio on their site? i wanna look at the source



Redtopia = Dedtopia

You'd have to join the IRC (#radio), I'm not going to link it directly.

Obligatory FUCK RED post

nice, thx


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>first time since I joined GGN (11 months ago) that I want to genuinely download something and actually play it
>tracker down
Guess its a sign.

I don't think its shady at all.
Theres no way s**t can pish for your password.

Contact me on Orpheus.network

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When I go to upload a torrent file created by the bandcamp.sh script, nothing happens. I don't even get an error message. I'm guessing it has something to do with the torrent file being messed up?

what happens when you load the torrent in your client?

Maybe it’s a sign that you should start using TPB if your goal is just to pump bandcamp shit into a tracker.

"Failed to add torrent"

So I guess there's definitely something wrong with the torrent files its outputting

sounds like it

What do we need to do to make AB a respectable tracker that gets you access to PTP and HDB? Add another class above Legend? Ban music transcode niggers?

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Step 1: fuck off

That's what happened when I tried load it on the seedbox.

This is the error is transmission:

Tracker gave an error "unregistered torrent"

Which I guess may be related to the fact I haven't uploaded it correctly yet.

>AB a respectable tracker
Look at their irc, filled with underage faggots sucking each other dicks!

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wtf is this?

Step 1: don't be an anime tracker

Banning anime and weebs would be a good start to making it respectable.

Did you enable the "add source" option without installing the updated mktorrent? If you have the older mktorrent you need to disable that option and download the torrent from the tracker after uploading.

Who knows, this autistic faggot has been spamming for months

>ban anime on an anime tracker

Make AB cabal again.

You’re reacting just the way I thought you would.

RED's community really gives a mature vibe, doesn't it?

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kid with Hydrocephalus, which is when fluid builds up in the brain

>You’re reacting just the way I thought you would.
So we're in the presence of a superior human being, good lord.

I compiled it from the website so I think I have the latest version?

I have my announce url in the field for that, but in the source flag field it's still just "0"

Who gives a fuck about AB, and why in the name of fuck you've to listen unofficial radio?
Disgusting weebs, GTFO!!!

I have the older version. Working on figuring out how to update it now. Thanks.

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>Who gives a fuck about AB
Gee, we're on a techloligy subsection of a traditional Vietnamese knitting forum for the elderly, I wonder why???

Judgment day when???
let's purge all these weebo at once.

Well, says I have the latest version: 1.0-4build1

>traditional Vietnamese knitting forum for the elderly
nicely put

Is that the one you compiled? You need to change the "0" on line 35 to "RED" if using that version, and it only adds the source field to the FLAC torrent.

Now I realize I haven't compiled it correctly. Working on that now.

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git clone github.com/Rudde/mktorrent
cd mktorrent
sudo make install

Once you have it compiled and installed do: mktorrent -v
which should result in:
mktorrent 1.1 (c) 2007, 2009 Emil Renner Berthing

It’s not time yet.
Let’s wait for Operation Cleansweep v.3.0.1
This shit needs to be smooth

It worked apparently. It's 1.1 now. Thanks! Now to get the flag or whatever working.

I'm guessing this is the section that needs fixed:

# torrent_commands is the set of all ways to create a torrent using various
# torrent clients. These are the following replacements:
# {0}: Source directory to create a torrent from
# {1}: Output .torrent file
# {2}: Your announce URL
torrent_commands = {
'transmission-create -p -o {1} -t {2} {0}',
'mktorrent -p -o {1} -a {2} {0}'
torrent_command = None

Is that better.py? Changing
'mktorrent -p -o {1} -a {2} {0}'
'mktorrent -s RED -p -o {1} -a {2} {0}'
should give your transcodes the source flag

What the fuck are GGn dumb niggers doing

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That is better.py

Do I need to point it to the directory or anything else?

Have you donated yet?

I don't know what you mean. If you installed mktorrent it will be accessible anywhere, no need to specify a path.

i am about to download the game i want from a public tracker.

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>I don't know what you mean. If you installed mktorrent it will be accessible anywhere, no need to specify a path.

Like where it says this:

# {0}: Source directory to create a torrent from
# {1}: Output .torrent file
# {2}: Your announce URL

Do I need to set a source directory or the other things? Or is that the program doing it for me? Sorry, this is so over my head, lol.

I'll donate my cock to your asshole if you don't fix your trackers

{0} {1} {2} will expand to whatever string the bandcamp script passes along, don't touch those. The only thing you need to do is add the -s RED to the line I pointed out (based on what you've shown me, if you pastebin better.py I'd have a more of an idea).

I can pastebin it, however the FLAC torrent that mktorrent is making when bandcamp.sh 1st runs still isn't working correctly either. So I'm not sure where the problem is exactly.

GordonQuid hasn't made a request in 2 days. i think he is deceased. RIP

I’m fucking starting a suggestion to ban trashcam.
Fucking garbage collectors. Share your trash elsewhere!!


you seem mad. were you the only faggot on your block who couldn't get an invite?

I'm killing RED, three bandcamp uploads a time. :^)


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t. blueyoshi

my girlfriend just left me for a boy with a HDB account, what do I do?


how much do HDB invites sell for on tinder?

Have you showed her your IPT ratio proof?

6 venmo payments of $29.95

I need some help over here lads, can I bequeath my tracker accounts to another person? Does suicide invalidate the passing on of accounts in the same way it prevents entry to heaven?

based hanl poster

Just donate your accounts to the FBI

Fuck off, slut

How do I see my uploaded/downloaded amount/ratio on RuTracker?

How do I get buffer on BIB?

upload books

A kid who has watched too much rick & morty

Join HDB and get your girl back.

And on the topic of HDB, path2hdb?


Upload 200.
Wait 6 months.

What else? wouldnt be surprised if hdb has some seedcuck requirements in there.

Someone who isnt a curry nigger ss the inside of that thread. On the other hand, i doubt anyone on /ptg has even made it to PTP considering the lively discussion on trashcamp redtarded scripts.

my God, you're obnoxious

that thread is gone. hahahaha

i'm from a banned country and will never be able to join HDB even though I've already fulfilled all other requirements. the other boy is in the same country but has an account!!! WTF!?!

that thread has a TK requirement BTW.

don't they make exceptions for encoders?

report him


>Someone who isnt curry
Third-worlders are in the majority at HDB.

curry at the bottom
curry at the top
curry sandwich?

you need to take a trip to r/thathappened

Wouldn't you need to have curry in the middle for it to be a curry sandwich?

i guess youre right

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>that thread has a TK requirement BTW.
