Tfw too dumb for linux

>tfw too dumb for linux

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Other urls found in this thread: for beginners

Just get GNU/Linux.

buy a mac

install ubuntu instead of some other stupid shit Jow Forums is telling you to install.
linux can be user friendly too if you don't fall for the meme distros.

Guys I haven't been to Jow Forums in 5 years, I just wanted to find out if 2018 was finally the Year of the Linux Desktop yet

This. Don't fall for memes, just go *buntu.

well, its rather normal that not everyone can do well at managing kernel, but you really should not have to deal with that, just get yourself a nicely precompiled GNU system distribution with Linux as a kernel, known around here as GNU/Linux

>Install Kubuntu
>Next next

What is hard here? Also avoid Vanilla Ubuntu cause gnome is shit.No need headache for that shit.

Can't even fsck properly because e2fsprogs is outdated piece of shit by default

>Can't even fsck properly because e2fsprogs is outdated piece of shit by default
Your beloved Gentoo has 1.43.6 by default.

wow that was hard for beginners

Install Solus
LoL works on it

This, but install Debian instead. Ubuntu is terrible.

Tip: don't give up so easily, ask for help if you need it, read man pages

cant help with that

How can you be too dumb for linux? Plenty of distros are usable without opening a terminal once and just as easy or easier to use than windows.

I'm a long time Linux user and I started Linux with Ubuntu, after some time using it I had a better understanding of what I needed exactly and could judge for myself where I wanted to go from there, next step was debian stable, and when I hit its limitations (outdated software ) I jumped to testing (it's rock solid despite what the name may suggest) years on I have switched computers many times but did not have to reinstall anything I either copied an exact image of my hdd onto a new one or just copied my system's files and fixed anything that had to do with hdd name and GUID in the fstab file.

tl;dr: take the easiest least attention demanding distro you can find. Use it. In time you'll know what kinda user you're and which distro fits you best.

I know OP. I can't get my gamepad to work well.

no linux is cucked now, it's the year of the bsd desktop

>linux is cucked now
What do you mean

This is the saddest technology has me made me sInce Ritchie died. And it had to be by the group we joke about the most on here too. Truly nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.

Try Xubuntu or Mint, alternatively any Ubuntu based. They have the most support while being user friendly already.
You will never know if you don't try. (Don't apply this with degeneracy, please).

Otherwise, install Gentoo and go balls deep into Linux autism.

What's the most battery-efficient distro?

probably the one for raspberry pi or something similar

This, only Mint

>too smart to waste your time ricing a linux installation

Attached: 13-wojak_00.w1200.h630.jpg (1200x630, 63K)

He's too dumb for his kernel ( •_•)

This, only openSUSE Leap

some tranny bitch dethroned linus and coc is bad

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>tfw smart enough for linux
>tfw still won't use it because it looks like shit and it's inconvenient as hell as a desktop machine, unless you spend hours just setting everything up, with the risk of everything going back to shit next update

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People who shower usually just call the whole system with a blanket term "Linux" since it's distinguishable and easy to read and say. Saying "Systemd plus Linux with a couple of GNU tools on top of that" is a mouthful.

whats his name

Install Gentoo and stop being a faggot

Linux adopted systemd, and a CoC.
It's dead. The trannies killed it.

Start with Ubuntu or Mint, they're so easy a Windows normie can get used to them in a day.

Then don't rice your Linux. Pick a sensible DE like Cinnamon or KDE and it'll look alright out of the box. Congrats, now you have a system that took less effort to install than Windows, and it won't eat your files when the next update is pushed.

>take the easiest least attention demanding distro you can find. Use it. In time you'll know what kinda user you're and which distro fits you best.
No shit. Only edgy Jow Forums-tards constantly do something else.

This, only gecko

you probably don't even know why you hate systemd, please don't respond to this

>install ubuntu
>mic doesn't filter out noise
>learn how to do it
>realize I'd have to lookup how to solve basic things forever, because linux is fucking worthless waste of life
>go back to windows
>productivity goes through the roof