Stop right there criminal scum. Open your terminal and type neofetch/screenfetch/whateverfetchyouhave and post results ITT.
The dox yourself challage
or your mother will die in her sleep
please give me (you)'s
Here's your (you) you smarmy fuck
thanks :)
tranny with terrible taste in software detected
But the tranny isn't using fucking Linux.
literally only early stage transitioners feel the need to specify their gender at every possible opportunity, after a few months of presenting as a george foreman gril the honeymoon period wear off/they get sick of neckbeards hitting on them over the internet. the same applies to cis girls.
t. tranny
>tfw no russian hacker gf
if that's your real name then I feel sorry for you, grubert
Hi Femanon its me, hope you are having a nice day. If u wanna talk u know my email.
I love you, princess :3
Stop larping as me.
You forgot to censor the localhost on the left there
no worries ;^)
even if you use windows, you should at least rice it
Jeez do winfags even know how to rice their os?
why did you guys bully Yuliya into deleting her post?
Thinking of installing GNU/Linux on this machine, will I have any issues?
bros I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna kill Windows when I do it q:U