just don't use any kernel past 4.18 debian will be fine for many years to come
Jace Jackson
OpenIndiana is an option openindiana.org/ It's a continuation of OpenSolaris. If you need Linux binary support, you can try OmniOS CE which has LX zones.
Noah Morris
>TempleOS t. Meme fag
Blake Cook
OpenBSD is great, takes some configuration though so you have to use the terminal. Also there are no nvidia drivers.
Brayden Parker
ReactOS maybe?
Jordan Nguyen
Literally use anything else you want. Linux is better off without people like you.
Ayden Kelly
TempleOS is more than a meme I'll look into OpenBSD and NetBSD The idea behind ReactOS is really interesting U mad ?
Bentley Jones
>we need to be more inclusive as a community >fuck off white males made me think
Alexander Kelly
Security updates? Software support? When do you think the next exploit is going to be announced for 4.18? It won't last a few months.
Levi Robinson
We can't tolerate intolerance and most of us aren't the pushovers you like to think we are.
Ryder Harris
Nobody is saying fuck off white males even though it is mostly white males who are openly racist and sexist.
You should take a community college course on rhetoric before continuing to post.
Camden Carter
Are you for real ? Anyway I can't tolerate people who can't tolerate intolerance
Brandon Green
>Nobody is saying fuck off white males blatant lie DOTR can't come soon enough
Nathaniel Brown
What CoC drama? Also aren't several distros pretty much independent from each other? Some like Ubuntu and Mint are closely related but I thought some other distros we're more independent so "Linux" as a whole couldn't go downhill at once
Jayden Martinez
>>Nobody is saying fuck off white males >blatant lie
Who here is saying fuck off white males? Just reply with the post number.
Charles Gomez
Lincoln Reyes
Michael Flores
Good, then stay away from us.
Nathan Adams
Owen Ramirez
Actually just about any feminist woman is openly sexist. But you're probably one of them so "you can't be sexist against men"
Jaxon Russell
just because nobody IN THIS THREAD is saying it (yet) doesn't mean it isn't common parlance
Nice deflection from the point at hand that nobody was actually saying fuck off white males.
Do you think you're intelligent?
Lincoln Sullivan
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
To make it simple slimy leftists are trying to take control of the Linux project by forcing it to adopt a more inclusive Code of Conduct, see youtube.com/watch?v=pwn3gIipCjU for more infos
Ryder Foster
Cameron Davis
see Continue to not admit you are wrong; this way you will never improve or get laid.
Isaac Kelly
Haiku It's actually somewhat usable now.
Brody Nguyen
Please explain to me how saying "We don't need more tech written by white dudes" isn't the equivalent of "Fuck off white guys".
Angel Brooks
how do you know freebsd is cucked? have you ever used it?, or are you just repeating what everyone else here says? i'd say that for day to day, freebsd with wmii is better than Debian unstable, mint, or arch.
Liam Kelly
Retard, nobody in this thread ever said "We don't need more tech written by white dudes". I said we can't tolerate intolerance and you (or someone else) being the retard that you are made a piss-poor attempt at moving the goalposts because of how fucking dumb you are.
Go ahead and respond trying to chastise me for calling you out for the dumbass that you are; it doesn't change anything.
Liam Watson
Is it really usable as an everyday OS, seems like it is more aimed for educational purposes ?
Austin Jackson
learn to fucking read retard >just because nobody IN THIS THREAD is saying it (yet) doesn't mean it isn't common parlance
Do you need virtue signaling to get your peepee out of its chastity cuckcage?
Charles Stewart
>moving the goalposts This is why you should be taking an introductory course on rhetoric at your local community college. The sad thing is that you don't even know how retarded you are.
Jaxson Robinson
can you stop trying to support my argument? he clearly doesn't appreciate your bantz and he just thinks its me.
Charles Gutierrez
>Linux is better off without people like you. this is the initial argument. I am not moving the goalposts.
Jacob Price
>we can't tolerate intolerance that makes you intolerant I don't tolerate you then, according to your own logic
It specifically said "heads-in-the-sand" white dudes. i.e. some but maybe not all of the white males in this thread. I'm no SJW, but some of you really don't know how to argue effectively and it only makes your side look bad.
Brandon Ward
Yeah tech industry would do better if it was 100% driven by wimmin and niggers that's for sure x)
Noah James
Blake Sanchez
what does race have to do with it? what does sex have to do with it? Why couldn't Corey just have said "We don't need more tech written by bigots/religious zealots"?
You're likely not technically inclined enough to submit code to the Linux kernel so why do you care about a code of conduct that pretty much just says "don't doxx people, don't be personally insulting".
Evan Morris
first they came for the kernel devs, and I said nothing because I'm not a kernel dev then they came for the 1%, and I said nothing because I'm not part of the 1% then they came for the white men, and I said nothing because I'm not a white man then they came for me, and there was nobody left to argue
Sebastian Edwards
inb4 ban
Daniel Jenkins
>haha if everyone who disagrees with me gets banned, I win!
Jaxon Cooper
The only people spouting that the code of conduct is about targeting white men are people on Jow Forums. Most likely white men too. All this persecution complex stuff is exhausting.
Cameron Powell
Because the goal of the CoC is to make the project more "inclusive" so that women and "people of color" are allowed to submit code which would not be accepted if it was produced by white men. All of that will ultimately lead to a severe drop in code quality and so in user experience.
Blake Watson
> people who make valueless bait posts shouldn't be banned mhmm, totally
William Reed
>and most of us aren't the pushovers you like to think we are. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Alrighty then you purple haired fatass.
Oliver Martinez
knowingly turning a blind eye to evil is just as bad as committing that evil yourself.
Nathan Ross
nice jordan peterson quote or some shit, faggot
Justin Smith
I got banned from Jow Forums recently for something like this
you don't even know how to write good code, let alone contribute to a kernel, fag
Aaron Sanders
wait no not freebsd, forget i said that
Andrew Long
>haha mom look I posted it again!
Parker Collins
>in case it starts going down the drain after the whole CoC drama. Except it won't. Do you really think big corps like SUSE or Redhat will let some pink haired faggots ruin their business? I'm ready to bet my entire material posessions that the linux kernel will be the exact same in 20 years than it is today, there will only be more additions and nothing removed.
Samuel White
> religion of peace
Parker Reyes
>implying you do your move, cockgobbler
Tyler Price
Do you really think big corporations will let Microsoft fuck up Windows?
Oh wait...
Eli Smith
I like how when I make an actually decent argument they just ignore it and wait for some low hanging fruit user to shitpost absolutely classic
Caleb Peterson
Not a valid comparison in any aspect whatsoever. Windows isn't even a kernel or is it an open source project.