Getting started

is python and pic related a reliable source and a good starting point for learning how to program?

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I hear its a pretty good book. Someone should shop a 30 year old boomer wojack on that robots head.

For genera use cases, it's a good starting point. I recommend Severance's book most of the time at work though.

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appreciate the recommendation user

Probably the best book for beginners. Probably the only good book for beginners, though.

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I started learning programming with this book, it gave me a lot of knowledge. I highly recommend it.

>cd ebooks
>find . | wc -l
Sounds like I'm doing it right

Attached: robot_boomer.png (986x1495, 1.14M)

Not disappointed.

You're doing God's work, user. Praise kek.

Automate the boomer stuff

Attached: boomer_stuff.png (986x1495, 1.14M)


9/10 book. I've read it 2 times. Highly recommend. Touches on a lot of things, it's for beginners but not absolute beginners.

>automate the stuff with python

so my entire life?

Do it. Then do other beginner books. Jump off whenever you have an idea for projects and attack those. As long as your coding your learning.

Recommendations for what to do next:
Python Crash course
python cookbook
Think python
python cookbook
hitchhiker's guide to python

>after some practice tier
fluent python
effective python

Google programming challenges and attack those.

I'd also really recommend "Doing X with python" style books where you are interested in X. Data, webscraping, networking, security, programming drones, machine learning, or whatever else.

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your talents are being wasted

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that or learn python the hard way. i've read both. learn python the hard way eases you in but automate the boomer stuff with python brings you up to speed with knowledge you'll find useful in everyday tasks.

Im doing the Crash course, planning to read Automate next. Am I doing it wrong?

Purely technically, if you're not relying only on official documentation you're doing it wrong. But only technically.

No, I think Crash Course -> Automate is a better workflow. Crash Course covers the sytanx and general overview of the language better. Automate provides more practice work for you can do, but does not go as in depth into the language.

Yeah thats a pretty good start