Who the fuck still uses a Pager?
Is it true Pagers are off the grid? or is that just a silly rumor anons?
Old shit?
Why would they be off the grid?
I dunno, I heard a rumor user
No really. Just use your brain for a millisecond. How can they be off grid?
>Why would they be off the grid?
>I dunno, I heard a rumor user
fucking retarded, you didn't hear a rumor, you're just making retarded conjectures instead of just googling something this simple. congrats, you're actually really dumb. install gentoo faggot.
POCSAG pagers are "off the grid" in the sense that they only receive and not transmit
All doctors use pagers. They're incredibly more reliable than smartphones when you need delivery assurances and there's lives at risk.
Hospitals use pagers still. Anything that needs a highly reliable device that is low maintenance.
They're still used widely in the medical industry
They don't use encrypted protocols though, so you can easily eavesdrop on them with an SDR and freeware that decodes POSCAG
We're slowly moving docs to encrypted messaging systems since HIPPA is becoming more and more of a cocksucker.
The only problem is that alot of docs are technologically retarded and/or super stuck in their ways and refuse to use anything other than a numeric pager.
are there any ways to not be trackable but still be able to receive phone calls mobile-ly (how the fuck do I conjugate that)? I'm not talking about hiding from the government or anything, but I don't want my service provider to know jack shit other than who to bill.
I remember America still used pagers when we in Europe all got mobile phones. Seriously, if you watch old movies or TV shows from around 1995 - 1997, Americans were all wearing pagers. I got my mobile phone in 1995, and that was because I had to wait a year or two for it to become cheap enough as I was just a university student back then.
Here most of the house staff and residents have pagers but use hospital provided dumbphones for most communications or paging apps on their personal phones. For now having redundancy seems needed when neither tech is 100% reliable.
>old movies or TV shows from around 1995 - 1997
please stop
They actually are off the grid.
Any kind of triangulation is impossible.
If you have an SDR, you'll be able to get tons of pages from every hospital within a hundred miles.
>All doctors use pagers
[Citation needed]
>alot of docs are technologically retarded and/or super stuck in their ways and refuse to use anything other than a numeric pager.
Is that so?
I guess I'm an anomaly then.
You really needed that humble brag huh?
>Who the fuck still uses a Pager?
EMS mostly.
>Is it true Pagers are off the grid
Depends on how do you define "off the grid"
But pagers uses transmitters different from the the ones uses by cellphone so, yes it's off grid.
It is.
> I'm an anomaly then
You're not.
would it be possible to have a pager that would be notified when you would receive a phone call? that way you would know to turn the phone on if you had it off to conserve battery or something.
I've asked a doctor friend of mine who lives in a East Europoor country and he says he has a work phone and stopped using pagers a while ago
One-way pagers are kinda off-the-grid but not completely.They're kinda like numbers stations; the receiver is completely anonymous, but the sender must be use extreme precautions to stay anonymous.
Med student here. Most practicing physicians use regular smartphones today. Sometimes inside hospitals alone there are local pager systems that are a mix of a walkie talkie and the thing that beeps when your table is ready at certain restaurants.
Very few use one or two way traditional pagers anymore because of both lack of security (ie HIPPA issues ) and convenience. Youre not off the grid in any sense of the word, so most use an encrypted messaging application and or an answering service ( ie a paid service that screens your calls with a real person)
last time i was in the ER i saw people with ipod touches, shit you not. guess they're always connected to hospital wifi so it's not an issue
Orthofag here, Where I live we use Viber to send images of X-ray.
And VoIP for contact since there's WiFi in the hospital.
Also I have dedicate work only phone number so people can contact me on it.
Never even seen a pager.
I want to use this phone, but hardly anyone makes actual phonecalls these days, its all about whatsapp in my country.
Where I work every person in charge of anything of importance has a pager.
First time I see them since the 90's
Emergency responders sometimes do.
HIPAA doesn't cover radio communication.
hey, i had that phone, best dumbphone.
My dad has a pager and uses it for work
Not only use one, I manage a network of towers along with around 260,000 pagers. Always interesting making tech from the 60-80s work with modern networking equipment.
No wires
no wires, sure. But whoever's running the service probably has logs and such, we have logs running back decades. Not to mention our paging network spans several of our towers which are all linked via fiber internet service, we layer 2 where we can but many remote sites run over the internet.
>things from over two decades ago don't count as old
Now I'm an ageing boomer but even I consider the late 90s a long time ago.
My mum is a medical secretary, she works for a Dr who refused to use emails until the company literally forced him to use a Blackberry. Before this she had to print his emails off for him, he'd hand write a reply, and then she'd have to type it up.
He isn't even that old, like, just a couple of years younger than my mother.
No, you didn't, you were just watching Family Guy, you piece of shit.
Shit! someone caught me! I was wondering if anyone would!
Dude, I have bad news for your father.
Someone here clearly hasn't seen The Wire.
Anyone know?