NodeJS, PHP, or Django?
Which should I go for? I prefer to code in JavaScript and know Python, but I don't mind learning PHP if it has faster performance. Can't find a straight answer as to which is better online, so you tell me Jow Forums
NodeJS, PHP, or Django?
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Old shitty enjoy your wordpress
Old, not nearly as shitty as PHP but you're not going to be building modern projects with it.
I hope you like Brogrammers
That's a strange way of spelling trannies.
lincuck projecting
> mfw am actually trans and use node all the time
>I don't mind learning PHP if it has faster performance
It absolutely doesn't. Among those three, node.js is going to have the best performance by far.
I don't why you'd ask Jow Forums which language you should use unless you're specifically trying to incite a bunch of retards into a meme-war, but you should probably ignore any subjective advice you get here
Jow Forums 's a comfy place and meme wars are fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Among those three, node.js is going to have the best performance by far.
My 672 MB Hello World program sure is fast!
Resource heavy doesn't mean slow.
Java requires a lot of resources, and still runs faster than anything not named C or Rust.
JS runs faster than PHP and Python most of the time.
>Telling us that without photos
>672 MB Hello World program
Maybe if you use a billion layers of unnecessary frameworks, but you can do that in any language.
which one is easiest to learn and fastest to get a job into?
Django is basically Python
Node is basically JavaScript
and PHP is just its own thing
If you're thinking about back-end, I assume you're already pretty good with JavaScript, so Node's probs best. Even if you're really comfortable with Python, Node will probably be easier, because unlike Django it doesn't throw loads of new things at you at once when you begin learning.
Fastest would be learning PHP/Wordpress.
Jobs may vary with your area.
They're all pretty easy to learn. Which one is more likely to get you a job depends on what kind of jobs you're applying for. Learning both javascript and python will probably give you the best reach.
php is still pretty big isnt it?
Sure, easiest to learn, but wordpress is shit. Seriously user, don't waste your time with it. You won't get paid shit for making wordpress sites.
>Among those three, node.js is going to have the best performance by far.
Guess how do I know you're full of shit?
so best choice is node/javascript + python/django
since managers fell in single page meme
Don't need to learn both, one should be enough.
I'd say node/javascript.
PHP7 outperforms Python 3 in most benchmarks, but it doesn't really matter for most purposes. The "PHP Is Bad" meme is surprisingly still prevalent this many years after that PHP Is A Fractal Of Bad Design article. I have coworkers that joke about how PHP sux even when they know nothing about it. Its in a completely different state than what is was 5 years ago. StackOverflow is still packed with shitty answers though.
The truth is, as long as you're using a modern framework, building PHP web applications is fine. Just stick to best practices, read PHPTheRightWay, use Composer, and adhere to PSR standards.
for the record, I don't use PHP anymore and mostly work with Elixir
Which one of those do you think is generally faster?
PHP with Swoole completely rapes Node.
Fastest language of the 3. Probably better suited for large and complicated projects. I don't think it requires any Apache/IIS/Nginx frameworks.
It's at least great for simple projects from what I've used. I've only used it for a page or two, but it feels like C and HTML integrated together. I've only used version 7.1 in practice, so I can't say I've felt any of the long-held ideas about it being horrible.
Python is for retards.
I'd say your least retarded option would be NodeJS with TypeScript. Just make the "start" and whatever scripts in package.json transpile the code first.
tell me about the stuff you put in your anus, fren
Whats up with so many frameworks , etc , etc on the market ?
>you should learn node.js with someshit
>no you better learn node.js with other shit it better
>actually node.js is trash and should learn php with some shit
>etc etc
really feels like fucking jungle
You realize Swoole is a plugin written in C that just has PHP bindings right? Of course PHP can be faster than a different plain interpreter if all of your actual work isn't being done by PHP, but that's hardly a valid comparison among languages, and it's extremely limited in domain.
Because people don't want to spend 90% of their time reinventing the wheel.
ye but if you start from the beginning you dont really know what to learn you are just trusting some random user on internet that you are actually learning the framework that will actually be usefull to you later and not wasting your time
kms yourself for considering PHP
Then you should learn what fits your situation, not what other people like.
Working with wordpress? Pick PHP
Already knows a lot of python? Pick python
Doing front-end work and know JS? pick node
You also have to consider the job market, if everyone in your city uses Ruby on Rails, maybe learn that.
why does no one mention C#?
>tfw spent like a month writing PHP 7
>hate it like nothing else
It's still shit, just like every single language focused around OOP is. On top of that, PHP is full of non-design (random libraries glued together with no consistency) and bad design decisions (scoping, sigils, passing functions via strings, retarded string interpolation (good luck interpolating a constant without concatenation)).
>passing functions via strings
This is one of my least favorite things about PHP
>does not build
If you really care about performance look at these tests:
Anything else is just memery
TL;DR they all have decent performance, pick the one you enjoy writing in the most
PHP, it exists for decades and will keep living for decades to come, it werks
Python is not for the web
JS is too fragile to fuck ups, use it in frontend only
former uni student, all web dev for publicly facing stuff was done with php (drupal)
literally all of it
all the permanent and student web dev were on a slack and they were just starting to experiment with rails for some internal apps to replace legacy java shit by oracle
Depends on your use case. PHP is great for intranet applications, since it's stable as fuck. You can write something in PHP and it'll still work a decade later. Node will break your application with an API change within two years.
>JS is too fragile to fuck ups
translation: I'm a retard that does arithmetic on strings and can't catch basic errors without the language holding my hand
still doesn't even have a correctly implemented ternary operator
>Im a fizzbuzzer who never worked in any decently big project and thinks im so smart i will prevent every single error before it happens even when JS can screw everything in the most unimaginable ways
I hope you dont code anything too critical
This post is garbage and is clearly made by someone with no real world experience.
Simple but limited. Antiquated way of doing web servers. Tons of help and documentation online.
Complex and difficult
Modern but also very simple. Highly recommend this.
Ternary operators are stupid anyway. Just because you can condense logic to one line doesn't mean you should.
>big project means 10,000 line spaghetti code functions that can't be debugged
>calls me a fizzbuzzer
kys pajeet
Brainlet spotted. If statements aren't composable, ternary expressions are, meaning ternary expressions are a much more powerful language construct. But sure, go ahead and use if-else for everything since you don't seem to mind writing shitty code.
So... they accomplish that by writing and publishing yet another framework that does the exact same thing as ten other frameworks out there?
enjoy unemployment
PHP, its the best, I dont really know why so many people hate it
If you want an almost all in one solution and you have the patience go for Django, if you really like to import 'is-odd'; then nodejs
Python+flask. You might really like it.
Django just werks bretty gud desu senpai
Honestly it doesn't matter as long as you make the effort to learn best practices for your chosen language/stack.
Also if you're really worried about jobs just pick the one with the most listings in your area. Otherwise go with whichever one seems most appealing to you.
I wish this was still the case. I use Perl for web dev but its definitely not the fastest anymore. I think certain PHP7 configurations beat it by a pretty large margin.
Whichever you want, you will find a job in any of these.
t. never used php