What browser wont spy on me?

What browser wont spy on me?

Attached: 1539131008249.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)


Not for lack of trying - Micro$oft is just incompetent.

The real answer is GNU/Icecat.

Attached: icecat.png (900x900, 513K)

You deserve to be spied on just for going to Stephen Colbert's YouTube page tbqh.

watch the clip. Its showing how colbert is fucking obsessed with trump... Like manic and unhinged.

It's because it saved his show from being axed, so his writers are playing the same schick. Ironically he should be thanking Trump but he knows that won't get good ratings.



>connected to a network
pick one

One of his writers got banned from twitter recently because she said whites were pigs and she wants them exterminated

What point is this video trying to convey? That late night shows talk about the current president frequently?

Ungoogled Chromium

no, Stephen Colbert is just a seething leftist cuck

Brave my nigga.

I'm actually surprised because people have said worse shit on twitter and got away with it, like that New York Times editor.

The one you code yourself

finally someone else notices. I cant stand that old fucking hack

Or that lead dev in Google

TOR Browser Bundle
GNU Icecat
ungoogled chromium
dillo, links, netsurf

palememe is good but the default homepage is botnet shit

Second post best post

Which version do you run?