What's the most useful program/script you have made yourself?

What's the most useful program/script you have made yourself?
fizzbuzzes don't count.

Attached: 1495225128521.jpg (427x427, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Neural network fizzbuzz

A program that catches my clipboard, checks if it's a streaming site (youtube, vimeo, etc) with regex and sends to youtube-dl to return the url to play on MPC.

fizzes = ZipList $ cycle ["0","0","Fizz"]
buzzes = ZipList $ cycle ["0","0","0","0","Buzz"]
numbers = ZipList $ map show [1..]

combine "Fizz" "Buzz" _ = "FizzBuzz"
combine "Fizz" _ _ = "Fizz"
combine _ "Buzz" _ = "Buzz"
combine _ _ x = x

result = getZipList $ combine fizzes buzzes numbers

A bash script to create webms within a certain filesize limit. Saves me a lot of time when making OC for /gif/ and /wsg/.

Attached: FO2.webm (588x359, 322K)

A script to share the clipboard between my machines

Can you post the source?

Probably a program that takes an exported scene from a video editor, extracts fragments from a set of input files and creates a video with the joined fragments

Post it please.

Sounds like botnet.

that sounds hella inconvenient when copying links just for sharing


so like a single line to pass file names to ffmpeg with flags?

a Hearts of Iron 4 production solver that tells me how much to make and when of each item

>script + systemctl unit to move my firefox profile into tmpfs on login and safely sync it back to disk on logout
>script to toggle turboboost on/off and change cpu governor (useful when doing long compilations, etc, as it stabilizes performance)
There's literally nothing else to program. It's all been done before.

Made program in Go that generates apache vhosts config from simple yaml config with folder:port. Lost source though.
When i was in university on some classes we had to take tests in partucular inner software. Yoy could download test files in that program format, but they were protected by the password. I made some tool that decoded password due to format being standartized and protection being laughable(literally n test file letter xor n password letter +1)

I'm gonna fix the Readme, wait a sec.

Probably a small set of scripts that unencrypt and mount some drives, backup my desktop and various servers and unmount them


It comes down to 1 or 2 ffmpeg commands in the end, yes. However constantly adjusting settings to get the maximum out of the 4MB limit became tiresome, so I wanted to automate the process.

a shitty script that cleans (trash, not rm) files in my ~/temp (downloads, etc) as soon as the files are a few days old

feels good living witha 64GB ssd and that's it

sub MAIN (Str $video, Str $start, Str $length, Str $scale) {
shell "ffmpeg -ss $start -i" ~ " $video.subst(' ', '\ ', :g)" ~ " -to $length -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1500K -vf scale=$scale:-1 -an" ~ " $video.subst(' ', '\ ', :g)" ~ ".webm";

I make a lot of webms for /gif/ but I don't know a lot about ffmpeg, so I just made this with the presets from /wsg/. All input is a single line from the shell so you can just tab autocomplete filenames

$ perl6 webm.pl Videos/Japanese\ Schoolgirl\ pt.\ 2\ with\ subs.mp4 2:00 20 1080

>clipboard dependency
>doesn't support wayland
It's garbage.

fizzbuzz :: Int -> String
fizzbuzz n
| n `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz"
| n `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz"
| n `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz"
| otherwise = show n

result = map fizzbuzz [1..]

The ultimate goal for me was automation. I can put a hundred videos in the input directory and they'll all come out decent looking. And even if it's just one file I don't want to mess around to find the right resolution/quality compromise, I just let the script handle stuff like downscaling, framerate reduction, bitrate adjustment, etc.
Also you should start using 2-pass encoding. Single pass is only really useful for VP8 if you work with very low bitrates (


curl \
--silent \
--show-error \
'beacon.nist.gov/rest/record/last' \
| sed -E 's/.*(.*).*/\1/' \

shuf \
--head-count 1 \
--input-range 0-1 \

A program that opens blackpeoplemeet randomly and changes the windows hosts file for pornhub also to blackpeoplemeet.

a true genius

My very own Yotsuba channel downloader with maximum bike shedding.

S-sauce please

Crippled version of 9front's plumber basically

A collection of scripts to manage my PKI
I don't like easy-RSA and openssl is a cunt when you are managing multi level/multi CA infrastructures with cross signing and shit.

mpv+yt-dl alias to play youtube audio only.
update hosts file updater
cut and convert video to webm
mangadex manga downloader
Jow Forums image downloader