Why was this game so good, and why is it still today so atmospheric and even a little bit scary?

Why was this game so good, and why is it still today so atmospheric and even a little bit scary?

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First true open world, plus the player isn't treated like an idiot like in modern titles

Daggerfall is game of GODS

Use MGE XE instead of OpenMW if you want to mod

Wrong board virgin

All these boards to post on, and you chose Jow Forums.
Still - can't disagree with you.

I still prefer Oblivion and Skyrim by a mile trough

Sorry guys, didn't knew I was on g..
But anyways, let us have a good Jow Forumsmorrowind thread.

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As a kid I didn't knew how to play, but I invested hours in just walking around the map and seeing how far I can come.

this is what a man should look like

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take off your nostalgia googles pal.
both Skyrim and Oblivion have better gameplay, which is you know, the most important thing in a game

>inb4 dice combat

>being guided through every quest with a marker is good gameplay

Daggerfall is the best ES by a very large margin anyway.

Apparently you never played Daggerfall.

A drug addict obsessed with conspiracy theories? Come on, user, you could do better. How about an upper-class gentleman with refined taste.

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Morrowind = best lore, atmosphere, gameplay
Oblivion = best quests, mods
Skyrim = shit

Daggerfall = THE BEST

>turtle speed for half the game or more if you aren't set on fixing it
>shit combat
>spells can fail
>shit fast travel when the past game had a good one
>quests are over all worse than the newer ones but that's to be expected from an older game
The only good things it has over Skyrim is the spell stance instead of having to unequip your weapons and more spells.
Marker or not the Journal is shit, the marker does save you time on useless shit like finding this one guy on a town but yeah it makes thing too easy sometimes when it shouldn't be. it's better when they only enable the marker for the first one. (Oblivion sometimes)
only for dungeon hunting and that's it if we go vanilla.
more like
Morrowind = Lore and spells
Oblivion= gameplay, quests and AI for being hilarious
Skyrim = mods and graphics

>spells can fail
Nothing wrong with that
>quest are over all worse

Morrowind was the beginning of the consolization of RPGs

>nothing wrong with adding a handicap to mages for no reason

>consolization of RPGs
I believe this never truly came into fruition, just as the entirety of RTS on consoles. I still to this day don't understand how people play first person shooters on consoles.

>mages always successfully cast spells

in good games they do

It did come to fruition and it's why most western rpgs are dumbed down now and why Elder Scrolls in particular has been shit since Morrowind. bethesda saw how much it sold on consoles so set out to make more money and that's been the general trend since.

I would say consoles are just symptomatic of the real problem, since consoles are just another means of opening up to a widing audience thus dumbing down the game to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

He's a fag

wrpgs are shit anyway
jrpgs have always been console games and they're far better for it

Remember how the original Assassin's Creed was the most "artsy and intellectual" of the whole series? Controls and mechanics weren't polished as well as graphics, but the game is still unforgettable.

On consoles? yeah, on pc? lol no. I take any modded tes over a jrpg where i get bored once the story is done.

The formula is completely stale now though. They haven't evolved since Dragon Quest (although at least they didn't devolve like wrpgs)

why mess with perfection
give me ONE wrpg as good as ff6 or chrono trigger
you can't

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even Morrowind is better than those, take off your nostalgia googles of linear shit, at least name something good like DQ9

FF6 sucks. Chrono Trigger is decent at what it does but you hope an entire genre wouldn't just be the same thing rehashed with some tweaks.

Kotor 2
Fallout (classic)

You can bait better. There are a lot of good jrpgs out there but they can't match the best of wrpgs

>FF6 sucks

stopped reading there

you mean like how WRPGs are just endlessly rehashing D&D?

I agree. Jrgps depends too much on useless text. something games shouldn't bother with. westerners know where the good shit is.
oh yes because Skyrim has dice rolls and shit, get outta here

I never said wrpgs were doing any better, like i said they have devolved.

Sucks might be hyperbole, but it doesn't deserve it's high status. Chrono Trigger is better in every way. What exactly does FF6 have going for it? Gameplay is shit and the writing is terrible. Chrono Trigger succeeds because while it has most of the same flaws it's pacing is really good and ff6 isn't well paced just like most jrpgs.

It's not "for no reason," it's to discourage low-level characters from spamming high-level spells.

shit combat

>avellone has now just become a marketing device for companies to say he's worked on their game

Absolutely hate this industry.

okay I have to give it to bethesda.
first they gave us false hope of advanced spells beign useful early or having some freedom on how we wanted to use our magicka.(morrowind)
then they outright banned them because of skill level (oblivion)
and finally it was done right on skyrim where if you have enough magicka you can use them, of course you will never have enough magicka unless you rank up those perks but it's still than the banning on oblivion and spells failing in morrowind.

This, Morrowind have good lore and all, but it can't compete with Oblivion at all. Skyrim is meh tho

Tabletop games are way superior. Video games just cannot do RPGs properly.

It was the most "handmade" of the TES games. Oblivion was bigger but it was 99% copypaste.
Thing about Morrowind is that it has so many nice little details that makes the world immersive, like say finding a skooma pipe in a locked drawer and shit like that.