Google is Kill
I already read the PDF, it's exactly what everyone has suspected for years.
They dedicated a lot of resources to censorship and controlling online discussion.
A decadent company.
Google is a shitty company ran by neoliberals. They'll sell anyone out at the earliest opportunity. How is this surprising to anyone at this point? All the founders and high level execs campaigned hard for Hillary ffs.
arrest them all and confiscate their assets
>implying google ever respected your rights to begin with
o im laffin
Internal document that google admits is “research”
This. The donate to anyone who will help them or push there agenda. See how google will donate to the federalist society and hilary clintons campaign.
fake news
>leaked google document must be fake because I dont like the site that published it
Google has already admitted its real. But don't worry it's just internal research.
no, thanks, I'm not a retarded trumpet
you're why trump won :^)
>being this retarded
ball don't lie, kids.
>Google has already admitted its real.
Fake news
br*tb*rt is fake news
good goys, you've been trained well
Fake news. Go back to
the absolute state of these NPCs
Who else imagines the shills typing angerly while their little propeller hats spin impotently.
Yep. Seriously.
Yep, I am going to stop telling people to “google” something for starters.
sadly, there is no alternative to jewgle
I'm sorry that's fake news.
Bing is becoming better as google gets worse
fake news shiill
on depression pill
SearX, it includes Google.
Now that's a news website
Face it shills, breitbarts got your number fags. The few conservatives inside feel safe leaking now. The video, now this, it’s only gonna get worse.
I'm getting erect just imaging the insane shit that Google has hidden away.
It's unbelievable they got the judge to censor coverage of the James Demore case. I was really looking forward to what they dragged out during discovery.
t. brettbard employee on unpaid overtime
>fake news media outlet writes a hitpiece
>oh no google is kill
What makes trumplets stay deluded in a small fake information bubble?
They probably told the judge they know what he searches online..
They literally cited the MIT Media Lab as a mainstream group calling for censorship in the PDF.
Hilarious you posted that image.
>being this robotically retarded
Who? Fake news?
>google literally says its real just "internal research"
>no its fake
you faggots are unreal, go shill elsewhere
Google Employees, you know, from the leaked document you didn't read because you're an NPC.
If you are posting frogs your comment counts 1/3rd of the others
>google literally says its real just "internal research"
According to fake news
>leaked document
Fake* document written by breitbart
This picture seems incredibly retarded, Trump was probably way more followed by non-american than Hillary.
Left side must represents most of american population
>everything I dont like is fake
>Ha it’s fake news! Blumpfbart btfo!
>Internal research
Just like that other internal meeting after Trump was elected, or that video "The Selfish Ledger" :^)
Just internal research, nothing to see here :^)
>if you are posting frogs your post counts 3/5ths of the others
>not fake
I honestly can't tell if you're false flagging or not. If not, you make NPCs look bad.
breitbart is the original fake news
How soon til “BREAK THEM UP” begins to be chanted at Trump rallies lads?
>ops someone hit the jackpot better call him NPC
When mexico finishes making the borde r-wall
Why are trump NPCs getting so angry?
Tell your boss to fix autocorrect. Shits terrable.
I'm loving this NPC meme!
Why are NPCs so bad at memes? They can only take from others, I guess that's what makes them an NPC.
Why does everybody call news they don't like fake these days?
Drumpfkins call CNN fake
Libs call Breibart and Fox fake
it's all so tiresome
All of those 3 are fake
Pretty much lines up with what they said they were going to do following the Trump election.
>everyone I don't like is a nigger trump
we don't care about third world politics so please stop you ethnocentric politic
All 3 of them are propaganda outlets, yes, but that doesn't make the leaks themselves fake. Much like how Washington Post and the NYT also have substantial leaks which reach their offices, yet they are still propaganda outlets. That doesn't mean we should throw out the leaks, though -- that's very much real.
Mostly because americans are retarded
you just need to learn how to filter bullshit (surprising that you're incapable of this considering you are currently on Jow Forums)
What else am I supposed to call a news corporation that thinks the president eating two scoops of ice cream is the most important story of the month?
You DO realize trump thrives on fake news and propaganda? You realize Jow Forums sells fear and fake news, right?
>You DO realize trump thrives on fake news and propaganda?
Like every politician.
>You realize Jow Forums sells fear and fake news, right?
Jow Forums doesn't sell anything. It's an anonymous board.
