One of us, one of us, one of us

>Apple products are overpriced, shiny toys for toddlers
>Apple users just want people to think they're
>Apple users only purchase their devices to show off and get attention
>All intelligent individuals would choose either a used ThinkPad or this MacBook clone
>Anyone who disagrees with me should find another board

Attached: npc.jpg (220x229, 5K)


>>Apple users only purchase their devices to show off and get attention
I work at an apple store and I can say this is true. I've had so many people ask to buy the most expensive iphone just because it's the most expensive
so many literaly chinks from china come to the store to buy iphones in the US so they can go show off to their friends in shanghai

Attached: 1539639652752.png (636x773, 8K)

>I work at an apple store

Attached: retail.png (291x331, 86K)

they pay good and offer good benefits
i mean it kinda sucks to work for a company you kinda hate but i need the money for school

Attached: 1517431254583.jpg (583x532, 32K)

>I'm a retail worker, here are my opinions

Attached: 778.png (680x703, 109K)

I'd imagine the kind of person that goes to a physical store to buy hardware isn't the brightest and had no idea what they want. They go so someone that they assume knows better than them can help them choose. Apple or otherwise.

That's 100% description why i bought this crap
but now i'm cool

Attached: 44307960_2273381129400052_710547333477040128_n.jpg (2048x1151, 268K)

you're right. none of the people who come in are very smart to begin with.

Just because you post an npc face doesn't mean it's wrong

Attached: eb3.jpg (680x568, 25K)

>Apple users only purchase their devices to show off and get attention
>so many literaly chinks from china come to the store to buy iphones in the US so they can go show off to their friends in shanghai

Yes. But yeah, seriously, of course this is the case. How many of you guys have actually handled Gucci shoes, Coach bags, Berluti suitcases, driven an Audi, or even used a Macbook? They're as good as something that costs 1/4 their sticker price. You're paying for a n eye-catching trendy label.

Seriously though, Jow Forums seems to have some kind of inability to understand this phenomenon. When someone rolls up in an Audi A5, you go "hey that's a nice car and I recognize its distinctive logo." Does an Audi A5 driving at 60 mph get you there faster than a Honda Civic chooching along at 60 mph? No, but it's a bit comfier, and it gets noticed. When someone's gf stomps in with a Coach bag and Gucci shoes, you go "hey that's some nice leather." When your boss drops a Berluti suitcase on the conference table, you go "dang that's a nice suit case." Is it better? Fuck no, it holds folders like any other suitcase. They feel nice to use, they look nice from across the room, people know what it is, and they cost four to ten times what a competing product does. Is it worth it? Your choice. But yes, it's mostly a fashion and status symbol. It doesn't "do" anything better, it's just a tax bracket signal and a fashion sense marker. That's all. I use a thinkpad because I work in a fucking machine shop, I'm not taking a macbook in there. Do people ever notice my machine? No, they notice my coveralls are soaked in hydraulic fluid. That's a different signaller which says "I don't care how I look because I'm here to work and that involves getting dirty." Different worlds, different priorities, different acceptable signals for whether you "belong" in that world.

It's fashion, and fashion is contextual to where you live/eat/work/socialize.

>all premium priced products are fashion
>an Apple computer is the same as Gucci shoes

Attached: 27b.png (680x790, 226K)

If you think about it it's the Lego vs Playmobil fight all over again
Smart kids had legos, dudebros had playmobil
Playmobil sells because there are many dudebros
MS/android vs Apple is just the adult version

>taking time to write this

Attached: 41715062_1843560435679534_3347770532983472128_n.jpg (720x720, 56K)

Well, how is he wrong? You know you could have posted an actual argument rather than shitty NPC wojack meme.

Attached: !.png (318x566, 66K)

Loyalty to a corporation or brand is borderline retardation in my opinion. If only everyone judged products on their own merit.

>What does this mean?
>Loading... Loading... Loading...
>Warning: Program execution may result in an infinite loop

you're just as bad as retarded lefties who scream RACIST BIGOT on loop as an argument

Indeed user, you seem to be stuck in an infinite loop. It's time to break out, stop posting shitty memes, and actually back up your claim with an argument.


Imagine being this much of a paid shill.
I know how this works, paid per reply.
No (You)s for (You)

>he says, as he supports the status quo

>you're just as bad

Attached: npc trump hat.jpg (900x760, 95K)

Kill yourself, brainless NPC.

>look mom I posted it again

Attached: D2F748E3-7D0A-44A3-9B0E-A908131D784F.jpg (415x441, 69K)

this guy is trolling the fuck out of you guys

>pretending to be retarded is trolling
Newfag and ledditpilled

>I work in a machine shop

Attached: 76a.jpg (552x615, 26K)

Attached: 60a.jpg (640x605, 55K)

Ironic, considering the current state of Jow Forums.

Attached: 1526575408434.png (1000x1181, 980K)

>Ironic, considering

Attached: 586.jpg (645x729, 37K)

>no argument
more news at 11

>Ironic, considering
>where is your counter-argument?

Attached: 1c3.png (633x729, 76K)

>funco pop
fuck back to Pleddit for you

Reposting shitty forced memes and regurgitating the same tired buzzwords, seems like npc behavior to me.

>NPC posters became real NPC

Attached: 1510310183323.png (1000x3996, 1.56M)

Attached: image.jpg (400x400, 65K)

>i-if I throw more brainlet wojak edits at them, maybe some of my shitty forced memes will stick

you're mocking him instead of having an actual counter argument. at least don't make a complete ass of yourself and topics that are tech related instead of posting gray wojaks. or keep shitposting within Jow Forums.

Attached: 6c32.png (680x1569, 557K)

>you're making a fool of yourself

Attached: nba.png (636x773, 38K)


OP confirms brainless

>ass of yourself and topics that are tech related

Attached: 16e.jpg (903x960, 45K)

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Attached: untitled.png (500x787, 207K)


>Coach bag and Gucci shoes, you go "hey that's some nice leather."
>Implying any normal people can make the difference between a real Gucci and a fake one
>Implying any normal people can make the difference between real and fake leather


Attached: tuiASICS1-sysMOD.jpg (971x594, 117K)

My take on this thread using your post as the theme:

category 1: a chink shit pleather belt from a department store - $40+tax
category 2: an entry-level high-quality full grain leather belt from a specialty shop ordered online - $60-100
category 3: gucci with fair materials but nothing special - $300-1500

Android = category 1
Custom built desktop = category 2
Apple = category 2 depending on the product, but Jow ForumsNPCs think it's all category 3

Wow, the NPC really does meme itself.

Attached: 234tb345th356.jpg (500x449, 69K)

why are all zoomer memes just feels guy and feels good, man frog reskins?

>If (NPC meme) Then




>End If

Attached: 3de5f69f35aab.jpg (965x1200, 151K)

this is a special snowflake meme