What would our world without Pajeets be like?

What would our world without Pajeets be like?

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Screw that, we need to nuke the entire middle east shithole. Pls do it, Vlad

remove :
south america (mexico included)
middle east

We still need a few slaves so we keep china and surrounding countries.
We send slaves wherever the ressources are (mostly africa).
pic related would be current white civilization.

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beautiful. just imagine you don’t have to see those annoying fucks and their disgusting smell

india is (You)r mother

India and Russia pic related
Fuck off attention whore.

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Disgusting amerimutts

Looks like a distopia, your CEOs and Dictators will be living in pic related while you get zombified in front of screens and eat shit 3d printed food

tech was supposed to make life better, not artificial

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>tech was supposed to make life better, not artificial

remome everyone except white and japanese so anime is not rost

>Sucking russian cock this hard.

You're a disgrace to ukraine.

No Windows
No Brave browser

All my IT courses would have 3 people in them.

> country full of literal nazis
Fuck Ukraine

When you say pajeets do you only mean uh stereotypical PAJEET or do you mean every Indian

of course every indian

Damn. Apologies I'll show myself out


I shit in toilets thanks

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Indian people are disgusting
They eat gross shit, they’re filthy, they wear stupid shit, their religion is stupid, they refuse to eat normal shit, they smell like shit, the girls have moustaches, they all have stupid names, their language is shit, they all have disgusting feet but wear leather sandals, regardless of what they’re wearing otherwise, Fuck it sandals in a suit, they eat refried Taco Bell beans on everything which is basically dog food. US is infested with these dirty little bastards and they’ve spilled into half of the world, and god only knows how far they’ll spread before everything smells like shit and curry.

I live in the US. India is a shithole.

The food is good, they are filthy in rural areas of India, not sure what stupid shit they wear, there is no religion exclusive to Indians, what is normal shit, brad is a shit name, the language is quite poetic desu, it gets hot and they don't really care, never seen this but taco bell is cool. Why are you so intolerant?

disgusting niggers

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what? are you retard?

Microshit and Xiaomeme would be already ded without pooland

>they are filthy in rural areas of India,
cities are 10 times worse

as bad as they are, jeets are far less cancerous than niggers and jews

Imagine if white people were allowed to practice the same level of ethnic nepotism as indians
Just imagine

There's shit cities like Delhi and there's decent cities like Bangalore
I mean it's not really the same since white people are the majority already. It's institutionalized higher status
You're literally just searching for the worst possible examples you can find. I live in one of the highest average income counties in the US, it's mostly affluent white, Asian, and south Asian people

How does that foot-fungus flavoured burger and pizza with old refrigerated meat taste like user? Hope you have a good time eating artificial food with an added bonus of cancer in the old age.

>I mean it's not really the same since white people are the majority already. It's institutionalized higher status
Uhh sweatie, I'm checking the global populations and they're not the majority. Why would you lie like that?