Prove me wrong

Attached: 1538850132494m.jpg (1024x331, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the formatting is all wrong user
the contents of your first box got stretched out to fill all three

All I see is plebeian choices.

patrician would be LTSC

no real meaningful differences between any of those 'choices'

amd doens't even put out gpu drivers for 8.1 anymore, and 8.1 would be the contrarian option since it's almost universally disliked despite being slightly nicer than 7 in some regards


this one is pretty decent with store and apps removed

Attached: 8.1.png (997x855, 36K)

More like pic related

Attached: 1538852684850.png (1024x331, 149K)


how did you even get that

got it for free from my school

enjoy your 4gb vram limit, cuck. windows 7 doesn't have this issue.

What? This isnt a real issue

it is. even at 1440p

>windows 7 doesn't have this issue.
no, it instead has vram memory leaking issues and hardcoded caps which put you back into basic mode when you use 1.3gb~ vram

False. I use 7 with a Titan Xp for 8k video editing.

Vista > your OW

seconding this

it's a known bug but good for you if you don't get it
>Once 1.1GB is reached windows gives a warning about low available DWM memory causing low performance, and once you reach 1.3GB windows kills Aero and forces the systems to Windows basic until you either re-enable aero or restart dwm.exe.
I literally can't put a firefox with a youtube window open on my second monitor without windows 7 shitting the bed

Sorry please elaborate. I use win 8.1 at 1440p and have a 6gb gpu. I was doing benchmarks earlier that used 4+gb and only had crashes due to overclocking, base clocks worked fine

Works for me. Meanwhile I play everything at 5120x1880 downsampled to 2560x1440. Something your faggy OS can't even dream about.

It's a well known problem. It appeared in Windows 8 and was only fixed in Windows 10 1803.

came here to say this

it's not a memory limit in programs/games you dumb fuck it's an issue in dwm
>Something your faggy OS can't even dream about.
where did I say that I'm not using windows 7

came here to say this


It might be an issue in Chromium. I don't use it. And I don't see that problem in Firefox, Photoshop or Premiere. The OS doesn't have this issue.

Works on my machine. Using Chromium.

as mentioned I get the issue in firefox among other programs (like mpv) although the issue is a little more niche than I was letting on
make no mistake, it's an issue in windows 7 that was later fixed in 8.1

came here to say this

honestly 8.1 was the best

I don't have it in MPV either. Most likely was fixed. 7 received many DWM updates including a big one in 2017

he's right, sort of
Directx 9 has a memory leak related to texture allocation on windows 7, there isn't actually a limit on memory usage, so it'll use up all the vram, all the ram, and all the pagefile before stopping.
it never comes up because Directx 9 is outdated as shit and the developer would also have to create a memory leak.

Microsoft decided they really needed to fix it in windows 8
They couldn't come up with a fix before release so they just capped the amount of memory directx 9 could use for texture allocation to 4 gb across VRAM, RAM, and pagefile.
A couple of months ago they fixed it on windows 10 and refused to backport the fix.

doesn't apply to other directx versions afaik

Nope, everything works fine on a updated 7.

I'm not seeing that problem, retard.
here's the news about the fix to 10, i don't care enough to find other links

Were the benchmarks you were running specifically related to texture allocation and dx9?
You're not going to see the issue if they weren't.
It's niche as fuck and the only time I've ever seen it be brought up ever is with heavily modded skyrim.

lmao 8.1 doesnt have this issue 7fag

That's literally where that bug started, idiot. And it's never going to get fixed.

post actual proof of it happening

It does. It was only fixed in Windows 10 1803 and it was introduced in Windows 8. Any OS released between this period of time has that bug and it will never get fixed.

this prove me wrong bullshit should be a bannable offense

have a sage, nigger

You're not wrong, you're irrelevent. Windows is gereric. Most users would have difficulty telling which version they were using.

>not .0


this lmao

Install Gentoo.

Attached: fixed.jpg (1024x331, 26K)

>50+ % reduction in performance in all games (the few that are ported)

linuxfags are the worst

>a dx9 issue


And that changes what?

muh games



this install gentoo


No, they wouldn't. File deleting update got pushed to LTSB/LTSC and isn't getting patched.

Replace 8.1 with Vista

How drunk are you?

8.1 was alright but a failure and still needs to be cleansed of all the useless shit. So was Vista, but it was consistent and had the best UI while being usable with SP2.

>"""choice""" is only the subjective amount of botnet
Literally communism. Thanks microsoft!

8.1 with classic shell is a glorious alternative to 10. Also, unlike Vista it hasn't reached it's end of life which makes it better by default. Have another one you lush.

>7 received many DWM updates including a big one in 2017
I don't know what to say, I booted my windows 7 vm bare metal to test and I can't seem to reproduce the bug, it seems like they may have fixed it after all
this issue has been plaguing me for years and it caused me to make the full time switch to linux, trust microsoft to patch it after I switch

this issue had been around since the launch of windows 7, the superuser question was from 2010, obviously I was fully updated when I was still having the issue

>Claiming Windows 8.1 is anything but contrarian

>not being able to turn off desktop compositing
miss me with that gay shit

Attached: 1538850132494m.jpg (1024x331, 58K)

all 3 desu

I've used Windows 7 since it came out and have never had that issue. It only ever goes to the Basic theme when I'm playing old games that don't support aero like San Andreas.
it's much easier to just say 'werks on my machine'

Attached: CQ53v.png (771x514, 27K)

It's never said anything to me about video memory, and I've run 7 on machines with 64MB, 128MB, 1GB, and 4GB GPUs. The only message it's ever given me was this.

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (500x112, 10K)

there could be some specific causes to it like mentions

>Industry Pro
What is this?


>OP still hasnt been proven wrong

Windows 8.1 with classic Shell is actually very decent.
Too bad almost everyone is discontinuing the support for it.

Windows 8 in any form was shit and continues to be shit.

The fact that you are underage proves you wrong

>He doesn't know about Proton


Eow an actual explanation. Thanks

see Also, enjoy depending on Steam to play anything roflmao

Games run faster on Linux, the OpenGL implementation is better.

meanwhile in Russia...

Attached: 0.png (1254x565, 192K)

Can we make a full list of objective problems and missing features in Windows 7 compared to 10?

- No WDDM 2 and consequently no DX12
- DX9 4gb+ vram memory leaks

Good God calm your fucking autism you obnoxious whore for attention, this is getting ridiculous; please just seek help already for Christs sake