Vim Vs Emacs
Play nice please
Vim Vs Emacs
Play nice please
whatever u like
vim is a pure text editor. I want a pure text editor. The best thing about emacs is that you can get vim.
Fair play
As long as it's vim
Just use micro
emacs has tetris built in - who said no games on linux
Why use Vim when you can use Elvis and edit HTML on the terminal?
The right answer is nano
>not kilo
>not ozette
It's like comparing a truck to a car
Ed is the standard text editor.
Both are shit if not configured so notepad.
Microsoft Word
Emacs is blessed by St. Ignucius
>he doesn't use echo cat and sed
vim is cool
Oh man another ozette user!
Vim is a great text editor for NPCs
Only NPCs are convinced that they aren't NPCs.
this. the best OS is emacs and the best text editor is vim
Vim is love, vim is life. I have nothing against emacs, but it's silly, to me, to install emacs just to use vim key binds.
only this man is straight and awesome
When programming in C using Emacs, how the fuck do I TAB.
it handles it for you
set the C style to bsd for good results
>what is (bind-key)?
Confirmed for not even having read the manual.
emacs here
vimfsgs r pussys
VSCode ;)