Install AirVPN.
+1 on
Best vpns?
Noah Diaz
Jackson Lopez
hidemyass :^)
Christopher Nguyen
it just gets funnier every thread
John Perry
What's the rule of thumb on choosing an exit server?
Always the closest? I'm a usafag btw. I see all this stuff about the 14 eyes and other similar topics and it makes me wonder if I should be always connecting through Jamaica or something.
Blake Myers
I pay 1 euro per month for a VPS and run openvpn on it. It does have a 2TB bandwidth limit per month, but that's enough for me. Let's me stream torrented stuff at the same time.
Landon Green
Fuck off you stupid cunt.
Brody Watson
Ive never had a problem with PIA
Juan Wood
fick off, nigger
Adrian Roberts
Tyler Harris
Just a SSH tunnel at a cheap VPS based in a country like Iceland or Switserland.