1.who said anything about trump
2.who said anything about Jow Forums
holy shit look at all those trump NPC
It's funny Deadspin would publish something like that considering their parent company got sued out of existence for yellow journalism.
>1.who said anything about trump
Ask the trumplet that brought him up earlier in the thread
>Literal trump NPCs
>wtf! this whole week is shit! We were supposed to release products nobody will buy but now we have to shut down google+ and now this after that fucking video! Alright which one of you leaked it?
it's funny because if you actually listen to what is being said here, they are talking about the fake news from ""russian hackers""
Don't reply to NPCs, user.
but everyone besides me is an NPC
In the following days of the Trump election, the corporate liberal media began pushing the narrative that, among other things, "fake news" was what led to Trump's election. After that, Trump himself agreed, though he claimed that the outlets that were against him were fake news and he began using this talking point against them to the point where it become a commonplace saying. It's just kind of a meme in the same way that #MeToo and the alt-right boogeyman are memes; which is to say that there is a kernel of truth in what's being peddled, but it's also blown itself out of proportion to the point where people get hysterical about it.
Here's the truth: left and right there are corporate owned media outlets that primarily push propaganda and you should take most of what they say -- especially in regards to political biases -- with a grain of salt. A lot of the information is still useful, but the spins are not. This includes Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times -- you name it.
tl;dr mainstream media is cancer and they brought this on themselves, there's a reason why the vast majority of the population of America does not trust the media anymore
partisan media has always had a spin/bullshit factor
I don't understand why that suddenly qualifies it as "fake" instead of "biased"
Because that's the term that the corporate media used against Trump following his election, and that's the same term that Trump used against them. It simply caught on.
Mainstream media published fake news about fake news so people made a meme about them being fake news.
The point is to drive journalists crazy with mockery, and it's been successful so far.
Faux """news"""
based moot killing the botnet from the inside
great pic, saved
Cable """news""" network
>trying to discredit a news station
>cites CNN
cmon I thought my comment was bantz
Unnecessary. Google admits to being a publisher, not just a platform, make them accountable for everything they publish. The class action suit alone would Gawker them into the poorhouse.
Also, we need to reinstitute poorhouses.
It's true, trump campaign spread countless fake news on social media like facebook and others that helped trump win the election.
Facebook even let a botnet steal data of users for mass information collection.
>Google argues that due to a variety of factors, including the election of President Trump, the “American tradition” of free speech on the internet is no longer viable.
>The 85-page briefing, titled “The Good Censor,” admits that Google and other tech platforms now “control the majority of online conversations” and have undertaken a “shift towards censorship” in response to unwelcome political events around the world.
>The briefing labels the ideal of unfettered free speech on the internet a “utopian narrative” that has been “undermined” by recent global events as well as “bad behavior” on the part of users. It can be read in full below.
>It acknowledges that major tech platforms, including Google, Facebook and Twitter initially promised free speech to consumers. “This free speech ideal was instilled in the DNA of the Silicon Valley startups that now control the majority of our online conversations,” says the document.
>The briefing argues that Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are caught between two incompatible positions, the “unmediated marketplace of ideas” vs. “well-ordered spaces for safety and civility.” The first approach is described as a product of the “American tradition” which “prioritizes free speech for democracy, not civility.” The second is described as a product of the “European tradition,” which “favors dignity over liberty and civility over freedom.” The briefing claims that all tech platforms are now moving toward the European tradition. The briefing associates Google’s new role as the guarantor of “civility” with the categories of “editor” and “publisher.” This is significant, given that Google, YouTube, and other tech giants publicly claim they are not publishers but rather neutral platforms — a categorization that grants them special legal immunities under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Elsewhere in the document, Google admits that Section 230 was designed to ensure they can remain neutral platforms for free expression.
>trump campaign spread countless fake news
I could give you trump SUPPORTERS
but Trump's officials certainly didn't have a crusade of fake facebook postings
Fox "news" is not a "news" station, it's a propaganda media
Do you legitimately believe any of that? Especially after it's become overwhelmingly apparent that these organizations are attempting to subvert free speech and the general public?
What do you think this thread is about?
>NPC calling others robots
It's a cable TV station that reports on current events
Facebook is a dying platform and their algorithms pretty much guarentee that you get stuck within a safespace that adheres to your political position regardless. Indeed, there were some Russian officials that were charged with spreading Facebook ads that were anti-Clinton, but they weren't just pro-Trump: they were pro-Bernie and pro-Green as well.
spotted the reddit NPC who doesn't even know what Jow Forums is.