Soyuz MS-10

Any ideas what happened?

In the stream it pretty much looked like the side booster separation failed and ripped apart the center stage.

The cloud around the rocket also looked very similar to that on the SpaceX CRS-7 explosion (failed oxygen tank).

Attached: soyuz_resize_md.jpg (744x389, 18K)

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imo their shit was fucked big time

Pic is the explosion as seen on the russian livestream (NASA stream was showing the inside of the capsule at the moment of failure).

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Supermicro computer parts


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>5 decades old soviet tech
wow what could go possibly wrong. They should be lucky those two fucks are still alive.

they failed to bypass the compressor

The alternative would be 5 decades old US tech which has killed more astronauts.

>They should be lucky
Fun fact: Soyuz ejecting system was used 7 times since 1966 (well, it's 8 now). Still zero casualties among astronauts.

Forgot pic.

Attached: 4830320.png (960x1440, 581K)

>Still zero casualties among astronauts
Burger space shuttle BTFO for eternity

wew lad

>Still zero casualties among astronauts
because the ussr was known to report fatal launches right?

He's being slightly obtuse on purpose.
Soyuz has never killed any "Astronauts" - USSR and Russia calls calls them Cosmonauts.

Probably too much explosives in the pyrotechnic stage separator, blew away something vital as well, you can see debris falling off during booster separation.

Not quite correct.
There were some casualties.

Basedus-1 (the maiden flight) pretty much cannonballed into the ground because the chutes simply didn't open which resulted in the death of testpilot Vladimir Komarov.

And on the Soyuz-11 flight all three cosmonauts suffocated to death on reentry because an outside valve failed while they where still in space, releasing all oxygen from the capsule.

Soyuz 1 and 2 have 4 casualties afaik.

Fucking autocorrect.
It should say Soyuz-1. Not Basedus-1.

The Soviet archives were opened post collapse, showed absolutely nothing. Stay seething, burgers.


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this is normal separation sequence the only problem is one of the boosters didnt separate correctly and made the entire thing to quick steer sideways hence the insane shaking we saw inside the capsule

that's a great success for ruskie tech. can't get better that that.

the last serious incident was literally 45 years ago....and it resulted into a moment tensor of 21g's and they still survived

I'm not seething.
Shuttle was a failure (or rather it was a success*) it was a huge waste of money and didn't really accomplish any more than we could have done with rockets and capsules.
Buran was a BETTER shuttle, in every way Buran was superior, as USSR kept being fed more and more lies about how the Shuttle was going to be used to capture and or sabotage soviet satellites. Not just with small rumors but big expenditure on things that would be ultimately shut down, like the Shuttle pad at Vandenberg and security launches being done from a second fleet of shuttles owned by the air force.
USSR bought it and spent bigtime making sure Buran wasn't just as good as the overpriced, over engineered shuttle, but better.
Buran as a single project caused the most economic damage to the USSR than any other single force.

Regan's bet won the day.
Shuttle was never about being good, it was about fucking over the commies.

Russians are ALWAYS lying while the BLESSED United States never and always report everything publicly

Good thing those boosters are liquid fueled, not solid fuel Shuttle crap firecrackers

blessed ruski engineering

Tfw no Energija Uragan

Yeah, let's just ignore all other successful launches

The current Basedus generation has nearly nothing in common with the old ones.
It's just the basic design that stayed the same.

And the americans are doing pretty much the same with the Orion spacecraft.
It reuses nearly all design considerations from the Apollo capsule. It's just bigger and has modern computers inside.

so are the astronauts alive or not this happened 7hours ago?

>sojuz rocket
>everyone alive
>american (((space shuttle)))
>everyone fucking died

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kinda lame they didn't keep the stream going would have been interesting to watch logan paul running it for all of us.

atleast they do have emergency systems unlike the deathtraps the U.S makes.

only real explanation here really

First the hole in the ISS and then this
Are they being sabotaged?

space shuttle had emergencies too
but it was there for fun since they primarily were using solid fuel aka fireworks

the challenger disaster didn't actually kill the crew on the explosion their crew compartment flue off and was shielded how it was supposed to but didn't have a shoot or some thing the divers that found them noticed they had turned on their oxygen and stuff they where prob alive for the entire 2-3min drop to the water but died on impact.

the shuttle was a stupid deathtrap designed to take nukes into space that's the only reason it has a bay it wasn't for sending stations up you don't need a shuttle for that.

they died long before that because of the high sustained G's

You do realize ICBMs existed decades before than the shuttle and were the biggest reason the space race started, right?

unlikely you don't die in 10g which is max they would have experienced.

yer but the shuttle was for brining other weapons into space I think at that point they had decided firing massive metal rods from space was better than nukes.

the shuttle wasn't for "science and shit" like they shilled it it was a weapon of war they just ended up with at a inconvenient time so they kept using it until it killed 2crews.

