Holy shit Linux is fucking dead lmao.
Enjoy your tranny CoC freetards.
Holy shit Linux is fucking dead lmao.
Enjoy your tranny CoC freetards.
Other urls found in this thread:
It sure is amazing how the CoC managed to drop the amount commits one and a half months before it was introduced.
Probably because they were already blackmailing Linus at that point?
I like shemales.
And it's totally not because Shithub just hosts a mirror of the kernel
RIP ganooo linsux. It's a good thing Windows 10 just went open source. Safer and more up-to-date than ever. :)
the commit rate dropped before the code of conduct was implemented. your graph is flawed because it doesn't place a separator at relevant events in time.
who is they?
I've been having tranny fantasies since this whole CoC business started. Additionally, I submit that sex with a tranny wont make me gay.
>who is they?
Same people these morons are always talking about, (((ze Jews)))
This is why Linux sucks when it is not in the large companies best interest (not server, desktop use).
The community's like OP doesn't know how to program and everyone sucks.
Commits need to get approved by the maintainers, when they get approved, the commit was in the past, so it fills the past lines, not the present, some days after, it will look exactly like that, and "now" Linux is doomed.
OP is a massive faggot:
The decline began a fucking month and a half before the CoC.
Linux != freetards
GitHub is just a mirror and doesn't get updated when Linus isn't around. Are you legitimately retarded?
See above.
It seems almost like they harrased him for a while before the CoC was made official.
what if linus just wants to prove a point
that wihout perkele ambitious oss projects will die
Wtf is CoC?
code of conduct.
i.e the first step of subversion (((they))) use to dismantle projects and spread their cultists values.
Delete this, goyim
Why do everyone nowadays has to be a bunch of faggies cry babies that cry over the littlest thing, fuck this cancer shit, why couldn't they at least stay out of technology. I hate society
>implying the commit activity graph doesn't always look like that no matter when you look at it
Corruption of champions
that's what happens when the heart of modern technology is founded in the most liberal part of the country. The faster companies move out, the better.
Shemales are based but these coc trannys are basicly just crossdressers.
traps > trannies always
Why did his contributions go down right around the time it was leaked that intel put a gag order on kernel developers about linux benchmarks?
My lad
Yea its ok to be gay, im gonna stick with my shemales tho
Wait really?
No, not really.
Clash of clans
its finished, its over. time to move to openbsd
Nice bait, jackass
For anyone who's not aware, the graph looks like that because of the "merge window" system
Kernel devs don't push to master all day long like your average webshit manufacturer. Instead, after every release, they have a 2-week window for merging in big changes that should go into the next release. That produces the -rc1 for the next version. Then they just merge bug fixes and periodically make new -rc versions until everything is stable enough to make the official release.
4.18 release was August 12, 4 days after the graph really starts dropping off. (I assume this is because they only merge stuff that's been reviewed, and writing + reviewing major changes obviously takes a while.) Major changes written after August 12 can't be merged until after the 4.19 release, which was October 7.
Now look at the graph again, and notice what day the graph ends on
>who is they?
The SJWs, e.g. the Ada Initiative, who have tried to honey trap Linus multiple times in the past (get him alone with a woman at conventions so they could claim rape/harassment without proof).
Oh noes, Linus can no longer rage at his co-workers. The sky is falling.