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hmmm... even shillpowerup with pajeets and shitskins from germany has waken up.
what's going on?
the absolute sate of intkikes
>most rabid intlel shills are shitting on intlel
How badly did Intlel fuck up?
Gee, I wonder:
hi tarun, in the future post your late click b8 'articles' on reddit instead of this board, everyone already know about this since yesterday. merry christmas.
We are witnessing the great uncuckening.
Also Nvidia will be next but that will take a few more years.
>higher is better
The more vulnerabilities the faster your cpu is!!!!
>like a golf ball, the imperfections make it better
trips of truth
>Jow Forums doesn't care about gaming
>Unless when it's about intel
Stop caring about security
big if true
Who cares, x86 is old and busted
RISC-V is the new hotness
Gaymen are essential part of hardware and software wars. Gaymen are software. Gaymen are running on console, mobile, arcade, and PC hardware. Gaymen are developed on console devkit and PC hardware.
>has waken
Are you a slavshit subhuman by chance? You can also become a reviewer there from x country.
Slit your wrists.
>The more vulnerabilities the faster your cpu is!!!!
But that's actually true
It's not obvious from the evidence that it really is. It could just as well be that Intel was complacent with explicitly clearing invalidly loaded data, thinking that architectural rollback was enough.
You can say that when it has high-performance implementations.
Checked 'em.
> You could fertilize the Sahara with this data.
intel cucked
Inturd cocked.
That's fucked up. The benchmarks show Intel beating AMD by 40% when in fact it's only like 30%.
I wouldn't be surprised if Intel took this image and rewrote the text as "Number of Hardware Security Vulnerabilities FIXED". So it looks like AMD only fixed 1 vulnerability (even though they were only affected by 1 and fixed it immediately) whereas Intel hasn't fixed all of theirs and they are up to like 24+ vulnerabilities now