Just started college for computer science at 23. Is C# a good language to learn? I'm very interested in it. I started with python, and i'm currently in class for java. I have a solid grasp on OOP already. Is C# a good language to learn? If not, what languages will help me get an entry level software development job with no professional experience?
Just started college for computer science at 23. Is C# a good language to learn? I'm very interested in it...
python jobs are most searched for ones, so..
i'm a senior c# developer with 6 years experience and i make 80/hour OP, ask me anything
What? Do you mean companies are looking for python devs, or a lot of python devs are looking for jobs?
Good if you want to learn the .net stack. Java is still king in the enterprise software development world, but there are a lot of shops using C#.
That's awesome. What type of projects do you work on? How did you get started? In your opinion, is C# a good language to add to a beginner's toolkit, or would their time be better spent elsewhere?
c# is fine. It has plenty of jobs and isn't completely retarded. It has flaws, but probably less than java.
Is it common for someone to be proficient in both languages? Or do people usually specialize in a specific language? Sorry for so many questions, I'm just relatively pretty fucking new to all of this.
Java and C# are very similar. It wouldn't be hard to be proficient in both.
>What type of projects do you work on
right now i'm making a xamarin mobile app, before that i developed a couponing system (assigns personalized coupons to customers, emails them their coupon, coupon is redeemable on website, etc.)
>How did you get started?
i did 3 years of college, most of which was using java and near the end i transitioned to c#
>In your opinion, is C# a good language to add to a beginner's toolkit, or would their time be better spent elsewhere?
learn c# if you want to develop web apps (asp .net mvc, webapi, ms sql, entity framework, etc.) because thats where most of the c# work is. learn something else if you hate web development. IMO on your spare time you should also try to learn some C to get an understanding of memory allocation because i think that is valuable knowledge to beginners even though you probably won't use it often as a c#/java developer
i started with java and transitioned to c#. yes they're very similar but IMO the c# syntax is 100 times better looking and the latest developments with things like .net core are very attractive. not to mention xamarin has also gotten a hundred times better in the last couple years
user, ill be honest, C# is a shitty language and will never be used for anything but simple websites for everything else it sucks hard due to how its built around exceptions which cost 200k cycles and other "easy to use" things such as LINQ, EF Core and BCL (base libs) so i suggest you learn a compiled language such as Rust or C++
>never be used for anything but simple websites
is this bait
Python, because that's what you're going to be using when you do coding interview problems.
what this guy said, C# is a bloated slow piece of shit
compare java vs C# on techempower benchmarks, ill wait :) (turn off platform)
for example ASP.NET Core MVC which is Full framework only gets 1mil req/sec while Act framework which is Java full framework gets ~ 4million
C# is fine, the skills will easily transfer to Java. If you have an option, I would learn Java instead though since it is way more popular in the industry.
You should easily be able to program Java, C# and Python anyhow if you finish a non diploma mill comp.sci university eventually. And do quite a bit more.
Stack Overflow was built with asp.net using C#
how come every time someone recommends python it is preceded by a completely retarded statement
>compare java vs C# on techempower benchmarks, ill wait :) (turn off platform)
yes a few milliseconds here and there are nice but that doesn't account for code readability, reusability, the productivity at which a developer can work, or the wide range of applications of that environment
java has nothing like xamarin, entity framework is far better than any ORM java has, mvc is far better than java server pages, razor is far better than jsp syntax, java has nothing as clean as webapi, and java code just looks dogshit in general.
>don't forget to inherit from AbstractFactoryBeanFactoryImplementationInterfaceFactoryClass
meant to also quote
C# and VB.NET is the language that helps MSCE idiot admins get their shit done.
I'll be around for quite a while because MSCE idiot admins won't die out so soon. And the USA in particular is still particularly heavily invested in Microsoft.
I have noticed that Java and C# are very similar. If I'm not mistaken, C# was microsoft's response to Java right? Back to real questions though; How did you go about finding work after college? A little background, the only real work experience I have is military stuff completely unrelated to technology. Would you recommend building a portfolio and adding that to a resume?
