What is the most secure thing to speak on?

What is the most secure thing to speak on?

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email with pgp encryption is good enough for me

>What is the most secure thing to speak on?
A deserted Island with no living beings capable of sight or hearing, and only yourself for company.
That way no one can hear what you say and can't read your lips to approximate your words.
And best of all, no one even knows you're speaking.

tsl irc

just make sure there are no smartphones or computers in your proximity

Counter strike server, shoot bullets in the walls to communicate


But for now, the voice in your head seems to be secure as well.

Encrypt your words by making up a new language that has some gay ass rules that neither party will fully coprehend.

so chinese

why? you hiding something?

This is actually not a dumb idea. You can just chat on a custom cs server with a password and serverlog disabled.

What if you're a NPC


Face to Face, IRL, in the deep remote northern woods of the British Columbian mountains.

What's the more secure thing to speak on to arrange this meeting?

Roblox Chat

Or indian smoke signals, your choice

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Wire or Signal with ephemeral messaging turned on.

>But for now, the voice in your head seems to be secure as well.
But I can hear my own thoughts, which means my evil half can hear them too.

Negative Positive my man.


Tried that, my neutral-half ended up turning into a weeaboo. On the plus side, I now understand japanese up to a 1st grade level.


>What is the most secure thing to speak on?
CIA niggers are inescapable. learn to live with it buddy

Wear a robe with long sleeves that hang over your arms, then when you need to communicate with someone just ask them to hold their palms out and write out each word on their palm letter-by-letter with your finger like Helen Keller

Probably the weirdest one in this thread but probably also the best one yet.
>Most practical
>Most accessible
>Faster than others

Only problem is that I’d probably punch the daylights out of someone who tried to talk to me that way.

Exchange public keys with somebody in person. Encrypt your messages with layered algorithms. Combine the output of many PRNGS. Once you have your encrypted message, you can send it however you like.

Ideally, you will have an ASIC or FPGA doing this. Ensure that the device has an isolated power supply, and that the entire unit is kept inside a Faraday cage.

Bonus points: If you're worried about someone figuring out what you're saying by watching the movement of your hand under the sleeve then cut two holes in a cardboard box on opposite sides so that you and the other person can each put your hand in

Anything if you can securely exchange one time pads.

And remember, the cryptography is the least likely part to fail. Read up on Ross Ulbricht.


That's how ISIS members have communicated for a while, but GabeN himself helped identifying them (the GabeN part is made up, in case you believed me)

Everything is obvious so there are no secrets. Secure communication is just a ritual.

>he doesn't use the most elaborate and inefficient secure communication channels he can dream up in order to roleplay as the world's greatest secret agent

>Charlie attaches another string and can at the midway point.


XMPP+Omemo or whatever the successor to OTR is called


go on mw2 private servers and writer your messages on the wall with bullets

facebook chat
