Google is deprecating Android. During Pixel 3 launch, they mentioned Android exactly ZERO times. Looks like Android is on its death knells.

Why? Why is Google killing Android?

What will it replace it with???

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Hopefully they replace it with a microkernel based os that resembles bb10.

... like which one?

They're selling new hardware, not new software

google fooshiya os

>Google didn't say Android once
where did you get this article from faggot? BGR?

If they release that closed source fuchsia meme OS I will switch to some shitty free as in freedom alternative and don't care about jewgle any more

Google not advertising one of its flag product ?Yea, it's pretty big if you ask me.
This actually means that at the very least, they're admitting that 'Android' isn't Google standard, reputation wise. They don't want you to think 'Google' when you hear 'Android'.
It doesn't necesarrily mean that they're killing it tho. At least not yet, Fuscia is still in development.

Fuscia will be the vompletw end of privacy

when will someone create a FOSS mobile linux to flash onto phones

We'll see about that, the original design was exactly the opposite. Obviously its changed since then, cause it doesn't match with Google's business model. But then again, they seem to be changing it up. Look at how Youtube Red, Youtube Music and Youtube Originals are rising lately.
Anyway, the alternatives are no better. LineageOS and the like are fucking broken. There's too many devices and too many problems related to each of them.
I'd stick to the cheaper out of the two jews, especially when Google actually admits what's it doing. Apple is still trying to advertise itself as the savior and protector of personal data.

they're going to install gentoo obviously

the problem is the notched bootloader, it's some kind of abortion for developers, instead of having a fucking bios

>the problem is the notched bootloader
That's just one small problem. The larger ones are:
- custom closed source firmware on the mobile phone part(baseband), which in most phones can do literally anything without the application cpu noticing
- closed source binary blob drivers that will never be updated are required for almost every device like the GPU
Replicant exists

>the alternatives are no better
privacy wise, you're completely wrong
>LineageOS and the like are fucking broken
not necesarily, depends on the device and the developer, not all of them are made by street shitting pajeets, but it's not like Google products as a whole aren't either
>I'd stick to the cheaper of the two jews
i'm sick and fucking tired of these marketing firms google hired ever since their fucking disaster of an announcement





No, they will just move it to fuchsia.

Have fun killing your entire ecosystem even further.

Wholesome evidence, OP. Renaissance of webOS when?

Interesting way to spell pooshiya

Fuchsia will be the OS/2 of smartphone OSes. Assuming it ever makes it to market.

How many times has Apple not mentioned one of their "flagship" products only to refresh it 6 months later?

and who will be they up against? microsoft is no longer invested in that market, apple's phones are too expensive and full of gotchas (from missing hardware ports to locking you out of even having a real browser). there's no alternative to whatever google wants to do, unless samsung wants to make their own os, and even then, it would probably be exclusive to their hardware and suck the sweet futanari dick

the only way we could ever have an alternative to google would be running real linux on these machines, but google, apple, manufacturers (and governments) want to make sure that won't be happening

They still have Tizen right?

>and who will be they up against?

Fuchsia will support Android apps natively.

And it will make toast and shit rainbows and fuck your wife so you can watch more anime.

>During Pixel 3 launch, they mentioned Android exactly ZERO times
of course they didn't, it was a Pixel 3 launch. Why would they mention that if you buy some other brands device you get the same experience with better hardware cheaper? that'd be silly

No fucking shit, it's a hardware event, not a software event. They talk about Android at Google I/O, in the spring.

Yeah, when was the last time Google mentioned Search or Gmail during their hardware presentations? Oh no, Search and Gmail is deprecated, time to shitpost all over the media and Jow Forums.

>google doesn't bring up android at an event that isn't about android
Wow pack up your bags folks Android is see

QNX my man

Depends. If Samsung switches to Fuschia then Android will die.

Or they use Tizen and Fuschia becomes irrelevant


Fuschia will be used exclusively by flagship Android devices. Android will be pajeet tier garbage shit for the plebes.

That's not the issue. The issue is convincing manufacturers and carriers to switch.
Google is making a retarded business decision, this could unironically make Microsoft the dominant OS on phones.

>article doesn't link to the transcript
Could be fake.
I'm going to need some sauce if they have it.

I don't follow phone tech news. But I guess google and android must be in a pretty good spot if THIS is the best the anti android shills can do.

Whenever google is in a good spot they manage to fuck it up and turn it well against them.
Now that Android is finally gittingud they'll be switching to Fuschia

Google is always in a state of development

And nothing of value was lost

They can't come up with a desert code word for Android Q, so they have to give up on it.
ChromeOS takes over everything next year.

Sweet, I can't wait to have two apps for everything on my Chrome OS phone!
Oh, wait...

kys OP

It'll probably be replaced with Fuchsia

Fuchsia is open source

Well it is 10 years old
Lasted longer than most phone OS's besides ios

But it's not licensed under the GPL, meaning kiss custom roms goodbye.

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It's not dead or being replaced, it's just no longer evolving in exciting and interesting ways so they didn't mention it.

About gmail... It's dead.

Bring back Ubuntu Touch

chrome OS on your phone buddy

google is dropping android tablets as well because android manufacturers are faggots who can’t keep their shit updated and gut googles botnet and replace it with their own chinkshit

Isn't android closed source as well? iirc only the first few versions were open source

This. Manufacturers will never make the switch because the average consumer doesn't care whether their OS is Fuschia or Android.


Android is partially open source.
t. android dev

>privacy wise, you're completely wrong
Who's to say that they aren't google tier dataminers?

the fact that unless you use services like google play services, there nothing for the device to ohone home to, and if there was, it woukd be easiky detected by using apps such as Network Monitor Mini which gives you realtime UL/DL stats, and then you can use other apps to determine who the connection is with exactly
NONE of the 3rd party ROMs that don't have google services baked in mine any data whatsoever, specifically those based on either AOSP or AICP

>Who's to say that they aren't google tier dataminers?
>comparing some random faggot on xD a dev who built a shitty rom to google
I think i can't make it anymore clear how ridiculous you sound

Time to go back to normal phones. Smartphones were a mistake.

What ecosystem Ranjeet, have you been sleeping under a rock? Android is fragmented as fuck.

>this could unironically make Microsoft the dominant OS on phones.
I am genuinely confused.

Does this mean India will stop existing?

yep the most popular OS in the history of the human species finally giving up the ghost. Perfect timing, best to abandon things at the absolute height of their popularity.

>mfw gave up android for bb10 two years ago
>mfw once you get over everyone making fun of you, it's comfy
keeps me from using shitty timewaster apps and physical keyboard is GOAT. However, noupdates starting to screw with it.

are you retarded? why WOULDN'T manufacturers switch if it makes no difference to the user experience and it's a shiny new OS name for both marketing teams to throw around and consumers to gobble up?

>implying any phone is safe
>implying any software you use on your phone is relevant when you have a fucking baseband processor in it
You could be using replicant, and your phone would be almost as much of a botnet as it is when you're up to your knees with google software on your android device.