Thanks for the input. I'm sure a bunch of people here are going to disagree with you, but I do appreciate the feedback. Why exactly would Rust or C++ be a better option in your opinion? Are those as popular as other languages that have been mentioned? (Java, C#, Python)
It seems like the general consensus is Java is more popular, however due to the similarities between Java and C#, it wouldn't hurt to learn both.
As this is my first semester, I'm only taking a basic Java course and it's been extremely easy and basic thus far. Will I actually be able to walk out of college with enough knowledge to find work, or will I 100% have to supplement with self-teaching?
Thanks for all the fucking responses though guys, seriously
>How did you go about finding work after college?
my college program was also co-op, so it was basically 2 years of classes and 1 year of actual co-op work as a developer. by the time i graduated i had 1 year of experience. also any college should have a careers center for students. you'll probably be making 14 bucks an hour but once you graduate you should be making quite a bit more.
>Would you recommend building a portfolio and adding that to a resume?
if you're really serious about this here game i suggest going to college or at least getting some kind of certification. you're going to be hard pressed to find work as a c# developer if you have 0 experience and 0 education. i don't think even startups would hire you. portfolios are nice but to be honest i've literally never heard of a developer getting hired based on their portfolio in the 6 years i've been working since college
oh you're in school already. you'll be fine then.
I've definitely heard the same thing regarding portfolios multiple times. And yea, I'm in school already so I at least have that going for me. I guess that thing I'm worried about the most is the ridiculous requirements I see on job listings for entry level software development. The requirements are usually a long list of shit, most of which I have no experience with.
In an entry level position, is there room for on the job training and learning? Or is it expected to be just as good at the job as someone of your capacity with 6 years experience?
Nah, that's just your inexperience with Java. Java has the better libs and frameworks for all of these.
For example, why would you need that Xamarin hack shit from the creators of the Mono hack shit? Java is native on Android and the other platforms.
Either way, stick with the Microsoft controlled ecosystem if you must / if you get paid for it. But the JVM ecosystem is still bigger for a reason, despite it not having Microsoft push it into all the products the usual Windows shops rely on.
>Will I actually be able to walk out of college with enough knowledge to find work, or will I 100% have to supplement with self-teaching?
Depends on what university you attend. The USA has terrible diploma mills as well as good and mediocre "real" universities that I could respect [although I must say it's a mistake to continue to even let the diploma mills exist].
Well, if you're often bored because you're in a diploma mill, at least put some initiative on your own into learning a few programming languages okay. It shouldn't even really be a challenge to do the ones I mentioned. Not like you should remember every function in every lib by heart, just ... be able to code with them and understand the general ideas, eh. And then the usual comp.sci stuff about algorithm and data structures and performance analysis/guesstimates and whatever else you need in the job.
Personal shitty opinion: Go for Java if you want to add on top of it stuff like Clojure or Scala
and other JVM-reliant languages.
Els, I'd say C, C++, C# and Python
Now time for my question: Where does one start with all things Lisp?
I'm pretty sure the University I'll be transferring to next year is a diploma mill, and I know I'm just attending to get a stupid piece of fucking paper. I spend almost all of my spare time learning this stuff though, I just didn't really know what I should and shouldn't be learning as I don't have no clue what employers are looking for. Thanks for all of the replies man, I'll definitely look into your advice.
C# is an excellent tool to have. As mentioned, it is great if you are working in the .NET stack. The thing is, if you have a good grasp of C++ then C# will be easy.
Honestly, as others have mentioned learn more than one language.
JavaScript is an excellent compliment to C# or Java because platforms will often use C# or Java on the back end and then tie in with JavaScript on the front end.
Keep in mind to that a lot of the value with things like JavaScript or C# come not from the language itself but the frameworks that are built for them. Frameworks such as ServiceStack for C# or Node.Js for JavaScript.
In other words, yes, learn C#. Just be prepared to learn more on top of that.
0.3 ms average latency vs aspcore-mw 94.9 ms
agree with learning C even if you're not gonna use it - I recently started it after spending years with Python and Java and though the transition was a bit tough, it definitely is a great language and teaches important concepts for computer science
Smaller corporate shops tend to use .Net and SQL Server. Bigger ones will used Java and Oracle. C# is for bottom feeders imho. I would avoid it.
t. work in a C#/MS-SQL shop.
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs is what I'm working through now. It uses Scheme. It's hard though