The Vulkan Transform Feedback extension just got merged.
There's literally no reason anymore to not run your games on Linux now. Even Hairworks now runs in Wine and DXVK.
The Vulkan Transform Feedback extension just got merged.
There's literally no reason anymore to not run your games on Linux now. Even Hairworks now runs in Wine and DXVK.
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There's no Radeon settings on linux so I can't OC my card or apply settings.
>literally no reason
besides my games not working?
95% of games do work nowadays.
i mean you say that but you can't play any of the three games I want to be playing right now
Yeah at varying degrees of success. One of the official games, Shadow of Chernobyl, has horrible performance still.
That's like saying 95% of windows apps work through WINE nowadays.
Yeah you're right, but the apps and games that matter are the 5% that don't run on linux yet.
What are those? Genuinely interested.
>no reason
Vulkan has been coc'ed just like Linux. That's reason enough.
I think you mean like 30%
why are they all so angry
Not him but last time I tried Oblivion, there was no 3D rendering, just a grey screen with HUD.
Risen 1 showed the splash screen and crashed.
Gothic 1, 2, and 3 have fan patches in the form of .exe's that can't be ran on wine.
Devs will put up with DX12 before you start to see non-id Vulkan games that aren't glorified wrappers. The AAA space this last decade had zero OpenGL games beyond 3rd-party ports and id stuff, what makes you think it'll be any different with Vulkan? It's literally OpenGL 2.0
violated heroine
dragons dogma da
you can, actually
everything you need is exposed in /sys
except that you're a windows babby that requires badly-designed glossy gooey for everything
>requires badly-designed glossy gooey for everything
Yes, mostly because it's 10 times faster and safer than dicking about with text files like a retard.
Windows has been like that for 10+ years.
They accepted a CoC gladly, which means the devs always supported this ideology, just didn't parade it. Stop deluding yourself.
it's safe in just the same way as a gooey
the driver does sanity-checks on entered values
and if you are retarded and have no idea what you're doing then you're fucked no matter if you use cli or gooey
OC is not for idiots
so what exactly is the Vulkan Transform Feedback extension
I can't be sure of that but I can be sure scrolling around will not blow my card up.
>hurrr u retated
What a moron, keep living in your handicapped bubble world.
I paid money for my hardware, I find it silly running an OS that will give me 90% of the performance from the hardware over something that gives 100%. Specially when LTSB/LTSC exist and work fine for a gaming oriented computer.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
You're not funny.
>too retarded to input numeric values without the help of graphical sliders and dials
>i-it's all Linux' fault
what are you even doing on Jow Forums you underage newfag /v/eddior cancer
>waaaah mommy i AM special i AM different!!!!
Stop responding to literal bait.
Windows doesn't have a fucking coc you salty shill.
>They accepted a CoC gladly
Where the fuck do you think you are?
>using plain text is considered a rare ability in 2018
worst timeline
No, it's considered a rare occurence. It gets the same job done in a worse way.
b-but that's what computers are for, no?
>want to input value 1.3
>write 1.3 into a pseudo-file
>want to input value 1.3
>wait for the driver config tool to load
>click your way through different sub-menus until you arrive at the OC panel
>drag a slider into the precise position to select 1.3
wow, so much easier
winfaggotry saves the day again
Wow, useless hyperbolic descriptions of the process. Why even bother posting?
>trannix shit
>i-it's just hyperbole
>windows strong!
To be fair its not exactly stellar on windows in that regard either
Who are you quoting? I just criticized your shitty argument. I can do the same thing too though if that's as complex an argument as you can digest.
>want to input value 1.3
>write 1.3 into config tool
except in Linux you don't need to do the whole song and dance with gooey to input simple text values
but nooo, unless it's a flashy window that looks like it came from 2005 it's not even worth considering
the frugal textual interface confuses the wild zoomer
Not him, but there's some stuff that's pretty hard to configure without a GUI, like grub.
>u r a brainlet
No, I'm not. I've probably configured more stuff in CLI than you. I've also fucked way more stuff than you. I like that configurations are all done in plaintext files, but there's nothing wrong with having a GUI with inputs appropriate for the field (like a slider for numerical ranges that won't like you set your scaling to a string value of "gay").
I don't know about the other two but MHW should definitely work from what I've read.
6,775,161 is an entirely valid number, though.
Input "gay" into the config file for wayland's scaling and let me know how that goes. Also
>my scaling value is over 6 million
God damn you're one gay baby. Just pull the numbers from your windows OC and type them in to the text file on linux, what are you fucking retarded?
even if what you read held any weight against my experience you're still 1 for 3
>from your Windows OC
I don't use Windows. And nothing you said disproves anything I said. I like being able to edit text files, if something fucks up with my window server, I can just edit the file directly with vim. I can also use a GUI. They're not mutually exclusive.
>like grub
Not sure which part of GRUB config warrants GUI. I've personally never felt the need.
>I've probably configured more stuff in CLI than you.
I'm a unix admin, so I doubt that.
>like a slider for numerical ranges that won't like you set your scaling to a string value of "gay"
Which is why the driver does sanity checks for the values you input into the pseudo files.
>I'm a unix admin, so I doubt that.
Fair enough.
>Which is why the driver does sanity checks for the values you input into the pseudo files.
Well let's pick up the grub example. Let's say I want to add a new entry for a windows bootloader. Instead of figuring out the UUID and partition number, a GUI would just display any attached drives with labels and let me select the one I want.
drivers out
October 14th, 2018 - Windows 399.41, Linux 396.54.09
New Extensions:
VK_EXT_external_memory_host (Windows only)
>Still no VK_KHR_display on Windows
Sorry but Linux is only meant for servers.
If you want to do serious gaming and work stick to Windows.
Sorry, but NT is only meant for servers.
If you want to do serious gaming and work stick to TempleOS.
Is there are reason why the auto-configuration wouldn't work?
Windows is chain-loaded anyway so I'm skeptical of the usefulness of a custom entry.
>Is there are reason why the auto-configuration wouldn't work?
>so I'm skeptical of the usefulness of a custom entry.
Now we're backtracking. This is a perfectly valid use case, one I've had to do for various reasons, whether you see the usefulness or not is irrelevant.
They should have the glossy gui though.
Also the Radeon Setting gui is Qt5 (seriously) and since AMDGPU DC DAL was merged, the display controller code ix exactly the same as Windows.
There really isn't any reason to not port it.
Transform Feedback is a graphical operation that can be done with DirectX and OpenGL but is not possible with Vulkan proper so DirectX could not be entirely implemented using Vulkan because of this lacking feature that now has been added as an Extension (that is not part of the official Vulkan specification)
Unlike OpenGL, DX12 and Vk are the same low level and similar in interface so the ease of use and performance is more or less the same, therefore developers might just pick Vulkan because it supports more platforms
Windows is so bloated that is 90% performance too
Is this the other game you're referring to?
It's been a few years since I played it, any new content? Anything for the loli?
I've no clue. I literally just downloaded it for the first time just to check whether it works or not. Latest version is 180313 if that means anything to you.
I wonder how long it'll take until we have d3dvk working for DX12. Not much there yet, but people claim it should be much simpler.
You can make a GUI for this in literally 15 minutes.
>serious gaming
Have a [you]
There is still one big issue pending, switchable graphics.
In theory it's easy because both Vulkan and D3D12 are offshoots of AMD's Mantle so they're very similar to each other, allowing for an almost 1-1 mapping and a more direct shader translator. There aren't significant result so far just because the Wine developers on it started relatively recently