Why does the majority of Jow Forums think antivirus is useless?

Why does the majority of Jow Forums think antivirus is useless?

Attached: 4axc2aasxf.jpg (540x518, 55K)

Because it is?
I've used computers for 30 years and had about 5 viruses, and when I do get them I just reinstall Windows
is that worth a lifetime of having some of the most intrusive malware on the planet constantly running in the background? (inb4 windows joke)

Malware affects actual internet infrastructures though. The malware only needs to be on the device for a couple of days and still infect several devices. That's why Mirai was so effect even though it was only stored in RAM for a couple of days.

There are superior, free as in gratis and free as in libre, nonbloated and nonirritating alternatives. Why bother with antivirus when you could install some free browser extensions that’ll do it for you, or run an uncommon GNU/Linux distro so most viruses can’t process it, or even just use common sense and avoid the sources of viruses?
And if someone *really* wants to fuck your shit up, they’ll find a way to. Antivirus can’t stop everything; in fact, it just stops the kind of shit you’d find on limewire like back in the late 90’s/early00’s.

Linux malware is predominant.

because they think that antivirus will give kids autism

Such as?

You fucking boomer, get out.

>ageism on Jow Forums
go back to your consumer electronics threads

>is that worth a lifetime of having some of the most intrusive malware on the planet constantly running in the background?
He says, while using Windows.

Hackers and research primarily target windows. You want the biggest ROI.

Isn't antivirus just something that compares file hashes to a database?

nah, malware is only for windows machines and home users
Linux is usually used for well secured enterprise shit and is more likely to face a direct attack than malware.

That's still done, but AVs have stepped up their game in the last few years. Some run heuristic checks, like checking the imports, others even run the executable in a sandbox.

Another thing I just remembered, BD does something cool as well. They inject their code into exectuables. I'm not sure what they're doing, but I assume it's provide run-time protection.

Please just keep your AV on please. You do get malware all the time. We just handle them. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

t. Service Desk

Because Jow Forums is filled with BlackHat faggots that write the fuckin scripts and code for these malicious programs and they want you to get infected.

Attached: 00923DAF-2A55-4A09-AFE8-94483F0AFE60.png (2810x4096, 490K)

Because they don't use Windows or are too young to remember what things used to be like.

Heard of the Linux malware called Mirai that shut down DYN?

>*adjust sunglasses*
>*python hack.py -fbi.gov*
>"Got em"
Nobody on Jow Forums knows what they are doing. Nice LARP though.

They are useless today and the actual software is utter garbage and bloatware.

>Nobody on Jow Forums knows what they are doing.
This includes you.

Antiviruses are the real trojan horse, offering you the service of "protection" while being able to
scan all of your files and view all of your incoming and outgoing data while always being active and usually a bitch to remove/uninstall

Wake up

Yasssssss Queen, get woke

Prove that any major professional antivirus does this.

>Spinning the disk periodically hours on end scanning files that can't even be infected

literally can't, it's all closed source :^)

You forget the part where they check tcp fingerprints, telnet, and new binary md5?

Because most modern malware is delivered via the web browser these days. An extension like uBlock will work just as well, or better.

>scanning files that can't even be infected
literally any file can be infected

i dont
i have common sense up to date
works well, would recommend

ur mom's infected

>most modern malware is delivered via the web browser these days
This isn't 2005. Modern malware is spread through port-scanning telnet or ports that can be used for specific exploits.
What about zero day exploits that are being used to propogate malware?

Why would an antivirus be open-source?

to confirm that the antivirus is doing what it's supposed to on the applications end and not just collecting your nudes or creating a virtual file on you through all the info it collects about you and your online habits while labelling itself an antivirus

If an antivus goes open-source it WILL be cracked. Your conspiracies mean nothing when security is involved.

if an Operating System goes open-source it WILL be cracked and everything you do on the computer with the OS will be sent to the administrator of Project HARP

because the only OS that an antivirus might make sense on is windows, which already has a built in antivirus.

You're not safe from viruses just because you use Linux.

Ok, but we're not talking about an OS? We're talking about software that is used to protect an OS from malicious software.