Mozilla Firefox forced telemetry

Daily reminder that Mozilla Firefox is nothing but a glorified spyware and you should get rid of it asap.

>Mozilla wants to estimate Firefox's Telemetry-off population

>Mozilla created the Telemetry Coverage system add-on and distributed it to 1% of the Firefox population. The add-on is automatically installed and designed to inform Mozilla whether Telemetry is enabled in the browser.

Attached: telemetry-coverage.png (1062x506, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

if you disable telemetry you should have also disabled their ability to silently install "experiments". The ghacks user.js does both for you by default.

Everything else is even worse than Firefox. What do you think we should use instead?

GNU Icecat

There isn't really a way to turn off system addons getting pushed

He said SHOULD

>if you disable telemetry you should have also disabled their ability to silently install "experiments". The ghacks user.js does both for you by default.
I have done this with user.js and still got that telemetry coverage addon.

I always install everything I need, then disable the standardstuff in settings and then go to about:config and search for these things: telemetry, ping, update, "http" and just empty it all. No update? That's fine, because in about a year I am just installing the next one.

>bitches about data collection
every time

>doing all this shit when there is waterfox

Attached: 1539202556294.png (544x412, 282K)

get waterfox in Debian's repos and we'll talk. I'm not just downloading another tarball every time I have to update a browser.

They sent it to stable versions too. Read the bugreport.

Well I am doing this already this way, but with firefox.
Waterfox sucks dicks and is way behind. Why trust some 0815 noob. Both, the noob and the big company try fucking you anyway, so I can get the offical fuck.

Breaks almost every website

I don't have that on stable

What version is your firefox when you get that addon? Been using user.js too and I'm on latest stable

with Ghacks user.js you don't really need to do much and it has updater for easy update.


you still get that addon installed

>What version is your firefox when you get that addon? Been using user.js too and I'm on latest stable
the issue is that the addon does not normally appear in any list. so it has been already installed, reported back and removed for you as well.

>NIGHTLY version
>complaining about telemetry
kys, retarded shill

so really, this shows that firefox has backdoors just like chrome.

if mozilla can push addons and extensions, so could someone else if their key was sent or revealed by nefarious groups.


firefox is still the best despite this.

I'm using latest version of Firefox and I don't have this addon. Maybe its because you got the nightly build?

Them unethically collecting data from people who have data collection disabled means the settings don't actually do anything and that this is going to be used as "proof" that being able to disable data collection should be removed as if it wasn't just all a lie anyway.

>I disable all the botnet from Windows.
Me too, guy.

nightly user here dont have it too


the ironing.
winfaggots deserve it.

>people still believe and use mozillaware
>"its just 1%, guy"
>"its just 10%, guy"
>"do you have anything to hide, fella?!
>"sorry, but you cant use OUR browser without submitting your credit card info first"
jesus christ, everyday people get stupider and stupider. if you dont want or are too brainlet to make a fork with all the shit removed, use whatever you want stupids, just dont complain about being fucked in the ass, its your own fault

It happens on stable release on Linux as well, you fucking retard.

Bad goy, how else will you help Mozilla ((((combat misinformation and fake news))))?

Attached: mozilla miti.png (894x387, 70K)

Absolute botnet!

This has been known for a while and was posted before. Like as soon as it happened.

Attached: Capture.png (2021x954, 153K)

>a hidden pref listed on an obscure bugzilla thread
Yeah, no, fuck off.

that perf is also included in my user.js and I still got the addon

>firefox is still the best despite this.
said the same about about Ubuntu years ago
then i switched to Archlinux and no one dictates which DE should i use
said the same about Gnome years ago
then i switched to i3 its more work to set up because tools are splintered but now no one forces me to have a black top bar to "make the brand more recognizable"
Im saying the same about Firefox, eventually i will switch to something else

oh no, the telemetry boogeyman! google save us!

Both are shit. But at least google does not falsely claim to fight for your privacy.

>1 % of the users who have Experiments enables will receive an addon that sends to Mozilla one bit of data: Telemetry=0 or Telemetry=1
Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Attached: 1516310122918-v.jpg (600x600, 42K)

Does Mozilla A) sell my data to the highest bidder, or B) use it to serve advertisements?


Yes. Cliqz, Adjust, Pocket, etc...

>yo daug i heard you don't like telemetry so i gave you some telemetry so you telemetrize while you don't telemetrize

Strange, I don't see any of these in Firefox 62. Is my browser broken?

