Write open source software

>write open source software
>nobody uses it

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Other urls found in this thread:


>write open source software
>people whine about bugs
>nobody contributes

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who are these people, this repo is supposed to be personal

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>write open source software
>it suits my needs and is available to others and that's all that matters

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>write a software for a company
>in public github repository
team lead doesnt even care and i dont even care

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what's your github user

I'll use your software

>write open source software
>tranny marxists want me to implement their CoC
>close pr with no explanation

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>write open source software
>company nags me to add feature
>say do it urself
>they attempt to send shit tier patches

>write open source software
>people whine about bugs
>ignore them and just keep adding in features, progressively making my software more and more broken

cia nignogs

based terry

>write open source software
>indians love it
>i have no explaination, it's just a music player

>write free software
>people call it open source

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>write non-open source software

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>write non-open source software
>nobody buys it

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>write open source software
>I and a few hundred people use it everyday day
>get occasional random PRs
>one frequent contributer



>don't write any software because I can't kode

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>fork open source code
>close source and sell it

>write scientific paper
>nobody cites it

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>write non-open source software
>nobody uses it because it's full of ads

GPL restricts commercial entities from closed-sourcing forks of free and open source software.
Lurk more

What are you going to do, reverse engineer it and sue me?

>write code for open source software
>code becomes obsolete within 6 months since developer decides it's a good idea to rewrite everything in go

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>write open source project years ago
>literally one of the first things i actually worked on long-term, codebase was a complete monstrosity
>the branding was nice though and as a result it developed a following anyway despite being shitty
>eventually found out school teachers were using this shitty pajeet-tier project of mine to teach people how to program
my shitty old habits are gonna rub off on people now

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Make an AppImage

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> make a midi controller mapping with a fuckton of layers and all the functions one could ever need
> upload it with full documentation
> no one downloads it
> mad about it and remove it from the internet
> reinstall my PC
> didn't back up that mapping

Sucks to suck

Your using FOSS + GNU/Linux every time you visit this website.

good company



>write non-open source software with ads
>someone makes a foss alternative and everyone stops using mine

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Use CD it really helps

There seems to be shills who start shitpost threads here where the only purpose is to condition people to accept the terms Linux in place of GNU/Linux and open source in place of free.

Corporations have always been pushing for open source over free software, since it is more palatable to investors without the implication of freedom. No doubt they have hired shills pushing their agenda all over the web.

Source? Or at least, what did it do?

print("Hello World!")
^this code is free software, everyone is free to use and modify it, have fun

Enlighten me, how GPL does it? Here's a scenario:
- have open source project under GPL
- suddenly out of nowhere appears software which is very similar
- have suspicion it's forked said open source project

How would one prove that closed source software is someone's forked open source project?
Of course, people behind closed source version will make some changes and tweaks to not be exact copy.
I can't see how open source dev could fight this back.




its ok floens
its ok


game engine

that's me, kek
I also use gpl code for my commercial products, noone can find out anyway

That is strictly against the code of conduct unless you can prove you're not a white male.

>write free as in freedom software
>everybody uses the open source alternative

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What should I say instead? Freeware? Freeware isn't open.

>OP is on a web site built mostly on open source software
>complaining that nobody uses open source software

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no user, he's complaining that nobody uses HIS software, which is really sad indeed

>write open post
>user can't comprehend it

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>don't write open-source program
>don't write free program
>don't write
>can't code

>write open source software
>corporate fucks try to make you put backdoors in
>attempt to discredit you from the project using their patsies when you say no

>want to make open source software
>too stupid to learn programming

>take open source software
>make open source software better
>sell as your "own code" for profit

>posting your hard work publicly for people to copy


>can't make open source program
>learn a brainlet language like python
>write scripts instead
>feel like a hacker anyway

>>learn a brainlet language like python
If you put together all the worlds academic scientists, Python would probably be their most used language.

What does your program do, user?

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Literally contriboot to existing open source projects, don't make your own and create 85 competing standards.

Formats C:

probably bots that search github repos for tokens / passwords

I am a scientist, and I use python.
As does everyone else that uses something more advanced than excel.

>write open source software
>corporate fucks try to make you put backdoors in
>attempt to discredit you from the project using their patsies when you say no

Fuck this shitty phone

>use python when bash isn't sufficent
>write script to parse and analyze thousands of xml files
>runs like shit because python runs on a single core
>get module, spawn a worker per core
>speed improves drastically
>be happy
modules make shit so easy, especially when you aren't a programmer to begin with

>Make open loo
>People poo in the street

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>create GNU system so people can use computers in freedom
>people call it Linux and install nonfree software

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eheheh one upboat for you

cmon bruv you gotta give more than that

>debugs your program
Nothing personal, Shlomo.

>Start GNU project to clone a shitty Unix system despite being a huge Lispfag.
>Can't write a decent kernel even if my life depended on it.
>A Swedish cuck ports my system's compiler and shell and bundles it with his kernel, gathers a huge following.
>forced to adapt my software and rebuild it around his kernel, despite being against it.
>get so mad I spend all day writing about how I deserve credit, Drumpf is evil, and why pedophilia isn't such a bad thing, all while Swedish cuck gets all the fame and rakes in millions.
When will Stallman finally break and an hero himself?

>find someone else's open source software
>Make my own version that just implements ads
>My software becomes more popular because it's on Google play store
Collecting my neetbux from open source tards. Making money off of my version of Clover :^)

When he pisses off enough people.
Then he'll commit sudoku stabbing himself multiple times in the back.

>take evidence
>go to a court
>an independent engineer checks their code under nda
>tells the judge it really is stolen from you
>sue that fucker to hell

What license do I use t put ads in my software and make it illegal for anyone to use my software without having functional ads?

What if company refuses to show code for independent engineer?
Was there ever a case where something like this happened?
I feel like no one is stealing open source software or no one ever gets enough evidence.

Your own.

you a like a baby, watch this
>write open source software for yourself
>lots of people use it
>bug reports flying in every other week
>lose what little free time I had

acdsee / irfanview

>write open source software
>add rat

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What happened?
Can't find any relevant information.

>write open source software
>people send absolutely retarded patches to do things like change the font size
>because of interest feel compelled to add even though total rewrite necessary and for what purpose
>reflexive beta compliance unnecessarily increased workload

How you know? They could be using it but didn't starred/forked/liked/+1'd it.

>he doesn't know
You're supposed to be circlejerking with people you know.

this just proves that only NPCs use Poodroid

i still hope someone out there is using my only OSS project, though it still has 0 stars
i think my second one is going to be more popular (it's almost done btw)

Perhaps the teachers are using it as an example of how not to code :^)

There is no GNU in android and embedded

lol, its actually good idea, you make software with ads and trial period, then make reskin of your software without ads but with "Please Support my project :)" button, get money from donations and from ads

gonna do this from now on, thanks for the idea

There is no Windows in macOS and iOS.

Your point?

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>use open source software
>"hey dude this thing here might work better this way, and this other thing doesn't work"
>"well theres the code maybe u can change it it urself? ;)"

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>Innocent until proven guilty
>White until proven a minority

>make open source software
>one guy uses it and created an issue
>I fix the issue
>that one guy tested it fully
>it works
>we both thank each other
today was an ok day