PascalCase for functions

PascalCase for functions
camelCase for variables

Prove me wrong.

Attached: p2xjr0k6utny.jpg (431x557, 22K)

snake_case for everything

>His functions aren't just variables
Stop using a shitlang, user.

just fucking use whatever you like

PascalCase for classes
camelCase for functions/methods
snake_case for variables
UPPERCASE for constants

functions are variables too

PascalCase for types
camelCase for functions and variables

hungarian notation for variables

why do you call methods functions?

How'd you get Max Payne's face to be all HD?


lowercasewithnospaces for everything

functions *are* variables. they're just a pointer to a location in the program memory

Maybe in a shitlang like C.

ya wot m8, even in a functional programming language variables still resolve to values, just those values could be functions.

PascalCase for member variables, procedures, and function
cameCase for local variables.
I for once, agree with OP.

Titlecase for constants
lowercase for everything else

also Titlecase for typedefs

PascalCase for classes/structs/enums etc.
snake_case for variables and functions
UPPER_CASE for constants


It was already in HD back in 2001

PascalCase for classes/interfaces/structs/traits
camelCase for fields/members/functions/methods
UPPER_CASE for constants/macros
snake_case for everything else (local variables, function arguments, filenames (unless it's Java))

I actually like this, but it falls through if your locally scoped variable is only one word. Cannot differentiate it from the functions/methods.

This. Just UPPER_SNAKECASE for constants

camelCase for variables
snake_case for functions
PascalCase for classes
UPPERCASE for constants or macros

How come hyphens aren't used in most languages? I think they'd be better than underlines.

The - token is already used for the minus sign.
It's retarded, I know. I must prefer lispy kebab-case.

Payne's face on the first game is literally a bunch of photos of Sam Lake together. More games should have done this desu, it looked great at the time.

Always put an underscore after the variable name like: snake_

>Prove me wrong.

Attached: go masterrace.png (627x170, 15K)

Go is for brainlets, but that sounds actually pretty comfy. I like the idea of immediately being able to tell an identifier's visibility by reading it.


Using different capitalization is just Hungarian notation in disguise.


>Go is for brainlets
i use arch btw

>actually pretty comfy
you can easily use the convention in any language

Not bad. Why as a suffix instead of a prefix? e.g. _snake?
>int _snake = 12;
>int snake_ = 12;
For me the first actually works better. I immediately notice the underscore and immediately read the word. In the latter, I could see myself not noticing the _.

In C and C++ any globally visible identifiers that begin with an underscore are reserved for the implementation. e.g. the program entrypoint is almost always _start