>>Does Mozilla A) sell my data to the highest bidder, or B) use it to serve advertisements?
They don't now, but they might one day. That's the problem with giving away private information, once its out of your hands, you have zero control. You're not just trusting Mozilla (or whoever) to act responsibly today, but for the indefinite future. What if a future leader of Mozilla wants to do things with user data that you don't approve of? (or they just have a data breach, or they go into bankruptcy and user data is an asset to be auctioned, etc, etc) Your only recourse is to stop giving it to them going forward, you can't stop them from doing what they like with what they already have. Withholding data isn't just to protect against evil organizations, its to protect against the chance that an organization might become evil in the future.

Cliqz is used to sell Germany users' data. Adjust is used in Firefox Klar. Pocket is a system addon which is boundled with Firefox installer.

Attached: CUsersYuliyaDesktopFirefox Setup 62.0.3.execorebrowserfeatures.png (1056x564, 73K)

They literally could push you a hidden extension eventhough you turn off the setting on about:config and you say they're still the best? Are you nuts?

So could every other browser.

But at least the other browsers don't lie about carrying for your privacy.

Qliqz is a search engine. Their experiment was just using Qliqz as a default search engine instead of Google.
>b-b-b-but the terms and conditions said they would take data off of what users wrote on the URL bar!!!!1!1!!
Yes, that's what happens when "search suggestions" is on.
>Pocket ads
Are local. The browser just downloads a list of ads from Mozilla and the browser then decides which ones to show.

Oh no, my personal information!
Cliqz is similarly nothing, and Pocket you have to opt in to.

And every time it has come up that Firefox has pushed some scary and totally privacy invading hidden add-on or similar, it's turned out to be fucking nothing. Mozilla is transparent about what they collect if you go looking for it.
What does Google collect? For all you know they could be keylogging your banking details.

Attached: c1041293-622b-465d-8286-4200df6aef13.png (732x796, 35K)

Good luck with that. It's botnet, you mozillians can't swallow it, but it's the reality. This ignorance you are displaying now is what killed Firefox.

Attached: StatCounter-browser-ww-monthly-201709-201809.png (1280x720, 107K)

What "killed" Firefox are the huge amount of "this website works better with Chrome" messages in YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail and other Google services.

No. what killed it is your ignorance. I have never encountered a broken website in the 5 yars that I've been using Firefox.

Disable librejs then, retard.

>Telemetry is collecting release data and upload is disabled.
>datareporting folder in profile is empty
Nice try, shills. Firefox lets you disable everything.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-13_11-06-37.png (1359x481, 49K)

Well that sucks, but other browsers are still worse botnet which makes ff still the least evil. I fail to see the logic in switching from ff to full botnet browsers like chrome/chromium. Just turn the shit off.

use vivaldi

Nice try, moshilla.

Attached: maeks you tink.png (748x255, 16K)

tfw deezer broken in current nightly

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-13 The Damned Damned Damned Damned (2017 Remastered) - Music Streaming - Listen o (1583x878, 64K)

Yup, always flips to "true" , which is not even a default state. Fucking mozilla.

Attached: Mozilla Firefox.png (1046x689, 71K)

Want privacy: use Tor

Want features: use whatever the fuck you want in a virtual machine

Everything else is a waste of fucking time. JavaScript will never be safe to run.

Want privacy: use Tor

Want features: use whatever the fuck you want in a virtual machine with no saved state between reboots. But note, this doesn't give you privacy, just fast JS.

Everything else is a waste of fucking time. JavaScript will never be safe to run.


within a second i somehow quoted myself, and double-posted, and still didn't get a consecutive post ID :P

What does this option actually do? And what's wrong with anonymous, non-nefarious telemetry? Google and other proprietary shitware has adopted "telemetry" as a catchall for invasive data collections, but that doesn't mean all telemetry is malicious in nature. If Mozilla just collects a telemetry_is_enabled bool and IP address, how is that malicious in any way? You already give far more info to every site you visit, even if you use a VPN.

it’s nefarious because it’s sonething I don’t want. The user should be in control of the software, not the other way around.

>claiming themselves as privacy friendly browser
>put irremovable telemetry
Yeah no. I rather use ancient waterfox over their shit.

Even disabled it still breaks every website. Icecat is garbage and they still haven’t updated to esr 60 yet because of only one dev.

>wants to be in control of his software
>doesn't build from source

>irremovable telemetry

>muh 1%
Bullshit, everyone I know using this crap browser got that malware installed without their consent.

