like it's 2006
Like it's 2006
Other urls found in this thread:
So nice c:
You weren't even born back then, kys.
She's 23 or 24, lurk moar
bumping for comfy thread
a link to this pic was in the site
you won't get my up cia
damn, it's like a shittier version of drawball
very nice
bigger one
Omg it supports emojis :^)
Eat shit
>cute and adorable
does not compute
>the owo face
i still don't know who that is
Sucks being (You), I guess. I for one am absolutely adorable
where are the proofs?
no cute female is interested in anything related to computers.
The fact that you're here is enough proof you aren't.
meant to how long have you been here? You should already know maki.
I'm not. I'm a pharmacist.
why do you keep posting here?
"It" doesn't want to go back to /v/ so "it" shills windows 7 all day while hiding from Putin
Well, I like Windows 7. Isn't that technology?
Yeah I know... Don't you like something else?
I don't hide from Putin, I actually like him :)
I like other software as well, like VLC, AIMP, I also like my phone.. they are all related to this board.
>Windows user
>Liking Putin
I'm pretty sure Putin wanted to dump Windows in favor of GNU/Linux
It's the best video player.
Not, it's not.
Works fine on Windows 7 with a Titan Xp. Your PC is shite.
you're shite
why do you like w7 so much anyway
Best desktop OS. Performs better than 8 or 10 on my PC.
the best downscaled 10 bit -> 8 bit video quality is from windows movie player (the new one, not media player).
Seriously, try it. It's way better than mpc
thanks for sharing, op
this surely was an experience
зaтнкиcь хoхoлкa eбaнaя
вooбщe-тo я ypoю тя cyчкa
вce хoхлы - нe люди
well this is a good bit of fun
She's Russian so probably past her expiry date now
>5 year olds spamming shit and deleting everything
it truly is 2006 again
bumping for more nostalgic Jow Forums content