>free fall is high Gs
brainlets get out

A shuttle with a fucked up aerodynamic profile won't spin and shake violently while in atmosphere while disintegrating further making it even more uncontrollable

it didn't disintegrate it free fell intact for 2-3mins into water that it hit hard. the guys where alive. nasa prob literally has the tapes of it and refuses to release it.

same with Colombia nasa knew they would die on reentry but told them to try it any way because telling them they had to stay in space and die of running out of oxygen was considered more mean. they literally lied to the crew and sent them to their death because they didn't have the arm to fix the shuttle and didn't have the fuel or supplies to last in space in time for rescue mission nasa heads admitted this.

>balistically falling to earth at mach 2

10g probably was the impact force..most like sustained 20-21

>shoots of a moving vehicle at mach 2
>your profile suddenly changes from linear to non linear
>you arent high enough to aerobrake
>you continue to shoot the air at mach 2 creating Adiabatic heating that cannot be sustained
>essentially you have created a layer of low oxygen around the craft that allows you to lose speed very slowly
>you hit the sea at 4-5 g by the time you are already blacked out and out of touch


>you arent high enough to aerobrake
aerobraking happens slower the higher you are, brainlet
>Adiabatic heating
irrelevant, they weren't directly exposed to the air
besides there were situations where humans were directly exposed to >mach 1 airflow and survived
>you hit the sea at 4-5 g by the time you are already blacked out and out of touch
that's what killed them, but nothing indicating they were unconscious


the shuttle->bare crew cabin transition only lasted seconds
then the shape stabilized and probably turned into a uniform square-ish shape that wouldn't have any reason to spin at more than a few revolutions per minute

>whataboutism on Jow Forums


Fuck Nasa. If I was stuck up there, I'd crash into the moon and die there.

>ive never been to Jow Forums

* = source: my ass

I think it's funny how everyone is so hyped about russian saving some astronauts, while most of the time they don't give a shit about letting their peopel die, for example: Kursk (no expedition was sent) Chechenian war (no backups were sent to the armies trapped inside) , chernobyl (disinformation campaign, people stayed there and were not evacuated) and I could go on..

Wow, they did one thing right, hooray!

t. literal boomer still assblasted from the cold war

The shuttle usually carried barely enough fuel for LEO


It was originally designed to carry a spy satellite, the KH-11, to spy on the Soviets, the entire payload compartment was designed around this satellite

>there is an investigation in progress

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Nigger. 100% idiotic and also wrong.
The Kazahks rigged the rocket to blow because they are fucking pissed Russia built their own spaceport in East Siberia now.
This was the last major human launch. It would have been the ultimate fuck you. Glad they didn't get that satisfaction. They're lucky Russia gave them billions a year for so long instead of rolling through and taking the spaceport they built themselves.


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Space is fake.
see how the dangling plushie inside the alleged cabin shows no effect of being under extreme acceleration. It starts 50 seconds in this official Russian press release.

how do u thik it shld lok

apparently they reporting on Russian local news that a part was vandalized in the storage facility and there is a gun standoff in the residential complex nearby going on right now.

they wouldn't have blacked out they are trained to do that shit to stop them blacking out. they also turned on the emergency oxygen in their suits manually while they where falling the challenger people where awake the entire time till they hit the water prob literally watching it race up to them.

nasa obviously has the tapes and destroyed/hid them. same shit as this notice when they hit the max turbulence from the exploision the stream artifacts and freases and turns off. that's not the equipment fucking up that's some auto program that does that when some thing dramatic happens as a killswitch to not broadcast literally bodys being ripped apart out of the seatbelts.

like some one manually didn't press the killswitch some auto program noticed extream movement in the crew and killed the stream intentionally Russia would still have the tapes of the entire mission.. same shit for collombia and challenger.

nasa prob literally has a tape of the people inside challenger starting to burn to death slowly.

You only experience 2~3Gs during launch.

It wasn't slow at all
Read the report, they first became unconscious from lack of oxygen, then the cockpit broke apart and their bodies were literally ripped apart from the force of the wind
I mean, maybe they were burnt for a few seconds before losing consciousness, but that wasn't what killed them