No dumb tranny, but normal folk and numales (along Google shills like you) promoted and even forced Chrome down peoples throats

I wonder who's behind this post

Wrong. Shit like Australis, WebExetensions, telemetry, surprise promotional addons, "field tests", data collection and the upcoming forced updates is what killed Mozilla Malwarefox.

A (still) Firefox user.

Attached: g - Mozilla Firefox forced telemetry - Technology - 4chan - Mozilla Firefox.png (1810x1361, 150K)

>Australis, WebExetensions, telemetry, surprise promotional addons, "field tests", data collection and the upcoming forced updates
Firefox had ~30% of marketshare at it's peak, you really think normalfags give a shit about any of that?

That 10% which still has are normalfags. Everyone else ditched this piece of shit.

>yes, everyone ditched this to use the other browsers that are worse at everything, specially privacy

>are normalfags
Including you then?

Stats don't lie:

How much marketshare do you think Fx has these days?

Why would I know?

Do you seriously believe the majority of the markrtshare Fx had where power users, who somehow decided it was better to use Chrome which is worse at everything but speed?
Do you believe the incessant shilling for Chrome had no impact on the marketshare, specially the bundling on it on every Android phone?
As always, a namefag proves how ridiculously dumb he is

>who somehow decided it was better to use Chrome
When did I say this? When did I say anything about this particular browser, you retarded mozillian?

Ungoogled-chromium master race reporting in

Then the market share that Fx lost just stopped browsing the internet?

Definitely not, they switched to other browsers.

Then they switched to Chrome, since no other browsers took the marketshare Fx lost
You're incredibly retarded

Many Blink based browsers identify as Chrome, you retard. Even Chromium identifies as Chrome.

>he still unironically uses a browser made by a company that has proven time and time again it doesn't actually give a shit about users nor their privacy but would rather sell their data and force telemetry and inconvenience on them

No dumb tranny, they don't identify as Chrome, they identify as Chromium, only Chrome identifies itself as Chrome
ungoogled-chromium identifies itself as Chromium since it's Chromium, most offshoots identify itself as what they're, Brave and Vivaldi identify as Brave and Vivaldi
Stupid tranny, stop shilling Google crapware

>we need your data for science and stuff
boy, mozilla is going down fast. forking firefox is not going to help, since the mozillas malpractice has irreversibly tainted it.

now it's only a matter of time before mozilla, desperate for cash, jumps the "personalized recommendations" bandwagon and/or starts bundling firefox with "special offers" and intergrated commercial services.

it's a sad, fucking world we live in when google, of all people, is the champion of foss browser with chromium (the foss source of chrome).

what we need is a new browser built from scratch (including a web engine) and that does what google and mozilla nintendon't...
>inb4 i'll design the icon

>they identify as Chromium
Eat shit and die.

Attached: Untitled.png (2560x1440, 394K)

Literally the only browser with built in tracking protection, that's going to be enabled by default after Fx63

How can they collect any disabled data at all unless the setting to disable data collection doesn't actually do anything, that's your malicious intent and lets throw in some nefarious deception because they purposefully designed the software to be able to do this.

So Google changed recently the UA on Chromium to show up as Chrome everywhere? Chromium 55~ didn't do this
And neither does Vivald, Opera, Brave and most offshoots
If they did change it, it wouldn't impact market share measurements where Firefox lost most of its market share
>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/63.0.3239.84 Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36
>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.189 Safari/537.36 Vivaldi/1.95.1077.60
>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) brave/0.8.3 Chrome/49.0.2623.108 Brave/0.37.3 Safari/537.36
>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36 OPR/48.0.2685.52

I have it as locked pref set to false, like everything with the word "telemetry" in it.

>Because I use Chromium

Mozilla. This is what you get when you mix alcohol in the workplace with SJWs and pajeet programmers. You get Mozilla.

The ghost of Netscape, from the people who brought the horrors of JavaScript, continues to haunt internet users.

And? I don't use only one browser.

Attached: Untitled.png (405x553, 25K)

I don't care I'm not an autistic browser fag, just saw that and felt like posting it. saying "I use chromium" in one thread and "t. still a Mozilla user" in another will get you even more shit than being a female(male) namefag. I use both 3 on my phone as well. sometimes chromium works better, sometimes Firefox and then Tor. inb4 phone fag. laptop has broken screen and irritates me looking at a purple screen that burns the image in for any use over 5min.