>MMXVIII + tip
>he doesn't use Minitena
Jesus user, are you some kind of loser?
>MMXVIII + tip
>he doesn't use Minitena
Jesus user, are you some kind of loser?
>To communicate with each other person who uses Minitena, we made Discord server. Because it’s very popular and easy way to discuss about this project. If you want to join here’s the button.
fuck you
Hello @protonesso
Is this the new Solus thread?
That page is seriously lacking any real info. Fix it if you want anyone to take you seriously. Also, fuck shitcord, use something less cancerous.
Its nu-Jow Forums everyone uses fucking discord now. Retards don't know what's good for themselves
What is Minitena? Sell it to me, make me want it.
If you can’t do that and make this a thread worth reading, fuck off, a thread died for this.
literally suck the shit off a dildo on your way out of here.
mac is fine for dev you utter zoomer
pls respond
>haven't bothered to make an installer
>its uhhh its for experienced users lol
whos the girl
Hang yourself faggot
Who's this semen hapa
Oh look, it's arch.
>t. poorfag
Mac is my dev environment as well as used for pretty much everything else but gaming.
>he doesn't see my irc client open
neck yourself brainlet
whos this qt
@protonesso, the Minitena creator
reverse image search says otherwise. i want this cuties name, not some samefagging poojeet dev
Why would I be samefagging, that's pretty cringe famalamadingdong
But you're still using discord