My headphone jack broke off inside the port. How should I get it out?

My headphone jack broke off inside the port. How should I get it out?

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's fucked

install gentoo

Take my pen knife, my good man.

Suck it out like snake venom

Really strong magnet

Apply a magnet to the end.


Maybe a tiny bit of metal bonding epoxy (loctite or others) on the end of whats left of the jack, put it in, let it set and hopefully it will hold.

Not talking gobs or anything, just a small bit.

Bolt remover

with your dick

why are you using this legacy port

Enjoy your upgrade :)

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OP i'm willing to bet you don't have the skills to fix it

A proper fix would be to desolder the surfaced mounted headphone jack and solder on a new one. But it would involve taking apart the laptop clamshell case and actually soldering onto the motherboard. I doubt your ready for that OP

so tl;dr

Get a pinvice or a thin hand drill from a dollar store.

There’s no fucking way it’s that complicated. I liked the other anons idea of letting a tiny bit of epoxy or something harden on it, then I’ll have something to grip to pull it out.

The easiest fix would be moving to a new apartment where there's a working computer preinstalled.

maybe next time we don't shove things in all recklessly with our Cheetos crusted fingers

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iPhone XS Max doesn’t have this problem :)

its not complicated, its what you're going to have to do to fix it if you can't get that jack stub out.

I guess I just assumed that by posting on Jow Forums about your problem that you exhausted your resources trying to "pull it back out"

Still I don't think any glue is going to get that out, your talking about a small enough dab to get good surface adhesion to only the plug and not the port, and somehow letting it cure in that very delicate state long enough for your tiny patch of adhesion to pull free the entire plug. I only see that working if your headphone jack was the wimpiest weakest headphone jack in town, and since you broke a plug off inside of it, I really doubt thats the case

similar suggestion:

cut a q-tip in half, put the tiniest damn drop of superglue on the tip, insert, let dry thoroughly, then pull carefully.

super-fine-tipped needle nose pliers like:
may work if you have them, but nearly anybody already has q-tips and superglue already.

I could't melt the solder at max. temperature. What am I doing wrong? 90W btw

it was probably wave soldiered or hot air soldered at the factory with a higher temp solder than your lead heavy home gamer stuff.

I think your iron just isn't powerful enough

OP here, here’s what I’m gonna try-

-take the jack that the piece inside the laptop broke off from
-apply some citadel miniature glue to the very tip of right where it broke off
-carefully put it in so it’s touching the bit

sounds like as good idea as any.

your shits essentially fucked unless you can get that plug out.

Take your back cover off. The backside of standard aux ports have a hole that you can use a paperclip to poke out the broken off part.

get a toothpick/thin stick and break off a pointy tip. Add a tiny tiny fucking dot of super glue and hold it against the jack until it dries. Hope for the best

delete system32 and install gentoo

Get a wood dowl, put a dab of super glue on the end and hod it to the inside of the plug.

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Take it to the store you bought it from, dumb zoomer.

good luck OP. i want to see you succeed.

Huh ? I don’t get the implication here. Wouldn’t a “zoomer” be the one who just orders everything online and doesn’t go to stores?

Your a tard, 90% of the 3.5 mm jacks are open at the back or have some kind of cut out on them. All OP needs to do it take the clamshell apart and push it out from the backside.

OP here

The warhammer glue didn’t work I don’t think I globbed enough on and it’s actually hobby glue and not citadel miniature glue which is actually thicker than what I used.

round 2: I’m using a little thicker of a glue, Loctite. Hoping this works

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This works. I used to do IT for a middle school and the little faggots broke headsets off in the ports all the time.

iPhone Ten Smacks

Don't forget to install gentoo

Shh, let him destroy his jack with glue

OP again, trying loctite again...

Might just take it apart but I just did a couple weeks ago to clean it and getting into the laptop is a BITCH and I don’t even necessarily need headphones or use them a lot.

Might just say fuck it

Yeah I’m gonna say fuck it until the next time I dust it out I’ll come in from behind

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Unless you have flippers for hands its not that hard. I have the same laptop you do and it's easy. You sound like a tard that deserves this.

take a brad nail, hammer it in and pull it out

Maybe I'm overlooking something here but why not use a tap and die then screw it back out like a non-autistic person would do?

use a drop of super glue on the head of a nail that fits the hole and just jam it in and pray it stays attached as you pull it out

Take a pen ink tube and push it into the jack around the plug, then extract plug

>using deprecated ports

touch my peepee

heres what you do OP, get a small drill bit, or anything metal, heat it with a blowtorch, stick it into the jack, and extract

You’re not even giving specifics after OP has even gone as far as to posting pics... if you’re just shitposting I guess I get it but this is a shit tech community

>this is a shit tech community

steve, thought you died

this might work

stick in your dick

get fucked with your gaymer shit lmao

open the laptop, push it from inside.

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Why are you using a trip

The inside is plastic. Heat up a paper clip end and stick it in pretty far. Wait like 20 minutes so you're sure as fuck it's all cooled down and solidified. Then pull it straight out.

Look, you faggot, get this.

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Buyfag here, maybe you can try a variation of this


Find the tiniest drill bit you have and carefully drill into the center. You should be able to pull it out if it sticks to the drill bit.

If not, find a self tapping screw, and a phillips head attachment for the drill. Drill the self tapping screw into the hole you made with the drill bit. Doesn't have to be very far.

Once the self tapping screw is somewhat securely in there, just fucking pull on that bitch and shes out

Use a wood screw to grab it, then pull it out

cocktail stick and superglue

Superglue attached to something. Then pull it out.

How did you even??? WTF??

Despite of others ITT, don't use superglue. It will fuck up your socket forever. Instead, google your laptop model, use YouTube tutorials to unscrew and disassemle the laptop, then push out the pin from the inside.

>not posting the gif version

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if you are willing to open the lap and you have a little bit of luck concerning the socket you may push it out by reaching between the connecting clamps with a small tool.

I'd try this first before fumbling with glue and eventually fucking up the port completely.


Vacuum cleaner?



try a screw

Repair shop i worked at always soldered a wire on it and then pull it out.

i literally gave a step by step, if you're too retarded to be able to follow what I posted, you shouldnt be allowed to live

do you suck dicks?
i bet you could suck a headphone jack from a headphone port.

is that you john wayne? is this me?

Why my peepee hard?

Open PC, desolder old headphone port, buy new one online, solder it in.

iPhone Excess Max

Here's the deal m8. You have to come up with something actually superior before declaring something deprecated.

jb weld

need to open the chassis, there is no other way

Any updates, OP?

Take a sewing neddle (bad english) and make it hot with ligther, then poke the plastic part and wait for it to cool inside of the 3.5mm male part. Then after its hardened in there just pull it out. Easy as fuck

Put it in rice.

this works, i can confirm.

Not all sockets have that hole. Still best solution.

There is a tool, the GripStick, specifically designed to easily solve this problem w/out having to disassemble the device, use drilling, glue, or any other unsafe method. It also works for any computer or other electronic equipment that has a 3.5mm headphone jack.

It is made by Nightek, & you can order it on iFixit.

Attached: GripStick.jpg (600x600, 32K)