/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 1539702195788.webm (464x848, 919K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Is that a senior programmer?
Look at her programming socks she even has the extra addons.

How fast can you install CRUX? Try it before this thread gets deleted and find out!

Why the attention whoring roastie using memes she probably doesn't understand?

How can you be sure she has a vagina?



That’s a cute “girl” not a roastie toastie whore

Give me a floating WM that also supports tiling, without switching modes, just throwing windows to the sides or other monitors (and back to their original floating position!) directly with hotkeys, also min- and maximizing. Preferably one that doesn't pull a million dependencies.

Also a file manager that supports folder specific layouts. Out of all the major ones I've tried only Nemo had this so far.

Attached: ifconfig.jpg (670x400, 194K)

Enough with this shitty meme. You weren't here when she posted her vagene

She better have a cute penis.

She posted it.

t. incel

Never happened, faggots.

Did she get it done with supporn?


>posting >her meme
>accusing ME of being a faggot

Not me.

Friendly request to fuck off.

no u

> Do you want to install programs but dont want to solve dependencies?
I don't have to.

Suggestion: use your package manager or just use windows.

Fine, I deleted the post. But think on the noobs.

No, I mean, any Linux, even Apppackaged, is better than Windows; however, the tech is quite new along with a bunch of competitors, including at least Flatpak. Maybe Pottering will make systemd-dependent appimages. I'll wait and see what will survive. In the meantime, I'm fine with a statically compiled software.

Linux is just a kernel.


How to make bash usable?
I've been using fish for quite some time now, but all the hacks and rewrites I have to do because bash scripts aren't compatible with fish are getting on my nerves.

What are some cool terminal commands?

Attached: 1538992831693.gif (500x500, 1.44M)


what the fuck bash is usable since 40 uears

>How to make bash usable?
It already is.


based and redpilled


ur welcome

the shell is shit, auto-completion barely works, and it lacks tons of neat stuff I have with the fish shell, but hey if that's the state of perfection, fine

Search for "tpgf*" image name in de archives

post penis or gtfo

>the shell is shit
I will ignore this pleb comment
If you want completion then use additions like github.com/jhawthorn/fzy


Is this some sort of neo fzf?

Yeah, is faster and written in C.

>not using ip

Did she ever come back

>using ip

Is Debian better or is Arch better?

I don't like it (for no reason other than I have always used ifconfig) and I'm afraid of having to use it when nobody maintains the old tools any more

Attached: lspci.jpg (670x400, 300K)

install gentoo

Ur deprecated

>Ur deprecated
no u

Thank you user

What is the best distro for grandma?


Hm.. You do make a convincing point

Puppy Linux

It's fine user, embrace ip, it does everything all the old tools do but you can actually read the command and have some idea what it does instead of it being a flaggy mess.


Attached: femanon.jpg (1280x960, 98K)

I will embrace someday user, I'm just not ready yet *w*

Attached: whoami.jpg (670x400, 319K)

cute bod for a dude

She's a cute tbhon.

For dual booting, should I free up space with window's disk management first to create a free partition instead of using the partitioning tool of whatever loonex I want installed?

i wanna suck her dick

It's a girl you mong

>feminine penis

yeah, looks like a 'girl' to me too

She stuffed a sock in there. Check the archives

I'm confused
Is it her name or a command?

yeah, a sock... :^)

looks like she is european according to electrical outlets. high probably its a female

Have you checked the archievs or are you just pretending to be dense?

a command
It's part of bijo-linux, a websight designed to teach girls about Linux or something.

Just looked at it again and they got new pics since I last visited, time to make a new fetchin' script to get all of them :O

Attached: strings.jpg (670x400, 267K)

Suppose my wireless interface is named 'wlp3s0' and the network I need to connect to uses WPA encryption.
How can I connect in a fast and reliable way?

Attached: 1539395847640.gif (405x540, 337K)

install wicd or networkmanager and use them, way easier than the neckbeard way

also cute bear

>fzy includes hidden folders by default
didn't use fzf long enough to figure out how to include them, guess I'll change to this. thanks user.

bash has decent support for autocomplete, you can make case insensitive and sourcing something like
which debian bash does by default makes it a lot better

A girl knowing what gentoo is?

Attached: 1535177937678.jpg (640x480, 80K)

how could I do that from the cli?

opensuse install uses btrfs for root, and xfs for /home
any reason not to use this config? ie use ext4 for everything instead. I have an SSD, am wondering if there's a catch.

xfs is good when you have a lot of small files on a partition, which is probably the average case for a home directory.
btrfs is a meme for most users, but it does have a lot of compelling features that maybe opensuse actually uses. In day to day use you'll not really notice much of a difference but I think you can't put a swap file on btrfs (you'll need it on some other filesystem or make a swap partition) and calculating the actual free space left can be confusing but btrfs is fine.

ext4 is fine too it's up to you

Got me a meme install of Arch and i3. Configured my keybindings to my liking and installed rofi.

Now what?

nc rya.nc 1987

Post on unixporn. Get NPC upvote.

Let's be honest here. Arch is the best distro. Not because the distro but because of the AUR and the Wiki.

Post on unixporn. Get NPC upvote. Realize it was a waste of time and install Gentoo.

Attached: 123131231231312.png (1379x1189, 661K)

unixporn is literally 99% Jow Forums posers. Look through the comment sections. Don't play yourself.

obviously her boyfriend

The wiki can apply to any GNU/Linux operating system.

AUR is nothing compared to Debian repositories.

The only reason I use Arch is because of Pacman.

Attached: 1488475732365.gif (256x256, 9K)

He say gay is not okay.
But is.

is there a fucking way I can browse Jow Forums without being accosted by that tranny every 20 minutes?

That's literally a girl

Visit reddit instread.

Any reason why you're using fedora kde over opensuse kde?

I always end up making my opensuse installs huge clusterfucks with over 9000 repos and I was curious what the Fedora "workstation" spin was all about so I installed it

Any reason you're considering a non-Arch, Debian or Gentoo distro worth anything?

Attached: 1539523317984.jpg (1280x1029, 123K)

So the Install Gentoo tranny doesn't even use Gentoo?

user delivers